
りん酸トリ-o-クレジル 化学構造式
りん酸トリ-o-クレジル;りん酸トリス-o-トリル;トリス(2-メチルフェノキシ)ホスフィンオキシド;りん酸トリ(o-トリル);りん酸トリ-o-トリル;りん酸トリス(2-メチルフェニル);りん酸トリ(2-メチルフェニル);りん酸トリス(o-メチルフェニル);りん酸トリス(o-トリル);トリオルトトリルりん酸;リン酸-o-トリクレジル;トリ-o-クレジルリン酸;リン酸oトリクレジル;トリ-2-トリル=ホスファート;りん酸トリ(オルト‐トリル);りん酸トリ‐O‐トリル;トリス(2-メチルフェニル) ホスファート;りん酸トリ(o-メチルフェニル);トリホス;りん酸トリ(o-クレシル)
Tri-o-cresyl Phosphate
TOCP;Tofk;TOTP;NCLC61041;Plastic X;phosflex179c;tri-o-cresyl;Phosflex 179C;Tri-2-cresyl p;triorthocresyl
MOL File:
MSDS File:

りん酸トリ-o-クレジル 物理性質

融点 :
-25 °C
沸点 :
410 °C
比重(密度) :
0.195 at 50 °C (Carré and Bertrans, 1998)
屈折率 :
闪点 :
225 °C
貯蔵温度 :
under inert gas (nitrogen or Argon) at 2-8°C
外見 :
Merck :
TLV-TWA skin 0.1 mg/m3 (ACGIH and OSHA); IDLH 40 mg/m3 (NIOSH).
CAS データベース:
78-30-8(CAS DataBase Reference)
Tri-o-cresyl phosphate (78-30-8)
  • リスクと安全性に関する声明
  • 危険有害性情報のコード(GHS)
主な危険性  N-T,N,T
Rフレーズ  51/53-39/23/24/25
Sフレーズ  61-45-28A-20/21-28
OEL TWA: 0.1 mg/m3 [skin]
RIDADR  3082
RTECS 番号 TD0350000
国連危険物分類  6.1(a)
容器等級  II
HSコード  29199000
有毒物質データの 78-30-8(Hazardous Substances Data)
毒性 Acute oral LD50 for rats 160 mg/kg (quoted, RTECS, 1985).
IDLA 40 mg/m3
消防法 危-4-4-III
化審法 (3)-2522, (3)-3363, (3)-2613 優先評価化学物質
安衛法 57,57-2
PRTR法 第一種指定化学物質
絵表示(GHS) GHS hazard pictogramsGHS hazard pictograms
コード 危険有害性情報 危険有害性クラス 区分 注意喚起語 シンボル P コード
H370 臓器の障害 特定標的臓器有害性、単回暴露 1 危険 GHS hazard pictograms P260, P264, P270, P307+P311, P321,P405, P501
H411 長期的影響により水生生物に毒性 水生環境有害性、慢性毒性 2
P260 粉じん/煙/ガス/ミスト/蒸気/スプレーを吸入しないこ と。
P264 取扱い後は皮膚をよく洗うこと。
P264 取扱い後は手や顔をよく洗うこと。
P270 この製品を使用する時に、飲食または喫煙をしないこ と。
P307+P311 暴露した場合:医師に連絡すること。
P321 特別な処置が必要である(このラベルの... を見よ)。
P405 施錠して保管すること。
P501 内容物/容器を...に廃棄すること。

りん酸トリ-o-クレジル 価格 もっと(4)

メーカー 製品番号 製品説明 CAS番号 包装 価格 更新時間 購入
東京化成工業 P1331 りん酸トリ-o-クレジル >97.0%(GC)
Tri-o-cresyl Phosphate >97.0%(GC)
78-30-8 5g ¥2800 2024-03-01 購入
東京化成工業 P1331 りん酸トリ-o-クレジル >97.0%(GC)
Tri-o-cresyl Phosphate >97.0%(GC)
78-30-8 25g ¥13400 2024-03-01 購入
関東化学株式会社(KANTO) 36646-2A りん酸トリ‐o‐トリル 96%
Tri‐o‐tolyl phosphate 96%
78-30-8 500g ¥157520 2024-07-01 購入
関東化学株式会社(KANTO) 36646-1A りん酸トリ‐o‐トリル 96%
Tri‐o‐tolyl phosphate 96%
78-30-8 100g ¥36850 2024-07-01 購入

りん酸トリ-o-クレジル 化学特性,用途語,生産方法






Tricresyl phosphates are available as the o-isomer (TOCP), the m-isomer (TMCP), and p-isomer (TPCP). The ortho-isomer is the most toxic of the three; the meta-and para-isomers are relatively inactive. The commercial product may contain the ortho-isomer as a contaminant unless special precautions are taken during manufacture. Pure tri-para-cresyl phosphate is a solid, and ortho-and meta-are liquids (see below). The tri-o-cresyl phosphate will be discussed here as the specific example of these compounds because it is the most toxic of the tricresyl phosphates and specifically regulated by OSHA. TOCP is a colorless to pale yellow, odorless liquid or solid (below 52/F/11℃).


