りん酸トリブチル 化学特性,用途語,生産方法
無色~ほとんど無色, 澄明の液体
水に難溶 (70ml/l).エタノール, アセトンに可溶。エタノールに溶け、水に極めて溶けにくい。
リン酸トリブチル略称TBP.ブタノールに塩化ホスホリルを反応させ,発生した塩化水素を完全に除去したのち,減圧蒸留すると得られる.無色,無臭の液体.融点-80 ℃,沸点289 ℃,177~178 ℃(3.6 kPa).d4200.9766.nD201.4215.水に難溶,有機溶媒に易溶.セルロイド,ラッカー,プラスチック,ビニル樹脂の可塑剤,金属の抽出溶媒,消泡剤として用いられる.金属ブトキシドに塩化ホスホリルを作用させてつくられる。金属の溶媒抽出,特にランタニド元素やアクチニド元素の抽出に使用される。また核燃料用ウランの精製に大量に利用されている。
On decomposition, TBP releases COx, toxic fumes of phosphoric acid, phosphorus oxides,
and/or phosphine. TBP is incompatible with strong oxidising agents and alkalis. The major
uses of TBP in industry are as a component of aircraft hydraulic fluid and as a solvent for
rare earth extraction and purification. Minor uses of TBP include use as a defoamer additive
in cement casings for oil wells, an anti-air entrainment additive for coatings and floor
finishes, as well as a carrier for fluorescent dyes. The major uses of TBP comprise over 80%
of the volume produced.
Stable, colorless liquid; odorless. Miscible
with most solvents and diluents; soluble in
water. Combustible.
Clear, colorless to pale yellow, odorless, slightly flammable, oily liquid
Tributyl phosphate is used as an antifoaming agent; plasticizer for cellulose esters, lacquers, plastic, and vinyl resins; component in hydraulic fluids for aircraft control systems.
Prepared by the reaction of phosphorus oxychloride with butyl alcohol.
ChEBI: A trialkyl phosphate that is the tributyl ester of phosphoric acid.
Tributyl phosphate is an organophosphorus compound, which is widely used as a flame retardant and plasticizer in a variety of industrial products.
Water insoluble. Reacts slowly with water under basic conditions.
Tributyl phosphate is incompatible with strong oxidizing agents and strong bases. Attacks some forms of plastics and rubber .
Tributyl phosphate is a neurotoxic compound and an irritant. The toxic effects are characteristic of organic phosphates. It inhibits cholinesterase activity and causes paralysis. Inaddition,itcancausedepressionofthecentralnervoussystem,aswellasirritationofthe skin,eyes,andrespiratorypassage.Inhalation toxicity data in the literature are inconsistent.
The oral toxicity in rats was low; the LD50 value was reported as 1189 mg/kg (NIOSH 1986).
The pure liquid instilled into rabbits’ eyes caused severe irritation but no permanent damage. The irritation effect on the skin is mild.
Tributyl phosphate exhibited teratogenic effects in rats. There is no report on its carcinogenicity..
Special Hazards of Combustion Products: Toxic fumes of PO x
1. As an antifoaming agent.
2. As a plasticizer for cellulose esters, lacquers, plastics, and vinyl resins.
3. As a complexing agent in the extraction of heavy metals, especially for the
extraction of metal ions from solutions of reactor products in nuclear fuel
4. As an aircraft hydraulic fluid.
5. As a heat exchange medium and dielectric.
6. As a pigment-grinding agent.
Poison by
intraperitoneal and intravenous routes.
Moderately toxic by ingestion, inhalation,
and subcutaneous routes. Experimental
reproductive effects. A skin, eye, and
mucous membrane irritant. Combustible
when exposed to heat or flame. To fight
fire, use CO2, dry chemical, fog, mist. When
heated to decomposition it emits toxic
fumes of POx.
TBP was not genotoxic in a variety of
in vivo and in vitro assays.7 It has been suggested
that the carcinogenic effects of TBP are
species- and organ specific. The necrotic
actions of TBP (or a metabolite) on rat urinary
bladder epithelium may induce chronic repair
processes that cause the normal epithelium to
be transformed into its metaplastic and neoplastic
TBP was not teratogenic when administered
to rats and rabbits during gestation;
fetotoxic effects (delayed ossification and reduced
fetal body weights) occurred in rats at
doses that caused severe maternal toxicity.
There was no evidence of reproductive toxicity
or reproductive organ pathology in twogeneration
studies in rats fed TBP in the diet.
Biological. Indigenous microbes in Mississippi River water degraded tributyl phosphate to
carbon dioxide. After 4 wk, 90.8% of the theoretical carbon dioxide had evolved (Saeger et al.,
Chemical/Physical. Complete hydrolysis yields 1-butanol and phosphoric acid via the
intermediates dibutyl phosphate and monobutyl phosphate (Thomas and Macaskie, 1996).
The main contaminants in commercial samples are organic pyrophosphates, monoand dibutyl phosphates and butanol. It is purified by washing successively with 0.2M HNO3 (three times), 0.2M NaOH (three times) and water (three times), then fractionally distilled under vacuum. [Yoshida J Inorg Nucl Chem 24 1257 1962.] It has also been purified via its uranyl nitrate addition compound, obtained by saturating the crude phosphate with uranyl nitrate. This compound is crystallised three times from n-hexane by cooling to -40o, and then decomposed by washing with Na2CO3 and water. Hexane is removed by steam distillation; the water is then evaporated under reduced pressure, and the residue is distilled under reduced pressure. [Siddall & Dukes J Am Chem Soc 81 790 1959.] Alternatively, wash it with water, then with 1% NaOH or 5% Na2CO3 for several hours, then finally with water. Dry it under reduced pressure and fractionate it carefully under vacuum. It is a stable colourless oil, sparingly soluble in H2O (1mL dissolves in 165mL of H2O), but freely miscible in organic solvents. [Kuivila & Masterton J Am Chem Soc 74 4953 1952, Cox & Westheimer J Am Chem Soc 80 5441 1958, 31P NMR: Van Wazer J Am Chem Soc 78 5715 1956, Fertig et al. J Chem Soc 1488 1957, Beilstein 1 IV 1531.]
Tributyl phosphate is dissolved in a combustible solvent and is burned in a chemical incinerator equipped with an afterburner and scrubber.
りん酸トリブチル 上流と下流の製品情報