

Этиламин структура
Химическое название:
английское имя:
EA;MONOETHYLAMINE;AMINOETHANE;C2H5NH2;An aMine;Ethylamin;Aethylamine;1-Aminoethane;Ethylamine solution;EthylaMine solution 2.0 M in THF
молекулярный вес:
MOL File:

Этиламин атрибут

Температура плавления: -81 °C(lit.)
Температура кипения: 17 °C
плотность: 0.81 g/mL at 20 °C
плотность пара: 1.56 (15 °C, vs air)
давление пара: 874 mm Hg ( 20 °C)
показатель преломления: n20/D 1.384
Fp: 48 °F
температура хранения: 2-8°C
растворимость: soluble in water in all proportions; soluble in ethanol, methanol, paraffin hydrocarbons, aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons, ethyl ether, ethyl acetate, acetone, and mineral oil.
пка: 10.7(at 25℃)
форма: жидкость
цвет: Бесцветный до светло-желтого до светло-оранжевого
Запах: острый; сильный аммиак.
Пределы взрываемости: 14%
Порог?обнаружения?запаха?: 0.046ppm
Odor Type: ammoniacal
Растворимость в воде: смешиваемый
Мерк: 14,3762
Номер JECFA: 1579
БРН: 505933
констант закона Генри: 1.23(x 10-5 atm?m3/mol at 25 °C) (Christie and Crisp, 1967)
Пределы воздействия: TLV-TWA 10 ppm (~18 mg/m3) (ACGIH, MSHA, and OSHA): IDLH 4000 ppm (NIOSH).
Диэлектрическая постоянная: 6.9(10℃)
Стабильность:: Стабильный. Легковоспламеняющиеся. Несовместим с окислителями, щелочными металлами, щелочноземельными металлами, кислотами, многими реакционноспособными органическими и неорганическими соединениями. Реагирует или растворяет большинство типов красок, пластика и резины.
LogP: -0.13
Вещества, добавляемые в пищу (ранее EAFUS): ETHYLAMINE
Справочник по базе данных CAS: 75-04-7(CAS DataBase Reference)
Рейтинг продуктов питания EWG: 2
Справочник по химии NIST: Ethylamine(75-04-7)
Система регистрации веществ EPA: Ethylamine (75-04-7)
  • Заявления о рисках и безопасности
  • код информации об опасности(GHS)
Коды опасности F+,Xi,T,F,Xn
Заявления о рисках 12-36/37-19-39/23/24/25-23/24/25-11-37-35-24-22-10-40
Заявления о безопасности 26-29-16-45-36/37-7-36/37/39
РИДАДР UN 2733 3/PG 1
OEL TWA: 10 ppm (18 mg/m3)
WGK Германия 1
RTECS KH2100000
F 4.5-31
Температура самовоспламенения 721 °F
Класс опасности 3
Группа упаковки II
кода HS 29211990
Банк данных об опасных веществах 75-04-7(Hazardous Substances Data)
Токсичность LD50 orally in rats: 0.40 g/kg (Smyth)
ИДЛА 600 ppm
символ(GHS) GHS hazard pictogramsGHS hazard pictogramsGHS hazard pictograms
сигнальное слово Danger
Заявление об опасности
пароль Заявление об опасности Класс опасности категория сигнальное слово пиктограмма предупреждение
H225 Легковоспламеняющаяся жидкость. Пары образуют с воздухом взрывоопасные смеси. Воспламеняющиеся жидкости Категория 2 Опасность GHS hazard pictograms P210,P233, P240, P241, P242, P243,P280, P303+ P361+P353, P370+P378,P403+P235, P501
H302 Вредно при проглатывании. Острая токсичность, пероральная Категория 4 Предупреждение GHS hazard pictograms P264, P270, P301+P312, P330, P501
H311 Токсично при попадании на кожу. Острая токсичность, кожный Категория 3 Опасность GHS hazard pictograms P280, P302+P352, P312, P322, P361,P363, P405, P501
H314 При попадании на кожу и в глаза вызывает химические ожоги. Разъедание/раздражение кожи Категория 1А, В, С Опасность GHS hazard pictograms P260,P264, P280, P301+P330+ P331,P303+P361+P353, P363, P304+P340,P310, P321, P305+ P351+P338, P405,P501
H335 Может вызывать раздражение верхних дыхательных путей. Специфическая токсичность на орган-мишень, однократное воздействие; Раздражение дыхательных путей Категория 3 Предупреждение GHS hazard pictograms
P210 Беречь от тепла, горячих поверхностей, искр, открытого огня и других источников воспламенения. Не курить.
P280 Использовать перчатки/ средства защиты глаз/ лица.
P301+P312+P330 ПРИ ПРОГЛАТЫВАНИИ: Обратиться за медицинской помощью при плохом самочувствии. Прополоскать рот.
P301+P330+P331 ПРИ ПРОГЛАТЫВАНИИ: Прополоскать рот. Не вызывать рвоту!
P303+P361+P353 ПРИ ПОПАДАНИИ НА КОЖУ (или волосы): Снять/удалить немедленно всю загрязненную одежду. Промыть кожу водой.
P305+P351+P338+P310 ПРИ ПОПАДАНИИ В ГЛАЗА: Осторожно промыть глаза водой в течение нескольких минут. Снять контактные линзы, если Вы ими пользуетесь и если это легко сделать. Продолжить промывание глаз. Немедленно обратиться за медицинской помощью.

