Bio- und Chemieingenieurwesen

Das Bio- und Chemieingenieurwesen ist ein multidisziplinäres Forschungsgebiet was die Bereiche Biologie, Chemie und Ingenieurwesen einschließt. Bereits seit Jahrtausenden gibt es biotechnische Anwendungen, wie z.B. die Herstellung von Bier und Wein. Im Lauf der Zeit haben sich biotechnische Anwendungen weit verbreitet. Die Anwendungsgebiete umfassen den Einsatz in der Landwirtschaft und Pflanzenbiotechnologie, der Medizin und Pharmazeutik, der medizinischen Biotechnologie, der industriellen Biotechnologie, der Abfallwirtschaft, der technischen bzw. der Umwelt-Biotechnologie und in der biotechnologischen Nutzung von Meeresressouren. Weil die Anwendung der Biotechnologie auf dem guten Verständnis der Funktionswesen von Organismen basiert, kann das Verständnis im Bio- und Chemieingenieurwesen immer weiter ausgebaut werden und es können vielerlei Anwendungen umgesetzt werden. Bestimmte chemische Verbindungen, z. B. für pharmazeutische Zwecke oder als Grundstoff der chemischen Industrie, können erzeugt werden. Pflanzen können für bestimmte Umweltbedingungen oder für ihren Nutzungszweck optimiert werden. Bisherige Anwendungen können durch vorteilhaftere biotechnische Verfahren ersetzt werden, wie z. B. umweltbelastende chemische Herstellungsverfahren in der Industrie. Es wird daher erwartet, dass sich das Wachstum der Biotechnologie-Branche in Zukunft fortsetzen wird.

Click on the specific product, view the latest information of the products, serving information
Structure Chemical Name CAS MF
YC-2063 DMEM /F12 (with HEPES, without phenol red) YC-2063 DMEM /F12 (with HEPES, without phenol red)
10X D-HANKS, without calcium and magnesium, without phenol red (HBSS) 10X D-HANKS, without calcium and magnesium, without phenol red (HBSS)
Matrigel Basement Membrane Matrix, Phenol Red-Free Matrigel Basement Membrane Matrix, Phenol Red-Free
HANKS'(1*HBSS) balanced salt solution, containing phenol red HANKS'(1*HBSS) balanced salt solution, containing phenol red
OPTI MEM I (phenol red free) OPTI MEM I (phenol red free)
EARLE'S balanced salt solution (1 × EBSS, no calcium magnesium phenol red) EARLE'S balanced salt solution (1 × EBSS, no calcium magnesium phenol red)
0.25% pancreatin does not contain phenol red, contains 2.5G/L pancreatin (1:250) dissolved in HBSS solution, and does not contain calcium or magnesium. 0.25% pancreatin does not contain phenol red, contains 2.5G/L pancreatin (1:250) dissolved in HBSS solution, and does not contain calcium or magnesium.