Tri-o-cresyl phosphate is a colorless to pale yellow, odorless to faint aromatic-like liquid, and it is a solid below the 25.6 °C melting point. It is sparingly soluble in water, but is slightly soluble in ethanol and very soluble in ethyl ether (Budavari, 1996). The vapor pressure of TOCP is 0.00002mm Hg at room temperature, but is 10mm Hg at 265 °C (Bisesi, 1994). It decomposes slightly upon boiling (bp 410 °C) (Budavari, 1996).


Tri-o-cresyl phosphate is used widely as a gasoline additive, plasticizer, fire retardant, solvent, extreme pressure additive, intermediate in pharmaceutical manufacturing, water-proofing agent, heat exchange medium, and as a lead scavenger in gasoline.


Prepared from cresol and phosphorus oxychloride, phosphoric acid, or phosphorus pentachloride. The grades of cresol commonly used are the isomeric (o-, m-, /p-), and meta-para mixtures from coal tar and cresylic acid from petroleum. Purification of the product is based on the intended use; the commercial product is generally obtained as a mixture. A 'refined grade' of tricresyl phosphate is prepared by vacuum distillation, or alternatively by washing with 2% NaOH and water (Lowenheim and Moran 1975).


Toxic by ingestion and skin absorption. The oisomer is highly toxic. TLV: 0.1 mg/m3 (skin); not classifiable as a Human Carcinogen.


TOCP is a highly poisonous compound. Its toxicity is greater than that of the meta- or para-isomer. The toxic routes are inhalation, ingestion, and absorption through the skin; and the symptoms varied with the species and the route of admission.
Ingestion of 40–60 mL of the liquid can be fatal to humans. An oral dose of 6–7 mg/kg has produced serious paralysis in humans (Patty 1949). The toxic symptoms from oral intake can be gastrointestinal pain, diarrhea, weakness, muscle pain, kidney damage, and paralysis. The target organs are the gastrointestinal tract, kidney, central nervous system, and neuromuscular system.
LD50 value, oral (rabbits): 100 mg/kg
Somkuti et al. (1987) reported testicular toxicity of TOCP in adult leghorn roosters. Birds dosed with 100 mg/kg/day exhibited limb paralysis in 7–10 days. Such symptoms are characteristics of delayed neurotoxicity caused by organophosphorus compounds. Analysis at the termination of 18 days indicated a significant inhibition of neurotoxic esterase activity in both brain and testes, and a decrease in sperm motility and brain acetylcholinesterase activity.
TOCP caused adverse reproductive effects in mice, such as increased maternal mortality and a decreased number of viable litters. An LD50 value of 515 mg/kg/day is reported
(Environmental Health Research and Testing 1987)..


Noncumbustible solid; vapor pressure 0.02 torr at 150°C (302°F); fire retardant.


1. As additive to extreme pressure lubricants.
2. As a non-flammable fluid in hydraulic systems.
3. As plasticizer in lacquers and varnishes.
4. As plasticizer in vinyl plastics manufacture.
5. As flame retardant.
6. As lead scavenger in gasoline.
7. As solvent for nitrocellulose, in cellulosic molding compositions.


Poison by subcutaneous, intramuscular, intravenous, and intraperitoneal routes. Moderately toxic by ingestion. Most of the cases of tri-o-cresyl phosphate poisoning have followed its ingestion. In 1930, some 15,000 persons were affected in the United States, and of these, 10 died. The responsible material was found to be an alcoholic drink known as Jamaica ginger, or "jake." This beverage had been adulterated with about 2% of tri-o-cresyl phosphate. The affected persons developed a polyneuritis, which progressed, in many cases, with degeneration of the peripheral motor nerves, the anterior horn cells, and the pyramidal tracts. Sensory changes were absent. Since 1930 there have been several other outbreaks of poisoning following ingestion of the material. Tri-ocresyl phosphate is more toxic than the mform, and much more so than tri-p-cresyl phosphate or triphenyl phosphate. Experimental reproductive effects. flame. Can react with oxidizing materials. To fight fire, use CO2, dry chemical. When heated to decomposition it emits highly toxic fumes of POx. See also PHOSPHATES. Combustible when exposed to heat or


Tricresyl phosphate is used as an additive in hydraulic fluids; as a plasticizer; pigment dispersant; flame retardant; as a plasticizer for chlorinated rubber; vinyl plastics; polystyrene, polyacrylic, and polymethacrylic esters; as an adjuvant in milling of pigment pastes; as a solvent and as a binder in nitrocellulose and various natural resins, and as an additive to synthetic lubricants and gasoline. It is also used in the recovery of phenol in coke-oven wastewaters.


