트레모라이트, 석면

트레모라이트, 석면
트레모라이트, 석면 구조식 이미지
카스 번호:
트레모라이트, 석면
트레모라이트,석면;트레모라이트석면;트레몰라이트, 석면;석면, 투각섬석;투각섬석 (비석면류);투각섬석 석면;트레몰라이트석면;트레몰라이트-악티놀라이트
Nci-C08991;Fibrous tremolite;Asbestos tremolite fibers/cc or ml
포뮬러 무게:
MOL 파일:
Mol file

트레모라이트, 석면 속성

CAS 데이터베이스
Tremolite asbestos (77536-68-6)


유엔번호(UN No.) 2590
OEL TWA: 0.1 F/cm3
위험 등급 9
포장분류 III
유해화학물질 필터링 06-4-27
함량 및 규제정보 물질구분: 금지물질; 혼합물(제품)함량정보: 청석면 및 이를 1% 이상 함유한 혼합물

트레모라이트, 석면 C화학적 특성, 용도, 생산

화학적 성질

White or greenish (chrysotile), Blue (crocidolite), or gray-green (amosite) fibrous, odorless solids; freezing/ melting point5600 C (Decomposes). Hazard identification (based on NFPA-704 M Rating System): Health 2; flammability 0; reactivity 0. Insoluble in water. Asbestos is a generic term that applies to a number of naturally occurring, hydrated mineral silicates incombustible in air and separable into filaments. The most widely used in industry in the United States is chrysotile, a fibrous form of serpentine. Other types include amosite, crocidolite, tremolite, anthophyllite, and actinolite.

Safety Profile

Confirmed human carcinogen with experimental tumorigenic and neoplastigenic data.

잠재적 노출

Most asbestos is used in the construction industry. Much of it is firmly bonded, i.e., the asbestos is “locked in” in such products as floor tiles, asbestos cements, and roofing felts, and shingles; while the remaining 8% is friable or in powder forms present in insulation materials, asbestos cement powders, and acoustical products. As expected, these latter materials generate more airborne fibers than the firmly bonded products. The asbestos used in nonconstruction industries is utilized in such products as textiles; friction material including brake linings and clutch facings; paper, paints, plastics, roof coatings; floor tiles, and miscellaneous other products. Significant quantities of asbestos fibers appear in rivers and streams draining from areas where asbestos-rock outcroppings are found. Some of these outcroppings are being mined. Asbestos fibers have been found in a number of drinking water supplies, but the health implications of ingesting asbestos are not fully documented. Emissions of asbestos fibers into water and air are known to result from mining and processing of some minerals. Exposure to asbestos fibers may occur throughout urban environments perhaps resulting from asbestos from brake linings and the flaking of sprayed asbestos insulation material. In recent years, much effort has been put into removal of asbestos insulation, particularly from schools and other public buildings where worn or exposed asbestos causes public exposure. Incompatibilities: None

운송 방법

UN2212 Blue asbestos (Crocidolite) or Brown asbestos (amosite, mysorite), Hazard class: 9; Labels: 9-Miscellaneous hazardous material. UN2590 White asbestos (chrysotile, actinolite, anthophyllite, tremolite), Hazard class: 9; Labels: 9-Miscellaneous hazardous material.

폐기물 처리

Asbestos may be recovered from waste asbestos slurries as an alternative to disposal. Landfilling is an option for disposal if carefully controlled.

트레모라이트, 석면 준비 용품 및 원자재


준비 용품

트레모라이트, 석면 공급 업체

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