
Спирт изопропиловый

Спирт изопропиловый структура
Химическое название:
Спирт изопропиловый
английское имя:
Isopropyl alcohol
IPA;2-Propanol;Isopropanol;i-PrOH;iPrOH;i-Propanol;Propanol-2;2-PROPANOL (IPA);67-73-0;lsopropanol
молекулярный вес:
MOL File:

Спирт изопропиловый атрибут

Температура плавления: -89.5 °C
Температура кипения: 82 °C(lit.)
плотность: 0.785 g/mL at 25 °C(lit.)
плотность пара: 2.1 (vs air)
давление пара: 33 mm Hg ( 20 °C)
показатель преломления: n20/D 1.377(lit.)
Fp: 53 °F
температура хранения: Store at +5°C to +30°C.
растворимость: вода: растворима (полностью)
пка: 17.1(at 25℃)
форма: Твердое вещество с низкой температурой плавления
цвет: Бесцветный и прозрачный
Удельный вес: approximate 0.785(20/20℃)(Ph.Eur.)
Запах: Как этиловый спирт
Относительная полярность: 0.546
Пределы взрываемости: 2-13.4%(V)
Порог?обнаружения?запаха?: 26ppm
Odor Type: alcoholic
Скорость испарения: 2.83
Растворимость в воде: смешиваемый
Точка замерзания: -89.5℃
λмакс: λ: 260 nm Amax: 0.02
λ: 280 nm Amax: 0.01
Мерк: 14,5208
Номер JECFA: 277
БРН: 635639
Пределы воздействия: TLV-TWA 980 mg/m3 (400 ppm); STEL 1225 mg/m3 (500 ppm) (ACGIH); IDLH 12,000 ppm (NIOSH).
Диэлектрическая постоянная: 18.0(Ambient)
Стабильность:: Volatile
LogP: 0.050
Справочник по базе данных CAS: 67-63-0(CAS DataBase Reference)
FDA 21 CFR: 173.240; 172.515; 173.340; 175.105; 176.200; 177.1200; 177.2800; 178.3910; 310.545; 73.1; 73.1001; 73.345; 73.615
Вещества, добавляемые в пищу (ранее EAFUS): ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL
Рейтинг продуктов питания EWG: 2
FDA UNII: ND2M416302
Словарь наркотиков NCI: isopropyl alcohol
Код УВД: D08AX05
МАИР: 3 (Vol. 15, Sup 7, 71) 1999
Справочник по химии NIST: Isopropyl alcohol(67-63-0)
Система регистрации веществ EPA: Isopropanol (67-63-0)
Пестициды: Закон о свободе информации (FOIA): Isopropanol
Информация о косметике: Isopropyl Alcohol
  • Заявления о рисках и безопасности
  • код информации об опасности(GHS)
Коды опасности Xi,F,Xn
Заявления о рисках 11-36-67-40-10-36/38
Заявления о безопасности 7-16-24/25-26-36/37
РИДАДР UN 1219 3/PG 2
OEL TWA: 400 ppm (980 mg/m3), STEL: 500 ppm (1225 mg/m3)
WGK Германия 1
RTECS NT8050000
F 3-10
Температура самовоспламенения 750 °F
кода HS 2905 12 00
Класс опасности 3
Группа упаковки II
Банк данных об опасных веществах 67-63-0(Hazardous Substances Data)
Токсичность LD50 orally in rats: 5.8 g/kg (Smyth, Carpenter)
ИДЛА 2,000 ppm [10% LEL]
символ(GHS) GHS hazard pictogramsGHS hazard pictograms
сигнальное слово Danger
Заявление об опасности
пароль Заявление об опасности Класс опасности категория сигнальное слово пиктограмма предупреждение
H225 Легковоспламеняющаяся жидкость. Пары образуют с воздухом взрывоопасные смеси. Воспламеняющиеся жидкости Категория 2 Опасность GHS hazard pictograms P210,P233, P240, P241, P242, P243,P280, P303+ P361+P353, P370+P378,P403+P235, P501
H319 При попадании в глаза вызывает выраженное раздражение. Серьезное повреждение/раздражение глаз Категория 2А Предупреждение GHS hazard pictograms P264, P280, P305+P351+P338,P337+P313P
H336 Может вызывать сонливость или головокружение. Специфическая органная токсичность при однократном воздействии; Наркотические эффекты Категория 3 Предупреждение P261, P271, P304+P340, P312,P403+P233, P405, P501
P210 Беречь от тепла, горячих поверхностей, искр, открытого огня и других источников воспламенения. Не курить.
P233 Держать в плотно закрытой/герметичной таре.
P240 Заземлить и электрически соединить контейнер и приемное оборудование.
P241 Использовать взрывобезопасное оборудование и освещение.
P242 Использовать неискрящие приборы.
P305+P351+P338 ПРИ ПОПАДАНИИ В ГЛАЗА: Осторожно промыть глаза водой в течение нескольких минут. Снять контактные линзы, если Вы ими пользуетесь и если это легко сделать. Продолжить промывание глаз.

