
塩素 化学構造式
塩素;液化塩素;塩素分子;Cl2ガス;塩素ガス;カルキ [水道水などの残留塩素];素;二塩素;塩素水(有効塩素:0.3%以上);D-4929 STOCK 塩素 STANDARD;D-4929 WORKING LEVEL 塩素 STANDARD;塩素水
Cl2;CHLORINE TS;Chlor;Chloor;Chlore;dichlorine;Molecular chlorine;Cl2aa;CIRL2;Cloro
MOL File:
MSDS File:

塩素 物理性質

融点 :
−101 °C(lit.)
沸点 :
−34 °C(lit.)
比重(密度) :
2.48 (vs air)
4800 mm Hg ( 20 °C)
貯蔵温度 :
slightly soluble in H2O
外見 :
臭い (Odor):
1.8 (20°C, 6.4g/L)
臭気閾値(Odor Threshold):
電気抵抗率 (resistivity):
1E9 μΩ-cm, 20°C
水溶解度 :
Merck :
TLV-TWA 1 ppm (~3 mg/m3) (ACGIH and MSHA); ceiling 1 ppm (OSHA), 0.5 ppm/ 15 min (NIOSH); IDLH 30 ppm (NIOSH).
Dielectric constant:
-0.85 at 20℃
CAS データベース:
7782-50-5(CAS DataBase Reference)
Chlorine (7782-50-5)
  • リスクと安全性に関する声明
  • 危険有害性情報のコード(GHS)
主な危険性  T,N,O
Rフレーズ  23-36/37/38-50-8
Sフレーズ  9-45-61
RIDADR  UN 1017 2.3
OEL Ceiling: 0.5 ppm (1.45 mg/m3) [15-minute]
WGK Germany  2
RTECS 番号 FO2100000
DOT Classification 2.3, Hazard Zone B (Gas poisonous by inhalation)
国連危険物分類  2.3
有毒物質データの 7782-50-5(Hazardous Substances Data)
毒性 LC50 (1 hr) in rats, mice (ppm): 293, 137 (K. C. Back et al., Reclassification of Materials Listed as Transportation Health Hazards (TSA-20-72-3; PB 214-270, 1972) pp A-182-183)
IDLA 10 ppm
特定化学物質 特38-303
絵表示(GHS) GHS hazard pictogramsGHS hazard pictogramsGHS hazard pictogramsGHS hazard pictograms
注意喚起語 危険
コード 危険有害性情報 危険有害性クラス 区分 注意喚起語 シンボル P コード
H270 発火または火災助長のおそれ;酸化性物質 支燃性/酸化性ガス 1 危険 GHS hazard pictograms P220, P244, P370+P376, P403
H280 加圧ガス;熱すると爆発のおそれ 高圧ガス 高圧ガス
警告 GHS hazard pictograms P410+P403
H315 皮膚刺激 皮膚腐食性/刺激性 2 警告 GHS hazard pictograms P264, P280, P302+P352, P321,P332+P313, P362
H319 強い眼刺激 眼に対する重篤な損傷性/眼刺激 性 2A 警告 GHS hazard pictograms P264, P280, P305+P351+P338,P337+P313P
H330 吸入すると生命に危険 急性毒性、吸入 1, 2 危険 GHS hazard pictograms P260, P271, P284, P304+P340, P310,P320, P403+P233, P405, P501
H335 呼吸器への刺激のおそれ 特定標的臓器毒性、単回暴露; 気道刺激性 3 警告 GHS hazard pictograms
H410 長期的影響により水生生物に非常に強い毒性 水生環境有害性、慢性毒性 1 警告 GHS hazard pictograms P273, P391, P501
P273 環境への放出を避けること。
P302+P352 皮膚に付着した場合:多量の水と石鹸で洗うこと。
P305+P351+P338 眼に入った場合:水で数分間注意深く洗うこと。次にコ ンタクトレンズを着用していて容易に外せる場合は外す こと。その後も洗浄を続けること。
P403+P233 換気の良い場所で保管すること。容器を密閉 しておくこと。
P410+P403 日光から遮断し、換気の良い場所で保管するこ と。

