チオクト酸 化学特性,用途語,生産方法
リポ酸,リポサン,チオクト酸ともいう.ビタミンの一種.リポ酸は広く生物界に存在し,乳酸菌や原生動物の発育因子として研究され,ウシの肝臓から結晶として単離された.その後,合成により構造が確立された.淡黄色の板状結晶.融点47.5 ℃,沸点160~165 ℃.[α]D+104°(ベンゼン).ラセミ体より光学分割して得た(S)-リポ酸は生物活性を示さない.吸収極大は1,2-ジチオラン環にもとづくλmax 332 nm(ε 150,エタノール)を示す.有機溶媒に易溶,水に不溶.リポ酸は固体の状態では比較的安定であるが,融点近くに加熱するか,溶液の状態での光,とくに H+ の存在において迅速にゴム状または樹脂状の重合体を与える.種々の還元剤の作用で6,8-ジメルカプトオクタン酸になり,酸化によりスルホキシドを生成する.リポ酸は,種々の酵素やビタミン B1 の補酵素として,電子伝達に関与している.チアミン二リン酸(TDP)と共役して,ピルビン酸がアセチルCoAに酸化的に脱炭酸されるときにアセチル基の伝達を行うなど,アシル基の伝達に関与している.ほ乳動物は腸内細菌が合成したものを利用しているので,欠乏症はみられない.
チオクト酸 (日新製薬-山形)
Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is synthesised enzymatically in the mitochondria from octanoic acid and plays a critical role in mitochondrial energy metabolism. ALA presents as two enantiomers: the R-(+) enantiomer, which is widely present in nature and is biologically active, and the S-(-) enantiomer, which is often included in synthetic-based ALA supplements but is believed to have limited biological activity.
Formulations includes:
R-alpha lipoic acid capsules, tablets, powders or drops
Racemic mixture of R- and S- alpha lipoic acid enantiomers in capsules, tablets, powders or drops
Intravenous administration of R-alpha lipoic acid
Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) was discovered in 1951. It is a sulfur-containing coenzyme, and when it was first isolated and studied, its main function was thought to be in the Krebs Cycle.
In 1988, ALA was discovered to be a potent antioxidant, and is active in both fat- and watersoluble regions of the cell.
α-lipoic acid (ALA, thioctic acid) is an organosulfur component produced from plants, animals, and humans. It has various properties, among them great antioxidant potential and is widely used as a racemic drug for diabetic polyneuropathy-associated pain and paresthesia. It has been used in alternative medicine as a possibly effective aid in weight loss, treating diabetic nerve pain, healing wounds, lowering blood sugar, improving skin discoloration caused by vitiligo, and decreasing complications of coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery.
Alpha Lipoic Acid 600 mg | 45 Tablets
ChEBI: Lipoic acid is a heterocyclic thia fatty acid comprising pentanoic acid with a 1,2-dithiolan-3-yl group at the 5-position. It belongs to a vitamin of the vitaminB complex. Lipoic acid is one of thecoenzymes involved in the decarboxylationof pyruvate by the enzymepyruvate dehydrogenase. Goodsources of lipoic acid include liverand yeast.
Alpha-lipoic acid is generally considered safe with little to no side effects. In some cases, people may experience mild symptoms like nausea, rashes, or itching.
Structure and conformation
Lipoic acid contains two sulfur atoms (at C6 and C8) connected by a disulfide bond and is thus considered to be oxidized although either sulfur atom can exist in higher oxidation states.The carbon atom at C6 is chiral and the molecule exists as two enantiomers (R)-(+)-lipoic acid (RLA) and (S)-(-)-lipoic acid (SLA) and as a racemic mixture (R/S)-lipoic acid (R/S-LA).
チオクト酸 上流と下流の製品情報