

английское имя:
B2H6;Diboran;borone;Boron hydride (B2H6);borine;dlborane;DIBORANE;Boroethane;Chebi:33590;Diborane(6)
молекулярный вес:
MOL File:

Diborane атрибут

Температура плавления: -165°C
Температура кипения: -93°C
плотность: 0.477
Fp: -90°C
растворимость: reacts with H2O
форма: Бесцветный газ
цвет: colorless gas; flammable
Запах: Отталкивающий запах обнаруживается при концентрации от 1,8 до 3,5 частей на миллион.
Растворимость в воде: разлагается
Мерк: 13,3039
Пределы воздействия: TLV-TWA 0.11 mg/m3 (0.1 ppm) (ACGIH and OSHA); IDLH 40 ppm (NIOSH).
Рейтинг продуктов питания EWG: 1
Справочник по химии NIST: Diborane(6)(19287-45-7)
Система регистрации веществ EPA: Diborane (19287-45-7)
  • Заявления о рисках и безопасности
  • код информации об опасности(GHS)
Коды опасности F+;T,T,F+,T+
Заявления о рисках 12-23/24/25-36/37/38-26
Заявления о безопасности 9-16-36/37/39-45-36/37-28
РИДАДР UN 1911/1953
OEL TWA: 0.1 ppm (0.1 mg/m3)
Температура самовоспламенения 38 to 52 °C
Классификация DOT 2.3, Hazard Zone A (Gas poisonous by inhalation)
Класс опасности 2.3
Банк данных об опасных веществах 19287-45-7(Hazardous Substances Data)
Токсичность LC50 inhal (rat) 50 ppm (4 h)
PEL (OSHA) 0.1 ppm
TLV-TWA (ACGIH) 0.1 ppm
ИДЛА 15 ppm
символ(GHS) GHS hazard pictogramsGHS hazard pictogramsGHS hazard pictograms
сигнальное слово Danger
Заявление об опасности
пароль Заявление об опасности Класс опасности категория сигнальное слово пиктограмма предупреждение
H220 Чрезвычайно легковоспламеняющийся газ. Горючие газы Категория 1 Опасность GHS hazard pictograms P210, P377, P381, P403
H280 Газ под давлением. Баллоны (емкости) могут взрываться при нагревании. Газы под давлением Сжатый газ
Сжиженный газ
Растворенный газ
Предупреждение GHS hazard pictograms P410+P403
H330 Смертельно при вдыхании. Острая токсичность, ингаляционная Категория 1, 2 Опасность GHS hazard pictograms P260, P271, P284, P304+P340, P310,P320, P403+P233, P405, P501
P210 Беречь от тепла, горячих поверхностей, искр, открытого огня и других источников воспламенения. Не курить.
P260 Не вдыхать газ/ пары/ пыль/ аэрозоли/ дым/ туман.
P271 Использовать только на открытом воздухе или в хорошо вентилируемом помещении.
P284 Использовать средства защиты органовдыхания.
P304+P340 ПРИ ВДЫХАНИИ: Свежий воздух, покой.
P310 Немедленно обратиться за медицинской помощью.
P377 При воспламенении газа в случае утечки не тушить, если это сопряжено с риском.
P381 Устранить источники воспламенения, если это не сопряжено с риском.
P403 Хранить в хорошо вентилируемом месте.
P403+P233 Хранить в хорошо вентилируемом месте в плотно закрытой/герметичной таре.
P405 Хранить в недоступном для посторонних месте.
P410+P403 Беречь от солнечных лучей. Хранить в хорошо вентилируемом месте.
P501 Удалить содержимое/ контейнер на утвержденных станциях утилизации отходов.

Diborane химические свойства, назначение, производство


Diborane is a colorless gas at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. It has an unpleasant, distinctive, sickly sweet odor. Diborane is a highly flammable gas that forms a flammable mixture with air over a range of 0.9 percent to 98 percent diborane (at 1 atm). Diborane bums in air (or oxygen) with a blue to green flame. Diborane is considered pyrophoric at room temperature. The gas is easily ignited by a spark or the heat of reaction with moisture in air.
Pure diborane is insensitive to mechanical shock; however, shock and thermally sensitive mixtures may be formed in the presence of impurities such as oxygen, water, halogenated hydrocarbons, and so on. Thermal decomposition of diborane to hydrogen can result in excessive pressure buildup. Vessels for containment of diborane should be designed to contain such resultant decomposition pressure.

Химические свойства

Diborane is a compressed, colorless, and flam- mable gas. It has a nauseating, sickly sweet odor.


Diborane is used as a rocket propellant, in thevulcanization of rubber, as a polymerizationcatalyst, as a reducing agent, in the synthesisof trialkyl boranes, and as a doping agent(Merck 1996).

Методы производства

Diborane now can be produced more easily and in larger quantities by the reaction of LiH, NaH or alkali borohydrides with BF3 diethyl etherate, To obtain good yields, the alkali hydrides must be very finely powdered.

Реакции воздуха и воды

Highly flammable. Ignites spontaneously in moist air (forms hydrogen and boric acid), [Haz. Chem. Data (1966)]. Oxygen and Diborane form spontaneously explosive mixtures, [J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 76, 1997(1954)].