塩素 化学特性,用途語,生産方法


塩素,元素記号 Cl ,原子番号 17,原子量 35.4527。天然に存在する安定同位体には塩素 35 (存在比 75.4%) ,37 (24.6%) の2種が存在する。 1774年 K.シェーレにより発見,1810年 H.デービーにより元素と認められた。周期表 17族に属するハロゲンの1つ。電子親和力が大きく,1価の陰イオンになりやすい。海水1l中には約 19gの塩化物イオン (食塩として約 30g) が含まれている。工業的にはアルカリ金属塩化物の水溶液あるいは溶融塩電解によって多量に生産される。実験室的には,二酸化マンガンに濃塩酸をそそいで簡単に得られる。単体は二原子分子 Cl2 で常温では黄緑色,刺激臭のある気体。有毒。空気中に 4ppm含まれると臭気を感じ,30ppmで激しく咳込む。-34.05℃または 5.7気圧,20℃で液化し,黄緑の液体となる。化学的には非常に活発で,希ガス,炭素以外の全元素と反応する。水素や金属粉末は塩素中で激しく燃焼し,特に水素との混合物に点火すると爆発するので,塩素爆鳴気といわれる。合成ゴム,プラスチック,殺虫剤,炭化水素の塩素化合物のほか非常に多数の化学薬品類の製造に使われる。また,酸化剤,漂白剤,飲料水の殺菌剤としても広く利用される。










Chlorine is a greenish-yellow, nonflammable gas with a distinctive, pungent odor. It is almost two and one-half times as heavy as air. The gas acts as a severe irritant if inhaled. Chlorine liquid has the color of clear amber and is about one and one-half times as heavy as water. It is shipped as a compressed liquefied gas having a vapor pressure of 86.767 psig at 70°F (598.26 kPa at 21.1°C). Chlorine is nonflammable in both gaseous and liquid states. However, like oxygen, it is capable of supporting the combustion of certain substances. Many organic chemicals react readily with chlorine, in some cases with explosive violence. Chlorine usually forms univalent compounds, but it can combine with a valence of 3, 4,5, or 7.
Chlorine is only slightly soluble in water. When it reacts with pure water, weak solutions of hydrochloric and hypochlorous acids are formed. Chlorine hydrate (Cl2·8H20) may crystallize below 49.3°F (9.61°C).




Chlorine is a greenish-yellow gas. Pungent, irritating odor. Shipped as a liquefied compressed gas. It is the commonest of the four halogens which are among the most chemically reactive of all the elements. It is not flammable; but it is a strong oxidizer, and contact with other materials may cause fire.


As a nonmetal, chlorine exists as a greenish-yellow gas that is corrosive and toxic at roomtemperatures. As a halogen, chlorine is not found in the elemental (atomic) state but formsdiatomic gas molecules (Cl2). As a very active negative ion with the oxidation state of -1,chlorine forms bonds with most metals found in groups I and II.
Chlorine is noncombustible but will support combustion. It is extremely electronegativeand a strong oxidizing agent. It is not as strong as fluorine, which is just above it in group 17,but is stronger than the other halogens.
As a gas, its specific gravity (density) is 3.214g/l or 0.003214g/cm3. As a liquid, it is aclear amber color with a density of 1.56g/cm3. Its melting point is –101.5°C, and its boilingpoint is –34.04°C.


There are a total of 25 isotopes of chlorine. Of these, only two are stable andcontribute to the natural abundance on Earth as follows: Cl-35 = 75.77% and Cl-37 =24.23%. All the other 23 isotopes are produced artificially, are radioactive, and have halflivesranging from 20 nanoseconds to 3.01×10+5 years.


From the Greek word khl?ros, meaning “greenish yellow.”


Chlorine is the 20th most abundant element on the Earth. It is not found as a free element(atoms) except as a diatomic gas escaping from very hot active volcanoes. It has been knownfor thousands of years as rock salt (halite). It is also found in sylvite and carnallite and as achloride in seawater. In nature, it is mostly found in dissolved salts in seawater and deposits insalt mines. Its best-known compound is sodium chloride (NaCl), which is common table salt.Chlorine is important for the chemical industry. Numerically, it is the 12th most producedchemical in the United States and ranks ninth in volume of chemicals produced in the UnitedStates.
Chlorine is produced commercially by the electrolysis of a liquid solution of sodium chloride(or seawater), through which process an electric current is passed though the solution(electrolyte).


