Huimeng (Shanghai) Biomedical Co., Ltd.

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Product Name MF CAS Details
LLC-PK1 Details
Tca-8113 Details
CHO-K1 Details
MEG-01 human megakaryocyte leukemia cell Details
293FT Details
Human HuT 78 Details
Human Primary Cells Details
769-P human renal cell adenocarcinoma Details
NR8383 (rat alveolar macrophages) Details
Cell Biology Technology Service Details
HUH-7 human liver cancer cells Details
Hep-3B Details
RAW-Blue Details
Human LoVo Details
Hepa 1-6 Details
293 [HEK-293] human embryonic kidney cells Details
DLD-1/human colorectal adenocarcinoma epithelial cells Details
GES-1 human gastric mucosal cells Details
293T human embryonic kidney cell Details
B16-F0 Details
BGC-823 Details
BxPC-3 Details
CNE Details
MDA-MB-231 Details
SGC-7901 Details
J82 Human transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder Details
22RV1/human prostate cancer cells Details
ACHN human renal cell adenocarcinoma Details
HCC827 human non-small cell lung cancer cells Details
A549 Details
A20 mouse B cell lymphoma cells Details
Exosomal testing services Details
Gene synthesis Details
Human MDA-MB-468 Details
Human NCI-H1650 Details
Human PANC-1 Details
PFEIFFER Human Diffuse Large Cell Lymphoma B Lymphocytes Details
NA Details
BT-474 Details
TALEN technology Details
B16-F10 mouse skin melanoma cells Details
HCC1937 Details
U-937 human histiocytic lymphoma cells Details
CCRF-CEM Human Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia T Lymphocytes Details
MIA PACA-2 human pancreatic cancer cells Details
Human VCaP Details
SNL-036 Details
MGC80-3 Details
SNP detection Details
QPCR detection Details
SCI paper service Details
SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells Details
HO-8910 Details
Μ-SLIDE 2-well co-culture Details
WESTERN transfer membrane fluid Details
WESTERN BLOT test Details
Immunology technical service Details
Experimental outsourcing Details
HACAT human immortalized epidermal cells Details
CACO-2 human colorectal adenocarcinoma Details
L929 mouse fibroblast Details
Animal experiments and technical services Details
Human CW-2 Details
H1299 human lung cancer cells Details
U266 human myeloma cells Details
ELISA Kit Details
HEK293 Details
CAKI-1/human renal clear cell carcinoma skin metastasis cells Details
A2780 human ovarian cancer cells Details
Adenovirus packaging Details
SW620 human colon cancer cells Details
JURKAT, CLONE E6-1 human T lymphocytic leukemia cells Details
MCF-7 human breast cancer cells Details
hFOB1.19 Details
SW480 Details
U-2 OS Details
208F rat fibroblast Details
Human PC-3 Details
Human ZR-75-1 Details
Tumor model Details
CHO-K1/hamster ovary cell substrain Details
AZ-521 Details
SW1990 Human Pancreatic Cancer Cells Details
HELA human cervical cancer cells Details
K-562 human chronic myeloid leukemia cells Details
MG-63 Details
cell bank Details
COS-7 Details
TE-1 Details
BEL-7402 human liver cancer cell Details
A549 human lung cancer cell Details
Molecular biology technical services Details
A-431 human epidermoid carcinoma cell Details
786-O human kidney clear cell adenocarcinoma Details
CALU-3 human lung adenocarcinoma cell Details
Gene synthesis Details
HCT-116 Details
AN3 CA human endometrial adenocarcinoma cell Details
CAPAN-1 human pancreatic cancer cells Details
ES-2 Human ovarian clear cell carcinoma Details
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