
Dubnium 구조식 이미지
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Dubnium 속성


Dubnium C화학적 특성, 용도, 생산

물리적 성질

Dubnium’s (Unp) most stable isotope, Db-268, is unstable with a half-life of 16 hours. Itcan change into lawrencium-254 by alpha decay or into rutherfordium-268 by electron capture.Both of these reactions occur through a series of decay processes and spontaneous fission(SF). Since so few atoms of unnilpentium (dubnium) are produced, and they have such a shorthalf-life, its melting point, boiling point, and density cannot be determined. In addition, itsvalence and oxidation state are also unknown.


There are a total of 15 isotopes of unnilpentium (dubnium). Their half-livesrange from 0.76 seconds (for Db-257) to 16 hours (for Db-268). All of them decay byspontaneous fission and alpha decay.

Origin of Name

Unnilquadium follows the transitional naming system of IUPAC but originally was named “hahnium” by the Berkeley group in honor of Otto Hahn, who discovered nuclear fission. The American Chemical Society endorsed the name “hahnium” for element 105, but as the Berkeley group continued its work and more isotopes of 105Unp were formed, the IUPAC changed the name “hahnium” to “dubnium” after the city Dubna, Russia, where the first isotopes of unnilpentium were formed.


There are no uses for unnilpentium (dubnium) except for research purposes.


dubnium: Symbol Db. A radioactivetransactinide element; a.n. 105. Itwas first reported in 1967 by a groupat Dubna near Moscow and wasconfirmed in 1970 at Dubna and atBerkeley, California. It can be madeby bombarding californium–249 nucleiwith nitrogen–15 nuclei. Only afew atoms have ever been made.


The hazards of dubnium are similar to all radioactive heavy metals of the transactinideseries, but there is no threat to the public given that such a small amount of the element isproduced and exists.

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