Chlorine’s best-known characteristic is its smell. It can be detected when used as householdbleach or as an antiseptic in swimming pools. As an antiseptic, it is added to municipal drinkingwater supplies. Chlorine gas has a very pungent odor that is suffocating when inhaled. Ina more concentrated form, Cl2 was also a deadly poisonous gas used in combat during WorldWar I. Because it combines with so many other elements, particularly metals, chlorine is fundamentalto many industries, particularly the plastics industry.
Laboratory amounts of chlorine (Cl2) are produced by combining hydrochloric acid (HCl)with manganese dioxide (MnO2). The HCl provides the Cl-1 ion.


The largest quantities of chlorine are used in manufacturing chemicals. These include:
• Solvents such as trichloroethylene, I, I, I-trichloroethane, perchloroethylene, and methylene chloride
• Pesticides, herbicides, and other agricultural products
• Plastics, rubbers, and fibers such as polyvinyl chloride and neoprene
• Refrigerants and propellants such as the halocarbons and methyl chloride
Chlorine is also an ingredient in bleach or sodium hypochlorite solutions. In addition, chlorine is used in bleaching pulp, paper, and textiles; for drinking and swimming water purification; in the sanitation of industrial and sewage wastes; and for the purification ofaluminum.


chlorine: Symbol Cl. A halogen element;a.n. 17; r.a.m. 35.453; d. 3.214g dm–3; m.p. –100.98°C; b.p. –34.6°C.It is a poisonous greenish-yellowgas and occurs widely in nature assodium chloride in seawater and ashalite (NaCl), carnallite (KCl.MgCl2.6H2O), and sylvite (KCl). It is manufacturedby the electrolysis of brineand also obtained in the Downsprocess for making sodium. It hasmany applications, including thechlorination of drinking water,bleaching, and the manufacture of alarge number of organic chemicals.
It reacts directly with many elementsand compounds and is astrong oxidizing agent. Chlorinecompounds contain the element inthe 1, 3, 5, and 7 oxidation states. Itwas discovered by Karl Scheele in1774 and Humphry Davy confirmedit as an element in 1810.


Chlorine is principally produced by electrolysis of NaCl or KCl brine in either diaphragm, mercury, or membrane cathode cells. In these processes, gaseous chlorine is released at the anode and caustic is a by-product. Chlorine may also be produced by electrolysis of hydrochloric acid (HCl) [7647- 01-0], by oxidation of HCl in the presence of nitrogen oxide as a catalyst (Kel-Chlor process), or as a coproduct from metal production.









Water dissolves about twice its volume of Chlorine gas, forming a mixture of hydrochloric acid and hypochlorous acids. Will be corrosive due to acidity and oxidizing potential.


A series of chlorofluorohydrocarbons that are used as refrigerants are being phased out ofmanufacture and use, because of their possible deleterious effects on the ozone layer of theatmosphere. (See the entry on oxygen for more on the ozone layer.)
From time to time, railroad tank cars are involved in accidents that will leak liquid orgaseous chlorine that, when escaping into the air, forms toxic chlorine compounds. This isextremely dangerous, both as a fire hazard and for human health. When water is used to flushaway the escaping chlorine, it may end up as hydrochloric acid, which can be hazardous tothe water supply and to aquatic life.
Concentrated chlorine gas and many chlorine compounds will oxidize powdered metals,hydrogen, and numerous organic materials and release enough heat to generate fires or explosions.Chlorine is constantly evaporating from the oceans and drifting into the atmospherewhere it causes a natural depletion of the ozone.
Warning: One should never mix, or use together, chlorine cleaners, such as Clorox, withother cleaning substances containing ammonia. It is a deadly mixture.


Chlorine is a respiratory irritant. It causes irritation to the mucous membranes and the liquid burns the skin. The poisoning caused by chlorine depends on the amount of chlorine a person or an occupational worker is exposed to, and the length of exposure time. Prolonged exposures to high concentrations of chlorine cause poisoning with symptoms that include, but are not limited to, coughing, burning sensation in the nose, throat, and eyes, blurred vision, nausea, vomiting, pain, redness, and blisters on the skin, chest tightness, and pulmonary edema.


