Bisnitrous acid magnesium salt

Bisnitrous acid magnesium salt 구조식 이미지
카스 번호:
Bisnitrous acid magnesium salt
Magnesium nitrite;Bisnitrous acid magnesium salt
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Bisnitrous acid magnesium salt 속성


Bisnitrous acid magnesium salt C화학적 특성, 용도, 생산


The instability of magnesium nitrite, even when dissolved in water, has not engendered any usage in industry.

제조 방법

Magnesium nitrite has the formula of Mg(NO2)2 and the molecular weight of 116.3164 g/mol. It can be made by the usual double decomposition reaction of sodium nitrite and CaCl2:
2NaNO2 (aq) + MgCl2?Mg(NO2)2 (aq) + 4NaCl (aq)
It forms a trihydrate having a molecular weight of 170.3626 g/mol. Magnesium nitrite is soluble in water and the solution must be evaporated at very low temperatures to obtain crystals. The solution is stable and is slightly hydrolyzed in the cold but at 60° and above it evolves oxides of nitrogen. Its CAS number is 15070-34-5 and it occurs as white, hydroscopic crystals that must be protected from moisture to prevent decomposition. The trihydrate, when heated, forms the monohydrate at 100 °C and then decomposes to NO + NO2 and MgO at >130 °C. It is soluble in alcohol.

Bisnitrous acid magnesium salt 준비 용품 및 원자재


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