lauroyl-lipid IVA C화학적 특성, 용도, 생산
화학적 성질
Herbaceous plant growing 15 to 20 cm (6 to 8 in.) high, with alternate leaves, white flowers and oblong achenes. The
plant blooms between July and August. Iva is often harvested and mistaken for other Achillea species. These species are similarly
aromatic and sometimes offered commercially under the name genepi, a term that should be reserved only for Artemisia glacialis L.
The parts used are the leaves and the flowering tops. Iva has a bitter, tonic taste and aromatic odor. There is little known about the
essential oil; it is obtained by steam distillation of the flowers. The odor of the oil is warm and herb-like, resembling hops and tansy
Some constituents include borneol, cineol and ivain. The major flavonoid constituents found in exudates were
6-hydroxyflavonol 3,6,4?-trimethyl ethers.
lauroyl-lipid IVA 준비 용품 및 원자재
준비 용품