Этиламин MSDS


Этиламин химические свойства, назначение, производство

Химические свойства

Ethylamine is a colorless gas or water-white liquid (below 17℃). Strong, ammonia-like odor. Shipped as a liquefied compressed gas.

Физические свойства

Colorless liquid or gas with a strong ammonia-like odor. An experimentally determined odor threshold concentration of 21 ppbv was reported by Leonardos et al. (1969). Experimentally determined detection and recognition odor threshold concentrations were 500 μg/m3 (270 ppbv) and 1.5 mg/m3 (810 ppbv), respectively (Hellman and Small, 1974).


Ethylamine is used in the manufacture ofdyes and resins, as a stabilizer for rubberlatex, and in organic synthesis.


ethylamine: A colourless flammablevolatile liquid, C2H5NH2; r.d. 0.69;m.p. –81°C; b.p. 16.6°C. It is a primaryamine made by reactingchloroethane with ammonia andused in making dyes.

Общее описание

A colorless liquid or a gas (boiling point 62°F) with an odor of ammonia. Flash point less than 0°F. Density of liquid 5.7 lb / gal. Corrosive to the skin and eyes. Vapors are heavier than air. Produces toxic oxides of nitrogen during combustion. Exposure of the closed container to intense heat may cause Ethylamine to rupture violently and rocket.

Реакции воздуха и воды

Highly flammable. Water soluble.

Профиль реактивности

Sensitive to heat. Reacts vigorously with oxidizing agents. Incompatible with isocyanates, halogenated organics, peroxides, phenols (acidic), epoxides, anhydrides, and acid halides. Incompatible with cellulose nitrate. Flammable gaseous hydrogen is generated in combination with strong reducing agents, such as hydrides. Also incompatible with oxidizing agents. A chemical base. Neutralizes acids to form salts plus water in an exothermic reaction Dissolves most paints, plastics and rubber .


Strong irritant. Flammable, dangerous fire risk, flammable limits in air 3.5–14%.

Угроза здоровью

Ethylamine is a severe irritant to the eyes,skin, and respiratory system. The pure liquidor its highly concentrated solution can causecorneal damage upon contact with eyes. Skincontact can result in necrotic skin burns.
Rabbits exposed to 100 ppm ethylaminefor 7 h/day, 5 days/week for 6 weeks mani fested irritation of cornea and lung, and liverand kidney damage (ACGIH 1986). A 4-hourexposure to 3000 ppm was lethal to rats. Theacute oral and dermal toxicity of this com pound was moderate in test animals.
LD50 value, oral (rats): 400 mg/kg
LD50 value, skin (rabbits): 390 mg/kg.

Химическая реактивность

Reactivity with Water No reaction; Reactivity with Common Materials: Will strip and dissolve paint; dissolves most plastic materials; can cause swelling of rubber by absorption. The reactions are not hazardous; Stability During Transport: Stable; Neutralizing Agents for Acids and Caustics: Flush with water; Polymerization: Not pertinent; Inhibitor of Polymerization: Not pertinent.

Промышленное использование

Ethylamine has achieved widespread use as an intermediate in the manufacture of a variety of products. It is used as a solvent for dyes, resins, and oils and as a vulcanization accelerator for sulfur-cured rubbers as well as a stabilizer for rubber latex (NIOSH 1981; HSDB 1989). The amine is used in the production of alkyl isocyanates for intermediates in the manufacture of products such as pharmaceuticals and resins. It also serves as an intermediate in the manufacture of triazine herbicides, a corrosion inhibitor (1,3-diethyl thiourea), and an agent used in wash and wear fabrics (dimethylolethyltriazone). Copious salts of ethylamine can also be used in the refining of petroleum and vegetable oil (Sittig 1981). The amine also has uses as an industrial solvent and as a chemical initiator in the preparation of various solvents (HSDB 1989).

Профиль безопасности

A poison by ingestion, skin contact, and intravenous routes. Moderately toxic by inhalation. A severe eye irritant. A very dangerous fire hazard when exposed to heat or flame. Moderate explosion hazard when exposed to spark or flame. Keep away from heat and open flame, can react vigorously with oxidizing materials. To fight fire, stop flow of gas, use alcohol foam, dry chemical. Incompatible with cellulose nitrate or oxidzers. When heated to decomposition it emits toxic fumes of NOx. See also MINES.

