Bilirubin is a principal pigment of bile and one of the major end products of hemoglobin decomposition. It contains conjμgated double bonds and reactive hydrogen atoms. Serves as a physiological antioxidant. Reported to cross the blood-brain barrier and exert significant antioxidant effects in the brain. This product corresponds to the unconjμgated form. Extinction coefficient (454 nm, CHCl3):59,100-62,300 M-1cm-1.抗氧剂,保护膜磷脂免受过氧化氢自由基的氧化。即使在纳摩尔浓度也能保护神经元免受氧化损害。Bilirubin has been used: · in phantom preparation · in in vitro experiments · in the preparation of bilirubin solutions for infusion
Bilirubin is a principal pigment of bile and one of the major end products of hemoglobin decomposition. It contains conjugated double bonds and reactive hydrogen atoms. Serves as a physiological antioxidant. Reported to cross the blood-brain barrier and exert significant antioxidant effects in the brain. This product corresponds to the unconjugated form. Extinction coefficient (454 nm, CHCl3):59,100-62,300 M-1cm-1.A principal pigment of bile and one of the major end products of hemoglobin decomposition