化合物 AT 7519 hydrochloride salt,AT7519 Hydrochloride
  • 化合物 AT 7519 hydrochloride salt,AT7519 Hydrochloride

化合物 AT 7519 hydrochloride salt|T1778|TargetMol

价格 171 392 653
包装 1mg 5mg 10mg
最小起订量 1mg
发货地 上海
更新日期 2024-09-29
QQ交谈 微信洽谈


中文名称:化合物 AT 7519 hydrochloride salt英文名称:AT7519 Hydrochloride
CAS:902135-91-5品牌: TargetMol
产地: 美国保存条件: Powder: -20°C for 3 years | In solvent: -80°C for 1 year | Shipping with blue ice.
纯度规格: 99.9%产品类别: 抑制剂
货号: T1778
2024-09-29 化合物 AT 7519 hydrochloride salt AT7519 Hydrochloride 1mg/171RMB;5mg/392RMB;10mg/653RMB 171 TargetMol 美国 Powder: -20°C for 3 years | In solvent: -80°C for 1 year | Shipping with blue ice. 99.9% 抑制剂

Product Introduction


名称AT7519 Hydrochloride
描述AT7519 Hydrochloride (AT7519 HCl) is a multi-CDK inhibitor for CDK1, 2, 4, 6 and 9.
细胞实验Cells are incubated with different concentrations of AT7519 for 24 or 48 hours at 37°C. Cell viability is assessed by measuring 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5 diphenyl tetrasodium bromide (MTT) dye absorbance. DNA synthesis is measured by tritiated thymidine uptake (3H-TdR). Apoptosis is assessed by using Annexin V/PI staining. The percentage of cells undergoing apoptosis is defined as the sum of early apoptosis (Annexin V-positive cells) and late apoptosis (Annexin V-positive and PI-positive cells(Only for Reference)
激酶实验In vitro Kinase Assays: Kinase assays for CDK1, CDK2 and GSK3-β are all carried out in a radiometric filter binding format. Assays for CDK5 are in DELFIA format and for CDKs 4 and 6 in ELISA format. For CDKs 1 and 2, the relevant CDK and 0.12 μg/mL Histone H1 are incubated in 20 mM MOPS, pH 7.2, 25 mM β-glycerophosphate, 5 mM EDTA, 15 mM MgCl2, 1 mM sodium orthovanadate, 1 mM DTT, 0.1 mg/mL BSA, 45 μM ATP (0.78 Ci/mmol) and different concentrations of AT7519 for 2 or 4 hours respectively. For GSK3-β, the relevant enzyme and 5 μM glycogen synthase peptide 2 along with 10 mM MOPS pH 7.0, 0.1 mg/mL BSA, 0.001% Brij-35, 0.5% glycerol, 0.2 mM EDTA, 10 mM MgCl2, 0.01% β-mercaptoethanol, 15 μM ATP (2.31 Ci/mmol) and different concentrations of AT7519 are incubated for 3 hours. Assay reactions are stopped by adding an excess of orthophosphoric acid and filtered using Millipore MAPH filter plates. The plates are then washed, scintillant added and radioactivity measured by scintillation counting on a Packard TopCount. For CDK5, CDK5/p35 and 1 μM of a biotinylated Histone H1 peptide (Biotin-PKTPKKAKKL) are incubated in 25 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, 2.5 mM MgCl2, 0.025% Brij-35, 0.1 mg/mL BSA, 1 mM DTT, 15 μM ATP and different concentrations of AT7519 for 30 minutes. Assay reactions are stopped using EDTA, transferred to Neutravidin-coated plates and phosphorylated peptide quantified by means of a rabbit phospho-cdk1 