Спирт изопропиловый химические свойства, назначение, производство


Isopropanol is a clear, colorless alcohol that is used in the production of acetone and as a solvent in the manufacture of various industrial and commercial products. It is used by the public for a number of different purposes and is commonly known as rubbing alcohol. It is flammable and miscible with both water and many different organic solvents. Isopropanol can be prepared via three different methods: indirect hydration of propylene (the ‘strong acid’ method), direct hydration of propylene, and catalytic hydrogenation of acetone.

Химические свойства

Isopropyl alcohol is a clear, colorless, mobile, volatile, flammable liquid with a characteristic, spirituous odor resembling that of a mixture of ethanol and acetone; it has a slightly bitter taste.It is miscible with water, ethyl ether, and ethyl alcohol. Isopropyl alcohol is incompatible with strong oxidizers, acetaldehyde, chlorine, ethylene oxide, acids, and isocyanates.


Reported found in apple and cognac aromas (esterified). Also found in apple, banana, grapefruit and lime juice, melon, papaya, pear, onion, peas, rutabaga, tomato, wheat bread, cheeses, milk, boiled egg, cooked beef, pork and mutton, hop oil beer, rum, cocoa, coffee, scotch whiskey, grape wines, peanut, pecan, soybean, honey, beans, plum brandy, walnut, crab, clam, prickly pear and clary sage.


Isopropyl alcohol may be prepared from propylene; by the catalytic reduction of acetone, or by fermentation of certain carbohydrates.


ChEBI: Isopropyl Alcohol is a secondary alcohol that is propane in which one of the hydrogens attached to the central carbon is substituted by a hydroxy group. It is an isomer of propyl alcohol with antibacterial properties.


Isopropyl Alcohol is used in a variety of applications including as a solvent for industrial processes and coating; as a component in cleaning, car care and deicing products; as a wetting agent for printing inks and as a feedstock in the manufacture of ester and Mogas/Luboil additives.
isopropyl alcohol is a carrier, anti-bacterial, and solvent for skin care lotions. Isopropyl alcohol is made from propylene, a petroleum derivative.
When compared to ethanol, 50% less is required for nucleic acid precipitation, thus minimizing the total volume to be centrifuged for DNA or RNA recovery.
Isopropyl alcohol 70% is used as an ingredient in alcohol swabs and alcohol wipes for wound cleaning, it is found in hand sanitizers, and in ear drops to prevent swimmer's ear.

Общее описание

Volatile, colorless liquid with a sharp musty odor like rubbing alcohol. Flash point of 53°F. Vapors are heavier than air and mildly irritating to the eyes, nose, and throat. Density approximately 6.5 lb / gal. Used in making cosmetics, skin and hair preparations, pharmaceuticals, perfumes, lacquer formulations, dye solutions, antifreezes, soaps, window cleaners. Sold in 70% aqueous solution as rubbing alcohol.

Реакции воздуха и воды

Highly flammable. Water soluble.