Профиль реактивности

Diborane is a colorless, air and moisture-sensitive gas, highly toxic. Diborane ignites in air. Diborane is very explosive when exposed to heat or flame, on contact with moisture Diborane produces hydrogen gas. Explosive reaction with benzene vapor, chlorine, nitric acid and tetravinyllead [Bretherick, 5th ed., 1995, p. 77]. Explosive reaction with dimethyl sulfoxide [Shriver, 1969, p. 209], violent reaction with halocarbon liquids used as fire extinguishants (e.g., carbon tetrachloride). Reaction with Al or Li produces complex hydrides that may ignite spontaneously in air [Haz. Chem. Data, 1975, p. 114].


Diborane is pyrophoric and will ignite upon exposure to air. The boiling point is ?135°F and the flammable range is 0.8%–88% in air. The ignition temperature is 100° (37°C) to 140°F (60°C), and the flash point is 130°F (54°C). Diborane will react violently with halogenated fire-extinguishing agents, such as the halons. The four-digit UN identification number is 1911. The NFPA 704 designation is health 4, flammability 4, and reactivity 3. The white section of the diamond has a W with a slash through it, indicating water reactivity.

Угроза здоровью

Boranes are highly toxic by inhalation, skin absorption or ingestion. They may produce acute or chronic poisoning. Diborane is an irritant to the lungs and kidneys. The primary effect of Diborane poisoning is lung congestion caused by local tissue irritation produced by the exothermic reaction of hydrolysis.


Diborane will ignite spontaneously in moist air at room temperature. Also, Diborane reacts violently with vaporizing liquid-type extinguishing agents. Diborane hydrolyzes in water to hydrogen and boric acid. Incompatible with air, halogenated compounds, aluminum, lithium, active metals, oxidized surfaces, chlorine, fuming nitric acid, nitrogen trifluoride, oxygen, and phosphorus trifluoride. Avoid moist air, electrical sparks, open flames or any other heat source. Hazardous polymerization may occur.

Воспламеняемость и взрывоопасность

Diborane is a flammable gas that ignites spontaneously in moist air at room temperature and forms explosive mixtures with air from 0.8% up to 88% by volume. Diborane reacts with halogenated hydrocarbons, and fire extinguishing agents such as Halon or carbon tetrachloride are therefore not recommended. Carbon dioxide extinguishers should be used to fight diborane fires. Fires involving diborane sometimes release toxic gases such as boron oxide smoke.

Использование в материалах

Common metals are suitable as materials of construction. These include the following metals and metal alloys: chrome-molybdenum steel, Type 300 stainless steel, brass, lead, Monel, K-Monel, and nickel. Piping and appurtenances for undiluted diborane must be designed by experienced engineers and safety and fire protection specialists. Saran, polyethylene, Kel-F, Teflon, graphite, and high-vacuum silicone grease are satisfactory for use with diborane.
In addition to the ability of a material to withstand chemical attack, the evaluation of materials compatibility with diborane should also emphasize the effect of the material on diborane stability (as expressed by the decomposition rate). The use of the following materials is not recommended:
? Metal oxides
? Natural rubbers
? Neoprene
? Leak-lock
? Permatex
? Ordinary oil and grease
? Nordel 1145 RPT elastomer, unfilled and Si02-filled
? silicon elastomer, unfilled and SiOrfilled
? CIS-4 polybutadiene elastomer, unfilled and SiOrfilled

Возможный контакт

Diborane is used as the source of boron in the semiconductor industry; as a catalyst for olefin polymerization; a rubber vulcanizer; a reducing agent; a flame-speed accelerator; a chemical intermediate for other boron hydrides; as a doping agent; in rocket propel- lants, and in the conversion of olefins to trialkyl boranes and primary alcohols.


diborane should be used only in a fume hood free of ignition sources and should be stored in a cold, dry, wellventilated area separated from incompatible substances and isolated from sources of sparks and open flames.


UN1911 Diborane, Hazard Class: 2.3; Labels: 2.3-Poisonous gas, 2.1-Flammable gas Inhalation Hazard Zone A. Cylinders must be transported in a secure upright position, in a well-ventilated truck. Protect cylinder and labels from physical damage. The owner of the compressed gas cylinder is the only entity allowed by federal law (49CFR) to transport and refill them. It is a violation of transportation regulations to refill compressed gas cylinders without the express written permission of the owner.


A strong reducing agent. Unstable above 8 C. The presence of contaminants may lower the autoigni- tion temperature; ignition may take place at, or below, room temperature. Diborane can polymerize, forming liquid pentaborane (See P:0190). It ignites spontaneously in moist air; and on contact with water, hydrolyzes exothermically forming hydrogen and boric acid. Contact with halogenated compounds (including fire extinguishers) may cause fire and explosion. Contact with aluminum, lithium and other active metals form hydrides which may ignite spontane- ously. Incompatible with aluminum, carbon tetrachloride; nitric acid; nitrogen trifluoride and many other chemicals. Reacts with oxidized surfaces. Attacks some plastics, rubber or coatings.

Утилизация отходов

Return refillable compressed gas cylinders to supplier. Incineration with aqueous scrub- bing of exhaust gases to remove B2O3 particulates.

Diborane препаратная продукция и сырье



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