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英文名称 中文名称 CAS号 操作
Golden pearlescent pigment 金黄色珠光颜料 详细
Western red pearlescent pigment 西洋红珠光颜料 详细
Dark gold pearlescent pigment 深金色珠光颜料 详细
Coffee pearlescent pigment 咖啡珠光颜料 详细
Aluminum silver paste pigment 铝银浆颜料 详细
Aluminium paste 银粉浆 详细
Black pearlescent pigment 黑色珠光颜料 详细
Interference with green pearlescent pigment 干涉绿珠光颜料 详细
Orange red pearlescent pigment 橙红珠光颜料 详细
Gretel 格丽特 详细
Pearlescent pigment 珠光颜料 详细
Powder sunflower pearlescent pigment 粉葵彩珠光颜料 详细
Red green pearlescent pigment 红绿珠光颜料 详细
Golden pearlescent pigment 金色珠光颜料 详细
Interference purple pearlescent pigment 干涉紫珠光颜料 详细
Color pearlescent pigment 彩光珠光颜料 详细
Dark green pearlescent pigment 墨绿珠光颜料 详细
Cinnabar red pearlescent pigment 朱砂红珠光颜料 详细
Sweet yellow pearlescent pigment 甜蜜黄珠光颜料 详细
Symphony pigment 幻彩珠光颜料 详细
Red and blue pearlescent pigment 红蓝珠光颜料 详细
Green pearlescent pigment 绿色珠光颜料 详细
Bauhinia red pearlescent pigment 紫荆红珠光颜料 详细
Bright yellow pearlescent pigment 嫩黄珠光颜料 详细
Coral pearlescent pigment 珊瑚珠光颜料 详细
Late glow pearlescent pigment 晚霞彩珠光颜料 详细
Light pink pearlescent pigment 浅粉红珠光颜料 详细
Interference with violet pearlescent pigment 干涉紫罗兰珠光颜料 详细
Rose red pigment 玫瑰红光颜料 详细
Silver white pearlescent pigment 银白珠光颜料 详细
Glitter powder pigment 金葱粉颜料 详细
Deep purple pearlescent pigment 深紫珠光颜料 详细
Rose red pearlescent pigment 玫瑰红珠光颜料 详细
Two-color pearlescent pigment 双色珠光颜料 详细
Interference blue pearlescent pigment 干涉蓝珠光颜料 详细
Light orange red pearlescent pigment 浅桔红珠光颜料 详细
Conductive pearlescent pigment 导电珠光颜料 详细
Interference with red pearlescent pigment 干涉红珠光颜料 详细
Light orange red pearlescent pigment 浅橙红珠光颜料 详细
Interference purple red pearlescent pigment 干涉紫红珠光颜料 详细
Purple red pearlescent pigment 紫红珠光颜料 详细
Pearl color pearlescent pigment 珍珠彩珠光颜料 详细
Red pearlescent pigment 红色珠光颜料 详细
Bronze pearlescent pigment 古铜珠光颜料 详细
Interference with gold pearlescent pigment 干涉金珠光颜料 详细
Silver pearlescent pigment 银灰珠光颜料 详细
产品总数:46 产品页码:


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