Профиль реактивности

Isopropyl Alcohol can react with AIR and OXYGEN over time to form unstable peroxides that can explode. Contact with 2-butanone increases the rate of peroxide formation. An explosive reaction occurs when Isopropanol is heated with (aluminum isopropoxide + crotonaldehyde). Forms explosive mixtures with trinitromethane and hydrogen peroxide. Reacts with barium perchlorate to form a highly explosive compound. Ignites on contact with dioxygenyl tetrafluoroborate, chromium trioxide and potassium-tert-butoxide. Vigorous reactions occur with (hydrogen + palladium), nitroform, oleum, COCl2, aluminum triisopropoxide and oxidizing agents. Reacts explosively with phosgene in the presence of iron salts. Incompatible with acids, acid anhydrides, halogens and aluminum . Isopropanol can react with PCl3, forming toxic HCl gas. (Logsdon, John E., Richard A. Loke., sopropyl Alcohol. Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1996.).

Угроза здоровью

Exposures to isopropyl alcohol cause irritation to the eyes and mucous membranes. Exposures to isopropyl alcohol for 3–5 min (400 ppm) caused mild irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat, and at 800 ppm these symptoms became severe. Ingestion or an oral dose of 25 mL in 100 mL of water produced hypotension, facial flushing, bradycardia, and dizziness. Ingestion in large quantities caused extensive hemorrhagic tracheobronchitis, bronchopneumonia, and hemorrhagic pulmonary edema. Prolonged skin contact with isopropyl alcohol caused eczema and sensitivity. Delayed dermal absorption is attributed to a number of pediatric poisonings that have occurred following repeated or prolonged sponge bathing with isopropyl alcohol to reduce fever. In several cases, symptoms included respiratory distress, stupor, and coma. Laboratory animals exposed to isopropyl alcohol develop poisoning with symptoms of hind leg paralysis, unsteadiness, lack of muscular coordination, respiratory depression, and stupor. Isopropyl alcohol is a potent CNS depressant, and in large doses causes cardiovascular depression.


Isopropyl Alcohol(IPA) is highly flammable in its liquid and vapor forms and flammable atmospheres can be created at temperatures as low as 540°F /120℃ . This means that any environment where IPA is being used needs to be well ventilated. It should be kept away from heat and open flame. As the vapour is heavier than air, it may spread along the ground, so care needs to be taken that the vapour is not ignited by a distant source.

Фармацевтические приложения

Isopropyl alcohol (propan-2-ol) is used in cosmetics and pharmaceutical formulations, primarily as a solvent in topical formulations.( It is not recommended for oral use owing to its toxicity.
Although it is used in lotions, the marked degreasing properties of isopropyl alcohol may limit its usefulness in preparations used repeatedly. Isopropyl alcohol is also used as a solvent both for tablet film-coating and for tablet granulation, where the isopropyl alcohol is subsequently removed by evaporation. It has also been shown to significantly increase the skin permeability of nimesulide from carbomer 934.
Isopropyl alcohol has some antimicrobial activity and a 70% v/v aqueous solution is used as a topical disinfectant. Therapeutically, isopropyl alcohol has been investigated for the treatment of postoperative nausea or vomiting.


Существует изомер изопропанола - пропанол-1. При нормальных условиях прозрачная, бесцветная жидкость с резким запахом и мягким горьким вкусом.

Химические свойства

Состав изопропанола включает молекулы углерода, водорода и кислорода;Хорошо растворяется в большом количестве воды (в любых пропорциях), в некоторых эфирах, и в продуктах, содержащих алкоголь.
Растворяет масла, натуральные и синтетические смолы;При контакте с металлами-окислителями преобразуется в ацетон;При сгорании образует углекислый газ и воду, без дыма и копоти.