Возможный контакт

Monoethylamine (MEA) is used as an intermediate in the manufacture of the following chemicals: triazine herbicides, 1,3-diethylthiourea (a corrosion inhibitor); ethylamino-ethanol; 4-ethylmorpholine (urethane foam catalyst); ethyl isocyanate; and dimethylolethyltriazone (agent used in wash-and-wear fabrics). The cuprous chloride salts of MEA are used in the refining of petroleum and vegetable oil.

Экологическая судьба

Photolytic. The rate constant for the reaction of ethylamine and ozone in the atmosphere is 2.76 x 10-20 cm3/molecule?sec at 296 K (Atkinson and Carter, 1984). Atkinson (1985) reported a rate constant of 6.54 x 10-11 cm3/molecule?sec for the vapor-phase reaction of ethylamine and OH radicals at 25.5 °C. The half-life for this reaction is 8.6 h.
Low et al. (1991) reported that the photooxidation of aqueous primary amine solutions by UV light in the presence of titanium dioxide resulted in the formation of ammonium and nitrate ions.
Chemical/Physical. Reacts with OH radicals possibly forming acetaldehyde or acetamide (Atkinson et al., 1978). When ethylamine over kaolin is heated to 600 °C, hydrogen and acetonitrile formed as the major products. Trace amounts of ethylene, ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, and methane were also produced. At 900 °C, however, acetonitrile was not produced (Hurd and Carnahan, 1930).
Reacts with mineral acids forming water-soluble salts (Morrison and Boyd, 1971).


Ethylamine is readily absorbed from the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts. When administered to humans as the HC1 form, about 32% of the ethylamine could be recovered in the urine (Rechenberger 1984). It appears that ethylamine is slowly oxidized by monoamine oxidase to form hydrogen peroxide and the corresponding aldehyde. Subsequently, the peroxide is removed by catalase and the aldehyde is likely converted to its carboxylic acid by aldehyde oxidase (Beard andNoe 1981).
As with other alkylamines, a potential exists for in vivo nitrosation of ethylamine from foods by the preservative sodium nitrite under the acidic conditions found in the stomach (Lin et al 1983,1984).


Ethylamine should be stored in a flammable-liquids storage room or cabinet. It shouldbe stored away from oxidizing materials andsources of ignition. It is shipped in steelcylinders or drums.


UN1036, Ethylamine, Hazard Class: 2.1; Labels: 2.1-Flammable gas. Ethylamine, aqueous solution with not ,50% but not .70% ethylamine, Hazard Class: 3; Labels: 3-Flammable liquid, 8-Corrosive material. Cylinders must be transported in a secure upright position, in a wellventilated truck. Protect cylinder and labels from physical damage. The owner of the compressed gas cylinder is the only entity allowed by federal law (49CFR) to transport and refill them. It is a violation of transportation regulations to refill compressed gas cylinders without the express written permission of the owner.

Методы очистки

Condense it in an all-glass apparatus cooled by circulating ice-water, and store it with KOH pellets below 0o. [Beilstein 4 IV 307.]


The aqueous solution is a strong base. May form explosive mixture with air. Reacts violently with strong acids; strong oxidizers; cellulose nitrate; and organic compounds; causing fire and explosion hazard. Also incompatible with organic anhydrides; isocyanates, vinyl acetate; acrylates, substituted allyls; alkylene oxides; epichlorohydrin, ketones, aldehydes, alcohols, glycols, phenols, cresols, caprolactum solution. Attacksnonferrous metals: aluminum, copper, lead, tin, zinc, and alloys; some plastics, rubber, and coatings.

Утилизация отходов

Return refillable compressed gas cylinders to supplier. Controlled incineration; incinerator equipped with a scrubber or thermal unit to reduce nitrogen oxides emissions

Этиламин препаратная продукция и сырье



Этиламин поставщик

Global( 361)Suppliers
поставщик телефон страна номенклатура продукции благоприятные условия
Shandong Promise New Material Co.,Ltd.
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China 89 58
Hebei Yanxi Chemical Co., Ltd.
+86-17531190177; +8617531190177
China 6011 58
Mainchem Co., Ltd.
China 6572 58
Xiamen Eagle Chemical Limited Corporation
+86-5925023701 +86-18900207489
China 6046 58
Shanghai Likang New Materials Co., Limited
+86-16631818819 +86-17736933208
China 9311 58
Aladdin Scientific
United States 57511 58
Henan Fengda Chemical Co., Ltd
+86-371-86557731 +86-13613820652
China 20314 58
China 43348 58
Shandong Dexiang International Trade Co., Ltd
China 998 58
+86-0512-83500002 +8615195660023
China 23053 58
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