May ignite other combustible materials (wood, paper, oil, etc.). Mixture with fuels may cause explosion. Container may explode in heat of fire. Vapor explosion and poison hazard indoors, outdoors or in sewers. Hydrogen and Chlorine mixtures (5-95%) are exploded by almost any form of energy (heat, sunlight, sparks, etc.). May combine with water or steam to produce toxic and corrosive fumes of hydrochloric acid. Emits highly toxic fumes when heated. Avoid plastics and rubber. Avoid heat and contact with hydrogen gas or powdered metals.


Chlorine is noncombustible but is a strong oxidizer and will support combustion of most flammable substances.















At ordinary temperatures, dly chlorine, either liquid or gas, does not corrode steel. In the presence of moisture, however, highly corrosive conditions exist due to the formation of hydrochloric and hypochlorous acids. Thus precautions should be taken to keep chlorine and equipment free of moisture. Piping, valves, and containers should be closed or capped when not in use to keep atmospheric moisture out ofthe system.


Environmental danger. Chlorine is a toxic gas with corrosive properties. Gaseous chlorine is widely used as a bleaching agent in the paper, pulp, and textile industries for bleaching cellulose for artificial fibers. It is used in the manufacture of chlorinated lime; inorganic and organic compounds, such as metallic chlorides; chlorinated solvents; refrigerants, pesticides; and polymers, e.g., synthetic rubber and plastics; it is used as a disinfectant, particularly for water and refuse; and in detinning and dezincing iron. CL has been used as a warfare choking/pulmonary agent. Note: The lowest level at which humans can detect chlorine through smell and become alert to its irritant properties generally provides sufficient warning of exposure. However, chronic exposure to chlorine causes olfactory fatigue and tolerance to its irritant effects. Those with a history of prolonged exposure to chlorine, may eventually lose their ability to identify incidents of exposure.



一般的に塩素と呼ぶ場合には、塩素の単体である塩素分子 (Cl2) を指すことが多いです。塩素原子は、NaClやMgCl2のような金属の塩として主に存在しています。自然界だけでも1,500種類以上の塩素化合物があります。



In the chronic inhalation bioassay with rats and mice exposed to 0, 0.4, 1.0, or 2.5 ppm chlorine for 2 years, described above, incidence of neoplasia in the nasal passages was not increased by exposure, even though there were exposure-dependent lesions in the nasal tissues (199). Chlorine has not been identified as a carcinogen (IARC 1999).


All work with chlorine should be conducted in a fume hood to prevent exposure by inhalation, and splash goggles and impermeable gloves should be worn at all times to prevent eye and skin contact. Cylinders of chlorine should be stored in locations appropriate for compressed gas storage and separated from incompatible compounds such as hydrogen, acetylene, ammonia, and flammable materials.


UN1017 Chlorine, Hazard Class: 2.3; Labels: 2.3-Poisonous gas, 5.1-Oxidizer, 8-Corrosive material, Inhalation Hazard Zone B. Cylinders must be transported in a secure upright position, in a well-ventilated truck. Protect cylinder and labels from physical damage. The owner of the compressed gas cylinder is the only entity allowed by federal law (49CFR) to transport and refill them. It is a violation of transportation regulations to refill compressed gas cylinders without the express written permission of the owner. Military driver shall be given full and complete information regarding shipment and conditions in case of emergency. AR 50-6 deals specifically with the shipment of chemical agents. Shipments of agent will be escorted in accordance with AR 740-32.




Pass the gas in succession through aqueous KMnO4, dilute H2SO4, conc H2SO4, and a drying tower containing Mg(ClO4)2. Or bubble it through water, dry it over P2O5 and distil it from bulb to bulb in a vacuum line. One volume of water dissolves 4.6 volumes of Cl2 at 0o, 2.15 volumes at 20o, 1.22 volumes at 50o and 0.39 volumes at 90o. [Schmeisser in Handbook of Preparative Inorganic Chemistry (Ed. Brauer) Academic Press Vol I p 272 1963.] HIGHLY TOXIC.


