リン化ガリウム 化学特性,用途語,生産方法
GaP(100.70).ガリウムリンともいう.Gaとリンとを,真空中または不活性気体中で100 ℃ 以上に加熱するか,Ga2O3にH2とリンの混合蒸気を高温で反応させるか,GaPO4を約900 ℃ で H2 かCOで還元すると得られる.純粋なこはく色の立方晶系結晶.Gaが共存する普通のものは黄緑~黄褐色.せん亜鉛鉱型構造.密度4.13 g cm-3.融点1465 ℃.比誘電率8.4.Ⅲ-Ⅴ半導体で,間接遷移型.バンドギャップ2.25 eV(300 K).水に不溶,室温で無機酸やアルカリ水溶液に徐々に溶ける.空気中でNaOH水溶液と加熱すると,分解してホスフィンを発生する.半導体材(緑色ダイオードなど)に用いられる.[CAS 12063-98-8]
化学記号は GaPで,橙色透明な結晶。リン化ガリウムは,間接遷移型であるが,不純物の導入により効率のよい赤色 (亜鉛と酸素を導入) と緑色 (窒素を導入) の発光ダイオード用材料として広く用いられている。ガリウム・リンとも呼ばれる。
Pale-orange, transparent crystals or
whiskers up to 2 cmlong, made by vapor phase reaction
at relatively low temperatures between phosphorus
and gallium suboxide. These crystals are
intermediate between normal semiconductors and
insulators or phosphors. They operate over a temperature
range of ?55 to 500C. Gallium phosphide
is electroluminescent in visible light.
Pale orange to yellow transparent cubic crystals or long whiskers; density 4.138 g/cm
3; melts at 1,477°C; dielectric constant 8.4; electroluminescent in visible light.
The transmittance rises steeply at λ: 0.55 mm to reach about 20% until λ: 1 mm and decreases for
the longer wavelength until it is opaque at λ: 3 mm.
This crystal has a spectral feature where the reflectance takes high values in its entire range, and
almost 100% especially at the peak value of λ: 26.56 mm.
Gallium phosphide (GaP) is used in semiconductor devices, and in the manufacture of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) doped with other elements or in combination with gallium arsenide phosphide. With appropriate dopants, p-type and n-type semiconductors can be produced. It is used in optical systems.
The compound is prepared by vapor phase reaction of gallium suboxide, Ga2O and phosphorus. It is produced in polycrystalline form or as single crystals or whiskers in high purity grade for use in semiconducting devices.
Structure and conformation
The space lattice of gallium phosphide (GaP) belongs to the cubic system, and its zinc-blende-type
structure has a lattice constant of a=0.544 nm and GaP=0.236 nm.
リン化ガリウム 上流と下流の製品情報