Rhodococcus phenolicus Rhodococcus phenolicus
DMEM sugar-free (without phenol red, containing double antibody) DMEM sugar-free (without phenol red, containing double antibody)
EARLE'S balanced salt solution (1 × EBSS, calcium magnesium phenol red) EARLE'S balanced salt solution (1 × EBSS, calcium magnesium phenol red)
D-HANKS' balanced salt solution with phenol red D-HANKS' balanced salt solution with phenol red
DMEM /F12 (without phenol red, with double antibody) DMEM /F12 (without phenol red, with double antibody)
D-HANKS' balanced salt solution, no phenol red D-HANKS' balanced salt solution, no phenol red
DMEM sugar-free (without phenol red) DMEM sugar-free (without phenol red)
Trypsin-EDTA solution,0.25% (without phenol red) Trypsin-EDTA solution,0.25% (without phenol red)
HANKS buffer (with phenol red) HANKS buffer (with phenol red)
HBSS(Hank's Balanced Salt Solution) HBSS(Hank's Balanced Salt Solution)
Cell Meter Caspase 3/7 Activity Assay Kit Cell Meter Caspase 3/7 Activity Assay Kit
ADP/ATP Ratio Assay Kit
	ADP/ATP Ratio Assay Kit
AEC Peroxidase Substrate Kit,20× AEC Peroxidase Substrate Kit,20×
Amplite Fluorimetric HDAC Activity Assay Kit *Green Fluorescence* Amplite Fluorimetric HDAC Activity Assay Kit *Green Fluorescence*
BCA protein concentration determination kit BCA protein concentration determination kit
ATP content detection kit micro method ATP content detection kit micro method
2-NBDG Glucose Uptake Assay Kit (Cell-Based) 2-NBDG Glucose Uptake Assay Kit (Cell-Based)
2XLAMP MAGICMIX (original universal LAMP kit), with tracer dye 2XLAMP MAGICMIX (original universal LAMP kit), with tracer dye
8-Isoprostane EIA Kit 8-Isoprostane EIA Kit
AO/EB Staining Kit AO/EB Staining Kit
BC0040 Soil Nitrate Nitrogen Detection Kit BC0040 Soil Nitrate Nitrogen Detection Kit
8-iso-PGF2alpha ELISA Kit 8-iso-PGF2alpha ELISA Kit
3′-RACE Kit 3′-RACE Kit
ATPase detection kit (NA+K+ATPase, CA++MG++ATPase,) ATPase detection kit (NA+K+ATPase, CA++MG++ATPase,)
Annexin V-PE/7-AAD Apoptosis Detection Kit Annexin V-PE/7-AAD Apoptosis Detection Kit
Annexin V-kFlour555 Apoptosis Detection Kit Annexin V-kFlour555 Apoptosis Detection Kit
Annexin V-Alexa Fluor 488/PI Apoptosis Detection Kit Annexin V-Alexa Fluor 488/PI Apoptosis Detection Kit
Amplite Glucose Quantitation Kit Amplite Glucose Quantitation Kit
EpiQuik 8-OHdG DNA Damage Quantification Direct Kit EpiQuik 8-OHdG DNA Damage Quantification Direct Kit
EpiQuik 8-OHdG DNA Damage Quantification Direct Kit(Colorimetric)(48 assays) EpiQuik 8-OHdG DNA Damage Quantification Direct Kit(Colorimetric)(48 assays)
20S Proteasome Assay Kit 20S Proteasome Assay Kit
Amplite Colorimetric Calcium Quantitation Kit  *Blue Color* Amplite Colorimetric Calcium Quantitation Kit *Blue Color*
Amplite Universal Fluorimetric MMP Activity Assay Kit *Green Fluorescence* Amplite Universal Fluorimetric MMP Activity Assay Kit *Green Fluorescence*
Annexin V-FITC/PI Annexin V-FITC/PI
Amplite Calcium Quantitation Kit .Red Fluorescence. Amplite Calcium Quantitation Kit .Red Fluorescence.
AO/EB Double Staining Kit AO/EB Double Staining Kit
Annexin V-keyFlour594 Apoptosis Detection Kit Annexin V-keyFlour594 Apoptosis Detection Kit
ALT Assay Kit (Fluorometric) ALT Assay Kit (Fluorometric)
IPHASE Bacterial reverse mutation test kit IPHASE Bacterial reverse mutation test kit
Aposcreen Annexin V Apoptosis Kit-PE Aposcreen Annexin V Apoptosis Kit-PE
BCIP/NBT Chromogen Kit BCIP/NBT Chromogen Kit
20-Hydroxyecdysone EIA Kit 20-Hydroxyecdysone EIA Kit
