


主营产品:抗氧化剂1010,抗氧化剂1076,抗氧化剂1098,抗氧化剂245,抗氧化剂1520,抗氧化剂1135,抗氧化剂5057,抗氧化剂330,抗氧化剂168,抗氧化剂412S,光稳定剂UV-329,光稳定剂UV-P,光稳定剂UV-1130,光稳定剂UV 384-2,定制服务

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践行可持续之路—利安隆出席2024 SPE国际聚烯烃大会并作精彩报告
发布日期:2024/3/8 15:33:25发布人:天津利安隆新材料股份有限公司




2024 SPE国际聚烯烃大会


Embracing Sustainability

Rianlon Attends 2024 SPE International

Polyolefin Conference and 

Delivers Remarkable Presentation



Improving Sustainability of

PO with the Help of Stabilizers


2024年2月18日至21日,在德克萨斯州加尔维斯顿,利安隆出席了2024 SPE国际聚烯烃会议。会议上,我司应用技术工程师王一然发表了题为“提升废旧材料回收价值”的精彩报告,这也是利安隆在践行可持续发展之路中的又一突破。


From February 18th to 21st, 2024, in Galveston, Texas, Rianlon attended the 2024 SPE International Polyolefin Conference. During the event, our Technical Application Engineer, Mr. Yiran Wang, delivered a compelling presentation titled "Improving Sustainability of PO with the Help of Stabilizers," marking another breakthrough for Rianlon in its journey towards sustainable development.



Improving Sustainability of

PO with the Help of Stabilizers




With the rising global environmental consciousness and the deepening of sustainable development principles, the plastics industry is facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities. Yiran's presentation focused on the backdrop of "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality" and discussed the recycling of materials. Experiments have shown that efficient protection of polypropylene materials at the initial production stage can reduce irreversible oxidation degradation before recycling, ensuring their recyclability. Building upon this finding, Rianlon has developed different additive packages for various recycled materials to optimize overall additive costs, enhancing the performance of recycled materials throughout their lifecycle.


Additionally, we issued a call to action to the entire industry during the conference, urging upstream and downstream enterprises to collaborate in addressing the technical and commercial challenges of recycled materials, truly achieving "extending material life and saving resources for humanity." The content of the presentation sparked interest among several polyolefin industry leaders, leading to in-depth discussions during the Q&A session and post-conference exchanges with our engineers. The conference hosts also invited Rianlon to continue sharing insights on related topics at next year's event.


Rianlon is confident in continually providing customers with more efficient, safer, environmentally friendly, and sustainable solutions, contributing to the sustainable development of the plastics industry, upholding the commitment to "Chemistry and Biology, Creating a Bright Life," and supporting the green development of materials.



About Rianlon



在高分子材料抗老化领域,利安隆作为全球领先的高分子材料抗老化助剂产品和技术供应商,中国同行业第一家A股上市公司(股票代码:300596 ),依托六大生产基地,实现覆盖抗氧化剂(RIANOX®)、光稳定剂(RIASORB®)和整体解决方案优配(U-pack®)在内的全系列高分子材料抗老化助剂产品的产能配套。利安隆在高分子材料的抗热氧老化与耐候应用上有着丰富经验,致力于为客户产品质量提升,降本增效及新产品开发提供整体解决方案,并可根据客户要求,提供定制化服务。


Rianlon is a globally leading chemical bio-platform company, strategically advancing in three core businesses: Polymer Materials Anti-Aging, Lubricant Additives, and Life Sciences. Our journey entails the simultaneous progression of these three vital areas, driving sustained high-quality development for the company.


In the field of Polymer Materials Anti-Aging, Rianlon stands as a pioneer in providing polymer materials anti-aging additives and technologies worldwide. As the first publicly listed company in the Chinese anti-aging additives industry (Stock Code: 300596), we leverage six major production bases to cover a comprehensive range of polymer materials anti-aging additive products, including Antioxidants (RIANOX®), light stabilizers (RIASORB®), and customized blend solutions (U-pack®). With extensive experience in polymer materials' resistance to thermal oxidative aging and weathering applications, Rianlon is committed to enhancing customer product quality, reducing costs, increasing efficiency, and facilitating new product development through holistic solutions. Additionally, we offer customized services to meet specific customer requirements.






For more information about Rianlon and our innovative solutions for sustainable polyolefins, please stay tuned to Rianlon.

  • 2024/07/25
    7月17日至19日,利安隆携其针对聚氨酯领域的创新抗老化解决方案与卓越产品,精彩亮相于上海世博展览馆举办的第二十届中国国际聚氨酯展览会(PU China 2024)。此次参展,利安隆不仅为聚氨酯行业的绿色、环保、可持续发展注入了强劲动力,更为高端聚氨酯产品的品质提升及人类健康便捷生活的实现提供了可靠的抗老化解决方案。 清轻呵护,健康同行 环保型高回弹聚醚用 低VOC低FOG方案
  • 2024/07/05
    7月17-19日,一年一度的聚氨酯行业盛会中国国际聚氨酯展览会(PU China)即将在上海世博展览馆隆重举行,利安隆诚挚地邀请您莅临我司展台,共同探讨聚氨酯抗老化领域的新趋势、新技术、新产品! ​ HIGHLIGHTS 展会亮点 01 利安隆紧跟行业前沿信息 关注法律法规,提供合规替代方案,助力客户全球业务发展
  • 2024/05/21
    利安隆亮相ACS 2024年4月30日至5月2日,利安隆与北美涂料行业专家齐聚美国印第安纳波利斯,参加了两年一度的美国国际涂料展,即American Coatings Show, ACS。这一展会是美国及北美地区最具规模和影响力的涂料展览会,以其高水准的技术研讨会和前沿的产品展示而闻名于涂料界。 利安隆在此次展会上展示了全系列的抗老化产品,包括紫外线吸收剂、受阻胺光稳定剂、抗氧



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