CD-1 mice were exposed by inhalation to 0, 500, 2500, or 5000 ppm of isopropanol vapor for 6 h/day, 5 days/week for 18 months. An additional group of mice (all exposure levels) were assigned to a recovery group that were exposed to isopropanol for 12 months and then retained until study termination at 18 months. There was no increased frequency of neoplastic lesions in any of the isopropanol-exposed animals. Nonneoplastic lesions were limited to the testes (males) and the kidney. In the testes, enlargement of the seminal vesicles occurred in the absence of associated inflammatory or degenerative changes. The kidney effects included tubular proteinosis and/or tubular dilatation. The incidence of testicular and kidney effects was not increased in the isopropanol-exposed recovery animals.


Главное предназначение изопропанола – в качестве растворителя органических веществ в различных отраслях промышленности.    В автомобильной промышленности, средство для очистки стёкол (антифризы, стеклоочистители).

В медицине (дезинфицирующее средство, в качестве заменителя этилового спирта).

Химическое производство (промежуточное звено для получения различных органических химических соединений и других реактивов).

Применяется в органическом синтезе, используется как базовое сырье в производстве ацетона.

В быту для выведения различного вида загрязнений, в том числе пятен клея, масел и красок практически на любых поверхностях.

Экологическая судьба

The vast majority of isopropanol in the environment originates from manufacturing processes. Small amounts are produced by certain microbes, fungi, and yeast. The high volatility of isopropanol ensures that when it is released into the environment in any state, it eventually ends up in the atmosphere. There, it can be degraded by hydroxyl radicals or it can return to soil or water through precipitation. Its half-life in the environment is approximately 3.2 days and is highly biodegradable; bioaccumulation in plants and animals does not occur.


Вещество огнеопасное (при большой концентрации в воздухе), поэтому применение изопропилового спирта должно сопровождаться следующими мерами предосторожности: работать с ним в помещениях с хорошей вентиляцией, вдали от источников огня и нагревательных приборов;
Выделяется относительной нетоксичностью.


Isopropyl alcohol should be stored in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area in tightly sealed containers with a proper label. Outside or detached storage is preferable. Inside storage should be a flammable liquids storage room or cabinet. Workers should not store isopropyl alcohol above 37°C (100°F). Containers of isopropyl alcohol should be protected from physical damage and contact with air, and should be stored separately from strong oxidizers, acetaldehyde, chlorine, ethylene oxide, acids, and isocyanates. Isopropyl alcohol should be transported to the nearest laboratory as quickly as possible in cool containers.


Incompatible with oxidizing agents such as hydrogen peroxide and nitric acid, which cause decomposition. Isopropyl alcohol may be salted out from aqueous mixtures by the addition of sodium chloride, sodium sulfate, and other salts, or by the addition of sodium hydroxide.

Меры предосторожности

Workers should wash hands and face thoroughly after handling isopropyl alcohol. Workers should wear gloves, safety glasses and a face shield, boots, apron, and a full impermeable suit is recommended if exposure is possible to a large portion of the body.

Регуляторный статус

Included in the FDA Inactive Ingredients Database (oral capsules, tablets, and topical preparations). Included in nonparenteral medicines licensed in the UK. Included in the Canadian List of Acceptable Non-medicinal Ingredients.

Спирт изопропиловый препаратная продукция и сырье



Спирт изопропиловый поставщик

Global( 1490)Suppliers
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Shandong Yanshuo Chemical Co., Ltd.
+86-18678179670 +86-18615116763
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Qingdao Trust Agri Chemical Co.,Ltd
China 298 58
Shaanxi Didu New Materials Co. Ltd
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Deoksan General Science Co., Ltd
+82-02-957-3792 +82-02-957-3792
South Korea 4 58
+86-85511178 +86-85511178
China 35451 58
Yujiang Chemical (Shandong) Co.,Ltd.
+86-17736087130 +86-18633844644
China 970 58
Aladdin Scientific
United States 57511 58
Henan Xiangduo Industry Co., Ltd.
+86-15981848961 +86-15981848961
China 497 58
Hebei Youfeidi Trading Co., LTD
China 105 58
Qingdao RENAS Polymer Material Co., Ltd.
+86-0532-86867058 +86-18562606086
China 163 58
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