Bradford Protein Assay Kit Bradford Protein Assay Kit
Alamar Blue Kit Alamar Blue Kit
7-AAD staining kit 7-AAD staining kit
2019-NCOV Coronavirus N Gene LAMP Kit 2019-NCOV Coronavirus N Gene LAMP Kit
Cell proliferation and toxicity detection kit Cell proliferation and toxicity detection kit
Annexin V-FITC Apoptosis Detection Kit Annexin V-FITC Apoptosis Detection Kit
7-AAD Staining Kit 7-AAD Staining Kit
Acridine Orange(AO)/EB Double Stain Kit Acridine Orange(AO)/EB Double Stain Kit
8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) ELISA Kit 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) ELISA Kit
AB fluorescent pink staining method mucopolysaccharide staining kit AB fluorescent pink staining method mucopolysaccharide staining kit
Amplite Cholesterol Quantitation Kit Amplite Cholesterol Quantitation Kit
2×Probe qPCR Mix 2×Probe qPCR Mix
Abalone Herpes-like Virus(AbHV) Abalone Herpes-like Virus(AbHV)
Annexin V-keyFlour488 Apoptosis/PI Detection Kit Annexin V-keyFlour488 Apoptosis/PI Detection Kit
Ⅰ metabolic stability research kit Ⅰ metabolic stability research kit
Artn (Mouse) ELISA Kit Artn (Mouse) ELISA Kit
Bdnf (Mouse) ELISA Kit Bdnf (Mouse) ELISA Kit
Amplite Universal Fluorimetric MMP Activity Assay Kit *Red Fluorescence* Amplite Universal Fluorimetric MMP Activity Assay Kit *Red Fluorescence*
Annexin V Binding Apoptosis Assay Kit*Red Fluorescence Optimaized for Flow Cytometry Annexin V Binding Apoptosis Assay Kit*Red Fluorescence Optimaized for Flow Cytometry
Arf6 Pulldown Activation Assay Kit Arf6 Pulldown Activation Assay Kit
beta 2 Glycoprotein I IgG/IgM ELISA kit beta 2 Glycoprotein I IgG/IgM ELISA kit
Agrobacterium rhizogenes Agrobacterium rhizogenes
AlamaBlue Cell Viability Assay Kit AlamaBlue Cell Viability Assay Kit
Annexin V-APC/7-AAD Apoptosis Detection Kit Annexin V-APC/7-AAD Apoptosis Detection Kit
Epigenase 5mC-Hydroxylase TET Activity/Inhibition Assay Kit Epigenase 5mC-Hydroxylase TET Activity/Inhibition Assay Kit
11-dehydro Thromboxane B2 EIA Kit - Monoclonal 11-dehydro Thromboxane B2 EIA Kit - Monoclonal
BCA Protein Assay Kit BCA Protein Assay Kit
Amplite Fluorimetric Hydrogen Peroxide Assay Kit *Red Fluorescence* Amplite Fluorimetric Hydrogen Peroxide Assay Kit *Red Fluorescence*
2'3'-cGAMP ELISA Kit 2'3'-cGAMP ELISA Kit
Modified Bielschowsky nerve Staining Kit Modified Bielschowsky nerve Staining Kit
Ready-to-use BCIP/NBT Solution, Premixed Ready-to-use BCIP/NBT Solution, Premixed
Ovine Ecthyma Virus Ovine Ecthyma Virus
AO/PI Double Stain Kit AO/PI Double Stain Kit
647-PHALLOIDIN Staining Kit 647-PHALLOIDIN Staining Kit
Annexin V-kFluor647 Apoptosis Detection Kit Annexin V-kFluor647 Apoptosis Detection Kit
Annexin V FITC Apoptosis Detection Kit Annexin V FITC Apoptosis Detection Kit
Epigenase 5mC-Hydroxylase TET Activity/Inhibition Assay Kit(Colorimetric)(48 assays) Epigenase 5mC-Hydroxylase TET Activity/Inhibition Assay Kit(Colorimetric)(48 assays)
8-hydroxy-2-deoxy Guanosine EIA Kit 8-hydroxy-2-deoxy Guanosine EIA Kit
Amplite Colorimetric Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) Assay Kit Amplite Colorimetric Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) Assay Kit
ANNEXINV ALEXA FLUOR647/PI Apoptosis Detection Kit ANNEXINV ALEXA FLUOR647/PI Apoptosis Detection Kit
AFLP kit AFLP kit
Annexin V-APC Apoptosis Detection Kit Annexin V-APC Apoptosis Detection Kit
BK Virus、BKV BK Virus、BKV
Annexin V-APC/PI Apoptosis Detection Kit Annexin V-APC/PI Apoptosis Detection Kit
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