化合物 BTZ043 Racemate,BTZ043 Racemate
  • 化合物 BTZ043 Racemate,BTZ043 Racemate

化合物 BTZ043 Racemate|T6425|TargetMol

价格 315 747 970
包装 1mg 5mg 10mg
最小起订量 1mg
发货地 上海
更新日期 2024-09-29
QQ交谈 微信洽谈


中文名称:化合物 BTZ043 Racemate英文名称:BTZ043 Racemate
CAS:957217-65-1品牌: TargetMol
产地: 美国保存条件: Powder: -20°C for 3 years | In solvent: -80°C for 1 year | Shipping with blue ice.
纯度规格: 99.516%产品类别: 抑制剂
货号: T6425
2024-09-29 化合物 BTZ043 Racemate BTZ043 Racemate 1mg/315RMB;5mg/747RMB;10mg/970RMB 315 TargetMol 美国 Powder: -20°C for 3 years | In solvent: -80°C for 1 year | Shipping with blue ice. 99.516% 抑制剂

Product Introduction


名称BTZ043 Racemate
描述BTZ043 Racemate (Benzothiazinone 10526038) is a decaprenylphosphoryl-β-D-ribose 2'-epimerase (DprE1) inhibitor, used as a new antimycobacterial agent.
体外活性By targeting decaprenylphosphoryl-β-D-ribose 2'-epimerase, BTZ043 abolishes the formation of decaprenylphosphoryl arabinose, leading to cell lysis and death of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. BTZ043 displays similar activity against all clinical isolates of M. tuberculosis, including multidrug-resistant and extensively drug-resistant strains. BTZ043 displays significant activity against M. tuberculosis H37Rv and Mycobacterium smegmatis with MIC of 1 ng/mL (2.3 nM) and 4 ng/mL (9.2 nM), respectively, which is more potent than those of the existing tuberculosis (TB) drugs isoniazid (INH) and ethambutol (EMB) with MIC of 0.02-0.2 μg/mL and 1-5 μg/mL, respectively. BTZ043 is less effective in two different model systems (auxotrophy and starvation) involving metabolically inert M. tuberculosis, indicating that BTZ043 blocks a step in active metabolism similar to isoniazid (INH). BTZ043 treatment in M. smegmatis cells decreases the growth rate rapidly followed by a swelling of the poles and lysis of the cells after a few hours, which is similar but delayed in M. tuberculosis. [1] BTZ043 (1/4 MIC 0.375 ng/mL) in combination with TMC207 (1/4 MIC 20 ng/mL) has a stronger cidal effect on M. tuberculosis but not BTZ-resistant M. tuberculosis mutant than TMC207 alone at a concentration of 80 ng/mL. [2]
体内活性In a mouse model of chronic tuberculosis, administration of BTZ043 at 37.5 mg/kg or 300 mg/kg for 4 weeks reduces the bacterial burden in the lungs and spleens by 1 and 2 logs, respectively. [1]
存储条件Powder: -20°C for 3 years | In solvent: -80°C for 1 year | Shipping with blue ice.
溶解度DMSO : 21 mg/mL (48.7 mM)
H2O : < 1 mg/mL (insoluble or slightly soluble)
Ethanol : < 1 mg/mL (insoluble or slightly soluble)
关键字Benzothiazinone10526038 | inhibit | Benzothiazinone-10526038 | BTZ-044 | Inhibitor | BTZ-043 Racemate | BTZ-043 | BTZ-10526038 | BTZ043 | BTZ 043 | BTZ043 Racemate | tuberculosis | BTZ 10526038 | BTZ 044 | Bacterial
相关产品Crystal Violet | Doxycycline (hyclate) | Dehydroacetic acid sodium | G-418 disulfate | Doxycycline | Methyl anthranilate | Neomycin sulfate | Metronidazole | Dimethyl sulfoxide | Ampicillin sodium | Sulfamethoxazole sodium | Kanamycin sulfate
相关库抑制剂库 | 经典已知活性库 | 已知活性化合物库 | 抗菌活性库 | 抗感染化合物库 | 含氟化合物库 | NO PAINS 化合物库 | 临床前化合物库 | 临床期小分子药物库 | 药物功能重定位化合物库
关键字: BTZ044|||BTZ10526038|||Benzothiazinone 10526038|TargetMol


TargetMol Chemicals Inc. 总部位于马萨诸塞州波士顿,致力于为全球生化领域科学家的研究提供专业的产品和服务。TargetMol?品牌的客户群分布于40多个国家和地区,已发展成为全球知名的化合物库和小分子化合物研究供应商。 TargetMol?可提供160多种满足不同需求的化合物库,以及多种类型的生化试剂产品,包括12000多种抑制剂、16000多种天然产物和各类多肽、抗体、生命科学试剂盒等,此外,我们还建设有CADD(计算机辅助药物设计)研究中心、药理实验室、药化合成平台三大技术中心,全方位满足客户的定制需求。 凭借我们优质的产品和服务、快速高效的全球供应链和专业的技术支持,我们将有效帮助您缩短研发周期,取得更成功的结果。
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员工人数 100-500人 年营业额 ¥ 1亿以上
主营行业 天然产物,生化试剂,分子生物学,分子砌块,生物技术服务 经营模式 贸易,工厂,试剂,定制,服务
  • TargetMol中国(陶术生物)
VIP 3年
  • 公司成立:12年
  • 注册资本:566.265100万人民币
  • 企业类型:有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)
  • 主营产品:小分子抑制剂、药物筛选化合物库、药物筛选等
  • 公司地址:静安区江场三路238号8楼

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