(2β,5α,12β,19α)-1-Demethyl-6β,7β-epoxyvallesamidine 속성
- 녹는점
- 132°C
(2β,5α,12β,19α)-1-Demethyl-6β,7β-epoxyvallesamidine C화학적 특성, 용도, 생산
One of two alkaloids isolated from the leaves of Craspidospermum verticilliatum var. petiotare, this base also occurs in the leaves of Crioceras diptadeniij1oris. It yields colourless needles when crystallized from hexane and is laevorotatory with a specific rotation of [α]20D- 42° (c 1.0, CHC13). The ultraviolet spectrum in EtOH consists of two absorption maxima at 248 and 299 nm. The base has been characterized as the N-methyl derivative with m.p. 138°C and [α]20D + 60.5° (c 0.9, CHC13). The structure given has been established from chemical degradations and spectroscopic investigations.참고 문헌
Bruneton, Bouquet, Cave, Phytochem., 13, 1963 (1974)Kan-Fan et at., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. (12 part 2), 2839 (1974)
(2β,5α,12β,19α)-1-Demethyl-6β,7β-epoxyvallesamidine 준비 용품 및 원자재
준비 용품
(2β,5α,12β,19α)-1-Demethyl-6β,7β-epoxyvallesamidine 공급 업체
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