ChEBI: An imidazoline compound having a 4-amino-2,6-dichloroanilino group at the 2-position.
일반 설명
In addition to its therapeutic use as an antihypertensiveagent, clonidine has been found to provide beneficialeffects in several other situations, including glaucoma,spasticity, migraine prophylaxis, opiate withdrawal syndrome,and anesthesia. This has prompted the developmentof analogs of clonidine for specific use in some of the mentionedareas. Two of such examples are apraclonidine andbrimonidine. Apraclonidine does not cross the BBB.However, brimonidine can cross the BBB and hence canproduce hypotension and sedation, although these CNSeffects are slight compared with those of clonidine. CNS effectsof these drugs are correlated well to their log P, pKa,and thus log D value. Both apraclonidine and brimonidineare selective α2-agonists with α1: α2 ratios of 30:1 and1,000:1, respectively. Brimonidine is a much more selectiveα2-agonist than clonidine or apraclonidine and is a firstlineagent for treating glaucoma. Apraclonidines’s primarymechanism of action may be related to a reduction of aqueousformation, whereas brimonidine lowers intraocularpressure by reducing aqueous humor production and increasinguveoscleral outflow. Apraclonidine is used specificallyto control elevations in intraocular pressure that canoccur during laser surgery on the eye. Another example istizanidine (Zanaflex), which finds use in treating spasticityassociated with multiple sclerosis or spinal cord injury. Bystimulating 2-adrenergic receptors, it is believed to decreasethe release of excitatory amino acid NTs from spinalcord interneurons.