由于荧光光谱的重叠现象,在进行流式多色分析时,必须设置单染管进行荧光补偿。OneComp /UltraComp eBeads 微球大小和淋巴细胞相当,可连接各种荧光标记的抗体来调节补偿。
★ 使用方便,一滴即可。
★ 与所有小鼠、大鼠和仓鼠来源的抗体反应,要求抗体来源是Kappa链。
★ 适用于各种激发光---适用于488 nm 蓝光,532 nm 绿光,561 nm 黄光,633-635 nm 红光,UltraComp eBeads尤其适用紫外 (355 nm) 或者 紫色 (405 nm) 激光器。
Comparison of BD CompBead and BD CompBead Plus particles on different sample types
A. H9 human embryonic stem cells (WiCell, Madison, WI), and BD CompBead (Cat. No. 552843) and BD CompBead Plus particles (Cat. No. 560497) were stained with PE mouse anti–SSEA-4 (Cat. No. 560128) and analyzed on a flow cytometer. Both unstained and stained hESCs are shown in blue, negative and stained BD CompBead particles in green, and negative and stained BD CompBead Plus particles in red. Flow cytometry was performed on a BD™ LSR II flow cytometry system.
B. Lysed whole blood (LWB), BD CompBead particles, and BD CompBead Plus particles were stained with PE mouse anti-human CD3 (Cat. No. 555333) and analyzed on a flow cytometer. Stained LWB is shown in blue, negative and stained BD CompBead particles in green, and negative and stained BD CompBead Plus particles in red. Flow cytometry was performed on a BD LSR II flow cytometry system
1、CompBead Compensation Particles通用补偿微球
蓝(488 nm), 绿(532 nm), 黄绿 (561 nm),
和红色 (633-635 nm)激光器
蓝(488 nm), 绿(532 nm), 黄绿 (561 nm),
和红色 (633-635 nm)激光器
蓝(488 nm), 绿(532 nm), 黄绿 (561 nm),
和红色 (633-635 nm)激光器
2、CompBead Plus Particles 补偿大微球,适用于larger cell types, for example, human embryonic stem cells (hESCs)
蓝(488 nm), 绿(532 nm), 黄绿 (561 nm),
和红色 (633-635 nm)激光器
蓝(488 nm), 绿(532 nm), 黄绿 (561 nm),
和红色 (633-635 nm)激光器
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