Shaanxi Bosen Medical Technology Co.,Ltd

Shaanxi Bosen Medical Technology Co.,Ltd

Main products: 2,4,5—Trifluorophenylacetic acid,2,3-Pyrazinedicarboxylic acid,2,3-pyrazinedicarboxylic anhydride,3-(Trifluoromethy1)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-[1,2,4]triazo...

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Contact information

Shaanxi Bosen Medical Technology Co.,Ltd
Country: China
Mobile: 15591899801
Skype: Chat Now!
Address: 7B336, 7th Floor, Galaxy Science and Technology Building, No. 25 Tangyan Road, High-tech Zone, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province

Enterprise Basic Information

Enterprise Certification

Enterprise Certification

Business License Of EnterpriseLegal Person
Type of Enterprise: research and development;sales
Legal Representative: chenxuan
Registered Capital: 100¥
Founded Date: 2021-08-21
Registered Address: 7B336, 7th Floor, Galaxy Science and Technology Building, No. 25 Tangyan Road, High-tech Zone, Xi'a
Term of Validity: Long-term
Business Scope: Research,development and sales of biological chemical products
Staff number: 1-10 People
Number of R & D department: 1-5
Annual turnover: RMB Below RMB 1 million
Main consumer market: Pharmaceutical factory 
Main marketing location: China  Germany  United States  Japan  India 
Main product or service: 2,4,5—Trifluorophenylacetic acid ;2,3-Pyrazinedicarboxylic acid;2,3-pyrazinedicarboxylic anhydride;3-(Trifluoromethy1)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-[1,2,4]triazolo[4,3-a]pyrazine hydrochloride

Trade Company

Marketing : Shannxi Bosen Medical Technology Co.,Ltd
Address: 7B336, 7th Floor, Galaxy Science and Technology Building, No. 25 Tangyan Road, High-tech Zone, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province
Area: 136㎡
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Certificate of accreditation:
Brief description : Description of production equipment: The 4 production workshops are equipped with 112 sets of 500, 2000, 3000, 50001000 liter reactors, 8 centrifuges, 6 ovens and supporting power. Production area: 80000 square meters. Quality inspection equipment: Superconducting nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, gas chromatograph, liquid chromatograph, atomic absorption instrument, moisture titrator, liquid particle analyzer, etc.
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