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上海西格生物科技有限公司 Company Information

Company Name:    Shanghai Sige Biological Technology Co., Ltd.
Tel:    021-57810052
Nationality:    CHINA
Product List:    721
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Product List
Alamar Blue 153796-08-8
Flagella staining solution (modified RYU method)
Flagella staining solution (silver staining)
Safranin O ethanol solution (1%)
Trichrome Stain Kit (Modified Masson's)
Phenylalanine Deaminase Medium
Disaccharidase assay kit (lactase) (colorimetric method)
Flagella staining solution (LOFFLER method)
Acridine Orange Staining Kit
Gum Arabic Hydrate Chloral Glycerin Mounting Tablets
Rat alveolar epithelial cell instructions
Cell Apoptosis Detection Kit(PI)
Instructions for Agrobacterium rhizogenes (Rhizomonas)
Standard Lugol's stain (LUGOL'S iodine, 1%)
Acacia gum solution (25%)
Formalin-sodium chloride fixative (10%)
Starch hydrolysis reagent
Color pre-stained high molecular weight protein standard (10-20 times)
Radix curcumae
TG100801 867331-82-6
Protease inhibitor mixture
Mast cell staining solution (aldehyde magenta - orange yellow G method)
Disaccharidase assay kit (maltase) (colorimetric method)
Color pre-dyed ultra-high molecular weight protein standard (10-20 times)
Protein silver staining kit
Complement C4 assay kit (immunoturbidimetry)
5-[(Z)-(5-Fluoro-1,2-dihydro-2-oxo-3H-indol-3-ylidene)methyl]-N-[(2S)-2-hydroxy-3-(4-morpholinyl)propyl]-2,4-dimethyl-1H-pyrrole-3-carboxamide (2Z)-2-butenedioate 849643-15-8
Formalin Fixative,10%
Modified WEIGERT elastic fiber staining solution
Protein removal reagent S
Modified PALMGREN nerve staining solution
Disaccharidase assay kit (sucrose) (colorimetric method)
Cassette 8*10
Czapek-Dox Agar
Protein protectant DP7
Protein protectant DSP50
Calcium salt staining solution (modified alizarin red S method)
Flagella staining solution (LEIFSON method)
Formalin-calcium acetate fixative (10%)
BAY-1163877 1443530-05-9
Testolactone 968-93-4
Protein removal reagent M
Lichen red elastic fiber staining solution
Animal perfusion fixative
Aqueous solution of gum arabic (35%)
Protein A 4FF Chromatography Column, 1ML
Golgi Body Tracker Red
Enhanced Sirius Red Straining Kit
Chelating Sepharose FF
2,4-IMidazolidinedione, 5-[(7-chloro-1H-indol-3-yl)Methyl]-3-Methyl-, (5R)- 852391-19-6
RiboRuler High range RNA Ladder
Lichen red ethanol solution (1%)
Formalin fixative (10%, RNASE FREE)
Frozen Slice Rapid Antigen Repair Solution (5X)
Modified Oil Red O Staining Kit
Modified Lillie-Mayer Hematoxylin solution
Arabic gum glycerin seal tablets
Virus inclusion body staining solution (LENDRUM method)
Tissue Culture Dishes
Candida utilis Instructions
Ultra Trace CA-ATPase Assay Kit
Type sulfhydryl (-SH) determination kit
Improved MACCONAILL lead hematoxylin staining solution
Hypersensitive chemiluminescent substrate (A solution + B solution)
Polylysine POLY-L-LYSINE
Heparin solution
Protein protectant GH
Anti-quenching sealant
Dexamethasone (10mM in DMSO)
Malonate Broth
Protein protectant DP4
Electrolytic decalcification solution (formic acid method)
Elastic fiber dyeing solution (modified GOMORI aldehyde magenta method)
Formalin-zinc sulfate fixative (10%)
Glycerin PBS seal tablets
Protein Phosphatase Inhibitor (All-in-one,100x)
Modified PAGE myelin staining solution
Complement C3 assay kit (immunoturbidimetry)
Instructions for Ashdocystis
Escherichia coli culture
Improved GOMORI three-color dyeing solution
Protein protectant HPD
Virus inclusion body staining solution (methylene blue and red method)
Mast cell staining solution (Alixin blue sand yellow method)
Acridine orange staining solution
Safranin O-solid green plant tissue staining solution
Color developer
Western blot membrane regeneration fluid
Protein carbonyl content determination kit (test serum, tissue) (UV colorimetry)
Flagella staining solution (CERARES-GILL Act)
Color pre-stained ultra-low molecular weight protein standard (10-20 times)
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