ANTI-AFABP 구조식 이미지
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ANTI-AFABP C화학적 특성, 용도, 생산


All Prestige Antibodies Powered by Atlas Antibodies are developed and validated by the Human Protein Atlas (HPA) project ( as a result, are supported by the most extensive characterization in the industry.

The Human Protein Atlas project can be subdivided into three efforts: Human Tissue Atlas, Cancer Atlas, and Human Cell Atlas. The antibodies that have been generated in support of the Tissue and Cancer Atlas projects have been tested by immunohistochemistry against hundreds of normal and disease tissues and through the recent efforts of the Human Cell Atlas project, many have been characterized by immunofluorescence to map the human proteome not only at the tissue level but now at the subcellular level. These images and the collection of this vast data set can be viewed on the Human Protein Atlas (HPA) site by clicking on the Image Gallery link. To view these protocols and other useful information about Prestige Antibodies and the HPA, visit .

일반 설명

FABP4 (fatty acid binding protein 4) is an adipogenic protein involved in the lipolysis and lipogenesis. It belongs to the family of a multigene intracellular lipid-binding protein. It possesses the consensus substrate phosphorylation sequence for tyrosyl kinases. The monomeric polypeptide is composed of ten antiparallel β-strands arranged in a barrel structure, along with an internal ligand-binding cavity. The cavity can bind to the medium-chain, and long-chain fatty acids and other amphiphilic molecules. Clinically, it is involved in different lipid and energy metabolism related disease such as atherosclerosis, insulin resistance and cancer.

Biochem/physiol Actions

TFAP2A (transcription factor AP-2-α) is involved in development, apoptosis and cell cycling, and oncogenesis. It is upregulated in presence of Hepatitis B virus X and is responsible for hepatoma cell growth. Changes in the expression of this gene are linked with various cancers, such as melanoma, prostate, breast, ovarian, gastric, colon and bladder cancers. TFAP2A controls expression of genes associated with proliferation (c-MYC), cell cycle (HER-2 (receptor tyrosine-protein kinase) and p21WAF1 (cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1)), cell death (c-KIT (tyrosine-protein kinase), Bcl-2 (B-cell lymphoma 2), and FAS (tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member)), cell attachment (MUC18 (melanoma-associated antigen) and E-cadherin), and tumor invasion/angiogenesis (MMP-9 (matrix metalloproteinase), PAI-I (plasminogen activator inhibitor), and PAR-1 (protease-activated receptor)). Mutations in this gene are associated with branchio-oculo-facial syndrome.

ANTI-AFABP 준비 용품 및 원자재


준비 용품


글로벌( 25)공급 업체
공급자 전화 이메일 국가 제품 수 이점
Sigma-Aldrich 021-61415566 800-8193336 China 51471 80

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