Biological. A commercial mixture containing tricresyl phosphates was completely degraded by indigenous microbes in Mississippi River water to carbon dioxide. After 4 wk, 82.1% of the theoretical carbon dioxide had evolved (Saeger et al., 1979).
Chemical/Physical. Tri-o-cresyl phosphate hydrolyzed rapidly in Lake Ontario water, presumably to di-o-cresyl phosphate (Howard and Doe, 1979). When an aqueous solution containing a mixture of isomers (0.1 mg/L) and chlorine (3 to 1,000 mg/L) was stirred in the dark at 20 °C for 24 h, the benzene ring was substituted with one to three chlorine atoms (Ishikawa and Baba, 1988).
Decomposes at temperatures greater than 424 °C (Dobry and Keller, 1957).


UN2574 Tricresyl phosphate with >3% ortho (o-) isomer, Hazard Class: 6.1; Labels: 6.1-Poisonous materials.


Incompatible with oxidizers (chlorates, nitrates, peroxides, permanganates, perchlorates, chlorine, bromine, fluorine, etc.); contact may cause fires or explosions. Keep away from alkaline materials, strong bases, strong acids, oxoacids, epoxides. Contact with magnesium may cause explosion. Organophosphates, such as tricresyl phosphate, are susceptible to formation of highly toxic and flammable phosphine gas in the presence of strong reducing agents such as hydrideds and active metals. Partial oxidation by oxidizing agents may result in the release of toxic phosphorus oxides.


TOCP is dissolved in a combustible solvent and burned in a chemical incinerator equipped with an afterburner and scrubber.

りん酸トリ-o-クレジル 上流と下流の製品情報



りん酸トリ-o-クレジル 生産企業

Global( 95)Suppliers
名前 電話番号 電子メール 国籍 製品カタログ 優位度
Hebei Mojin Biotechnology Co., Ltd
+86 13288715578 +8613288715578
sales@hbmojin.com China 12446 58
Jinan Carbotang Biotech Co.,Ltd.
figo.gao@foxmail.com China 7621 58
Hubei Jusheng Technology Co.,Ltd.
linda@hubeijusheng.com CHINA 28180 58
Hebei Guanlang Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
alice@crovellbio.com China 8821 58
Chongqing Chemdad Co., Ltd
+86-023-6139-8061 +86-86-13650506873
sales@chemdad.com China 39916 58
career henan chemical co
+86-0371-86658258 +8613203830695
factory@coreychem.com China 29824 58
Antai Fine Chemical Technology Co.,Limited
info@antaichem.com CHINA 9641 58
Zhengzhou Alfa Chemical Co.,Ltd
sale04@alfachem.cn China 13326 58
TargetMol Chemicals Inc.
+1-781-999-5354 +1-00000000000
marketing@targetmol.com United States 19892 58
Dayang Chem (Hangzhou) Co.,Ltd.
571-88938639 +8617705817739
info@dycnchem.com China 52861 58


  • 78-30-8
  • NCLC61041
  • o-Cresyl phosphate
  • o-cresylphosphate
  • o-Trikesylphosphate
  • o-trikresylphosphate
  • o-Trioyl phosphate
  • Phosflex 179C
  • phosflex179c
  • phosphatedetri-o-cresyle
  • Phosphoric acid, tri-2-methylphenyl ester
  • Phosphoric acid, tri-o-cresyl ether
  • Phosphoric acid, tris(2-methylphenyl) ester
  • phosphoricacid,tri(2-tolyl)ester
  • Phosphoricacid,tris(2-methylphenyl)ester
  • TriTri-o-tolyl phosphate
  • tricresyl phosphate tritolyl phosphate o-o-o, o-o-m, o-o-p, o-m-m, o-m-p, o-p-p
  • Phosphoric acid tris(o-tolyl) ester
  • Tri-o-tolyl phosphate,96%
  • Tri-o-tolyl phosphate,98%
  • Isopropylated Triaryl Phoshate
  • Tri-o-tolyl phosphate, 96% 100GR
  • Phosphoric Acid Tri-o-tolyl Ester Phosphoric Acid Tri-o-cresyl Ester Tri-o-tolyl Phosphate
  • Tri-2-cresyl p
  • tri-2-cresyl phosphate
  • りん酸トリ-o-クレジル
  • りん酸トリス-o-トリル
  • トリス(2-メチルフェノキシ)ホスフィンオキシド
  • りん酸トリ(o-トリル)
  • りん酸トリ-o-トリル
  • りん酸トリス(2-メチルフェニル)
  • りん酸トリ(2-メチルフェニル)
  • りん酸トリス(o-メチルフェニル)
  • りん酸トリス(o-トリル)
  • トリオルトトリルりん酸
  • リン酸-o-トリクレジル
  • トリ-o-クレジルリン酸
  • リン酸oトリクレジル
  • トリ-2-トリル=ホスファート
  • りん酸トリ(オルト‐トリル)
  • りん酸トリ‐O‐トリル
  • トリス(2-メチルフェニル) ホスファート
  • りん酸トリ(o-メチルフェニル)
  • トリホス
  • りん酸トリ(o-クレシル)
  • りん酸トリ-o-トルイル
  • 機能性材料
  • 可塑剤
  • りん酸エステル (可塑剤)
  • 協力剤
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