A powerful oxidizer. Reacts explosively or forms explosive compounds with many organic compounds and common substances, such as acetylene, ether, turpentine, ammonia, fuel gas, hydrogen, and finely divided metals. Keep away from combustible substances and reducing agents. Corrosive to some plastic, rubber, and coating materials. Reacts with water to form hypochlorous acid. Corrosive to many metals in presence of water.


Return refillable compressed gas cylinders to supplier. Introduce into large volume and solution of reducing agent (bisulfite, ferrous salts, or hypo), neutralize and flush to sewer with water. Recovery is an option to disposal for chlorine in the case of gases from aluminum chloride electrolysis and chlorine in waste waters. See also “Spill Handling.” Nonrefillable cylindersshould be disposed of in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations. Allow remaining gas to vent slowly into atmosphere in an unconfined area or exhaust hood. Refillable-type cylinders should be returned to original supplier with any valve caps and outlet plugs secured and valve protection caps in place.

塩素 上流と下流の製品情報



スルホニルジフルオリド 2-アミノ-3,5-ジクロロ-4-メチルピリジン 4,4'-チオビス(6-tert-ブチル-m-クレゾール) 3-クロロピバロイルクロリド 2,2-ビス(p-クロロフェニル)-1,1,1,2-テトラクロロエタン アセトイン N,N'-ジニトロソペンタメチレンテトラミン BIS(A,2-DICHLORO-BENZAL)HYDRAZINE (1S,6α)-3,7,7-トリメチルビシクロ[4.1.0]ヘプタ-3-エン ジホスホリルクロリド N-メチル-4-[4-[[(3R)-3-(ヒドロキシカルバモイル)-8-アザスピロ[4.5]デカン-3-イル]スルホニル]フェノキシ]ベンズアミド 5クロロ2メチル4イソチアゾリン3オン o-methoxycarbonyl benzyl sulfonyl chloride 塩素化ゴム アミノ水銀(II)クロリド ピラントロン ペンタクロロピリジン 2,6-ジクロロベンゾオキサゾール 3-クロロベンゾトリフルオリド トロクロセン テトラクロロテレフタル酸 1,2,2,3-テトラクロロプロパン 2-アミノ-5-クロロ-3-メチルピリジン 3,6-ジクロロピリジン-2-カルボン酸 ペルクロロメチルメルカプタン オクタクロロシクロペンテン 4-アミノメチルベンゼンスルホンアミド 4'-ヒドロキシ-3'-メチルアセトフェノン 4-フルオロベンゾイルクロリド 7-[4-(4-アミノ-6-クロロ-1,3,5-トリアジン-2-イルアミノ)-2-(アセチルアミノ)フェニルアゾ]ナフタレン-1,5-ビススルホン酸 2-クロロプロパン二酸ジメチル ジエチルカルバミン酸 クロリド 1,1-ジクロロエテン リン酸トリクレシル ニトロフェン Isobutenyl sulfide 4,4'-アゾビス(4-シアノ吉草酸) 2-アセチル-3-メチルピラジン 2-クロロベンゾチアゾール diammonium tetrachloromercurate

塩素  スペクトルデータ(ESR)


  • 7782-50-5
  • CIRL2
  • Cl2aa
  • Chlorine in Water
  • Dimethyl Sulfide-Chlorine
  • Chlorine molecule
  • Liquefied chlorine
  • Chlorine
  • Chebi:29310
  • chlorine cyl. with 20 L (net ~25 kg)
  • chlorine cyl. with 5 L (net ~6 kg)
  • CHLORINE, 99.5+%
  • Chlor8
  • Chlorine, Quant Test Strips
  • Bertholite
  • bertholite/warfaregas/
  • caswellno179
  • chlore(french)
  • Chlorine mol.
  • chlorine,diatomic
  • chlorine,highpurity
  • chlorine0
  • chlorinecyl.with2l(net~2kg)
  • chlorinemol
  • chlorinemol.
  • Cloro
  • cloro(italian&spanish)
  • 塩素
  • 液化塩素
  • 塩素分子
  • Cl2ガス
  • 塩素ガス
  • カルキ [水道水などの残留塩素]
  • 二塩素
  • 塩素水(有効塩素:0.3%以上)
  • D-4929 STOCK 塩素 STANDARD
  • 塩素水
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