substrate polyclonal antibody and DELFIA europium-labelled anti-rabbit IgG secondary antibody using time-resolved fluorescence at λex=335 nM, λem=620 nM. For CDK 4 and 6 assays, plates are coated with GST- pRb769-921 and blocked with Superblock. CDK4 or 6 is incubated with 15 mM MgCl2, 50 mM HEPES, pH 7.4, 1 mM DTT, 1 mM EGTA, pH 8.0, 0.02% Triton X-100, 2.5% DMSO and different concentrations of AT7519; the reaction is initiated by addition of ATP. After 30 minutes, reactions are stopped by the addition of 0.5 M EDTA pH 8.0.Plates are then washed and incubated for one hour with the primary antibody (anti- p-Rb Serine 780) diluted in Superblock followed by secondary antibody (alkaline phosphatase linked anti-rabbit) for a further hour. Plates are developed using the Attophos system and fluorescence read on a Spectramax Gemini plate reader at excitation 450 nm and emission 580 nm. In all cases, IC50 values are calculated from replicate curves, using GraphPad Prism software.
体外活性AT7519是一种与ATP竞争的CDK抑制剂,对CDK1的Ki值为38nM。除了对GSK3β(IC50=89nM)有活性外,AT7519对所有非CDK激酶均无活性。在多种人类肿瘤细胞系中表现出强大的抗增殖活性,IC50值从MCF-7的40nM到SW620的940nM不等,这与CDK1和CDK2的抑制一致。[1] AT7519在48小时内对多发性骨髓瘤(MM)细胞系产生剂量依赖性细胞毒性,IC50值从0.5μM到2μM不等,对MM.1S(0.5μM)和U266(0.5μM)细胞系最为敏感,对MM.1R(>2μM)耐药性较强。它不对周围血单个核细胞(PBMNC)产生细胞毒性。AT7519能部分克服IL6和IGF-1提供的增殖优势以及骨髓基质细胞(BMSCs)的保护作用。AT7519快速促使RNA聚合酶II CTD在丝氨酸2和丝氨酸5位点的去磷酸化,导致转录抑制,部分促成了对MM细胞的AT7519诱导的细胞毒性。通过下调GSK-3β磷酸化促进GSK-3β的激活,也为AT7519诱导的凋亡提供了帮助,这一过程与转录抑制无关。[2]
体内活性每日两次给予AT7519(9.1 mg/kg)可以导致HCT116和HT29结肠癌异种移植模型中,无论是早期还是晚期的皮下肿瘤退化。[1] AT7519治疗(15 mg/kg)抑制了人类MM异种移植小鼠模型中的肿瘤生长,并通过增加caspase 3激活,延长了小鼠的中位总生存时间。[2]
存储条件Powder: -20°C for 3 years | In solvent: -80°C for 1 year | Shipping with blue ice.
溶解度Ethanol : 28 mg/mL (66.87 mM), Heating is recommended.
H2O : 1 mg/mL (2.38 mM), Heating is recommended.
DMSO : 40 mg/mL (95.53 mM), Sonication is recommended.
关键字Inhibitor | Apoptosis | inhibit | AT-7519 | AT7519 Hydrochloride | AT7519 | AT-7519 Hydrochloride | CDK | AT 7519 Hydrochloride | Cyclin dependent kinase | AT 7519
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关键字: AT7519 HCl|||AT 7519 hydrochloride salt|TargetMol


TargetMol Chemicals Inc. 总部位于马萨诸塞州波士顿,致力于为全球生化领域科学家的研究提供专业的产品和服务。TargetMol?品牌的客户群分布于40多个国家和地区,已发展成为全球知名的化合物库和小分子化合物研究供应商。 TargetMol?可提供160多种满足不同需求的化合物库,以及多种类型的生化试剂产品,包括12000多种抑制剂、16000多种天然产物和各类多肽、抗体、生命科学试剂盒等,此外,我们还建设有CADD(计算机辅助药物设计)研究中心、药理实验室、药化合成平台三大技术中心,全方位满足客户的定制需求。 凭借我们优质的产品和服务、快速高效的全球供应链和专业的技术支持,我们将有效帮助您缩短研发周期,取得更成功的结果。
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主营行业 天然产物,生化试剂,分子生物学,分子砌块,生物技术服务 经营模式 贸易,工厂,试剂,定制,服务
  • TargetMol中国(陶术生物)
VIP 3年
  • 公司成立:12年
  • 注册资本:566.265100万人民币
  • 企业类型:有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)
  • 主营产品:小分子抑制剂、药物筛选化合物库、药物筛选等
  • 公司地址:静安区江场三路238号8楼

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