ビキシン 化学特性,用途語,生産方法
本品は、ベニノキ Bixa orellana の種子から得られる色素であり、次の化学式で表される。
C25H30O4(394.52).ビキシンは,カロテノイドの一つ.ベニノキBixa orellanaの種子や葉に含まれる.天然のものは,構造式中16位の*印を付した二重結合1個がシス形配置をとり,不安定型ビキシンともよばれる.
ベニノキの種子を水で処理して色素を含む部分を分離し,エタノールで抽出,アンモニウム塩を経て精製する.紫色の柱状結晶.融点198 ℃.λmax 523.5,489,457 nm(二硫化炭素).ピリジン,クロロホルム,酢酸に可溶.不安定型ビキシンをヨウ素で異性化すると,全トランス形のイソビキシン(紫赤色の板状結晶.融点216~217 ℃.λmax 526.5,491,457 nm(二硫化炭素))にかわる.アセトン,クロロホルムに可溶,水に不溶.酸化,還元には安定である.ビキシンは油脂や食品の着色に用いられる.森北出版「化学辞典(第2版)
紫色;不安定形:天然に植物中に存在;再結 酢酸エチル;λmax 523, 489, 457 nm (CS2)
Bixin [CAS: 6983-79-5] (CI Natural Orange 4; CI 75120) is found in the seed of the plant Bixa orellana, native to India. Later it was found growing in South America, where the Indians used the red dye from the seeds as a body paint. An extract of the seeds appears on the market as annatto. This extract is used in coloring butter, margarine, and cheese such as Leicester cheese. In Mexican and South American cuisine, it finds special use as a flavor and coloring matter. Annato is available as an aqueous solution, as an oleaginous dispersion, and a spray-dried powder.
orange,purple lustrous crystalline solid plates
Bixin (CI Natural Orange 4; CI 75120) is found in the seed of the plant Bixa orellana, native to India. Later it was found growing in South America, where the Indians used the red dye from the seeds as a body paint. An extract of the seeds appears on the market as annatto. This extract is used in coloring butter, margarine, and cheese such as Leicester cheese. In Mexican and South American cuisine, it finds special use as a flavor and coloring matter. Annato is available as an aqueous solution, as an oleaginous dispersion, and a spray-dried powder.
Bixin is a carotenoid that is the main coloring component of annatto.
it is obtained from the bixa orellana tree. bixin is soluble in fats and
oils and the produced color is found in the fat fraction of the food.
it has a yellow hue, very good oxidation stability, fair light stability,
and good heat stability, but it is poor at very high temperatures,
such as above 125°c. one part bixin is equivalent to 1.5 parts caro-
tene. it is used at 0.5–10 ppm in finished foods, such as margarine,
salad dressings, popcorn oil, and baked goods. it is also termed
annatto extract. see annatto.
ChEBI: A carotenoic acid that is the 6'-monomethyl ester of 9'-cis-6,6'-diapocarotene-6,6'-dioic acid.
Bixin is a methyl ester of a dibasic fatty acid. On treating with alkali, it is hydrolyzed to form water soluble norbixin. It is obtained in pure form from annatto seeds. Bixin is a carotenoid and estimated as yolk and skin pigmenter.
Crystallise bixin from Me2CO (violet prisms) [Pattenden et al. J Chem Soc (C) 235 1970]. [Beilstein 2 III 2020, 2 IV 2455, H 30 110.]
ビキシン 上流と下流の製品情報