
Дилаурил пероксид

Дилаурил пероксид структура
Химическое название:
Дилаурил пероксид
английское имя:
Lauroyl peroxide
LPO;LAUROYL PEROXIDE;LAURYL PEROXIDE;lauroyl;DODECANOYL PEROXIDE;laurox;dodecanoyl;Dodecanoic peroxyanhydride;dodecanoyl dodecaneperoxoate;alperoxc
молекулярный вес:
MOL File:

Дилаурил пероксид атрибут

Температура плавления: 53-57 °C(lit.)
Температура кипения: 441.76°C (rough estimate)
плотность: 0,91 g/cm3
плотность пара: 13.7 (vs air)
давление пара: 0Pa at 20℃
показатель преломления: 1.4460 (estimate)
температура хранения: 2-8°C
растворимость: Хлороформ (слегка), ДМСО (слегка обработан ультразвуком)
форма: пудра
цвет: белый
Запах: wh. coarse powd., faint odor, tasteless
Растворимость в воде: Растворим в маслах и органических растворителях. Мало растворим в спирте. Нерастворим в воде.
БРН: 1804936
LogP: 10.3
Справочник по базе данных CAS: 105-74-8(CAS DataBase Reference)
Непрямые добавки, используемые в веществах, контактирующих с пищевыми продуктами: LAUROYL PEROXIDE
FDA 21 CFR: 175.105; 176.170
Рейтинг продуктов питания EWG: 1
МАИР: 3 (Vol. 36, Sup 7, 71) 1999
Система регистрации веществ EPA: Peroxide, bis(1-oxododecyl) (105-74-8)
  • Заявления о рисках и безопасности
  • код информации об опасности(GHS)
Коды опасности O
Заявления о рисках 7
Заявления о безопасности 14-3/7-36/37/39-14A-37/39-36
РИДАДР UN 3106 5.2
WGK Германия 1
RTECS OF2625000
Класс опасности 5.2
Группа упаковки II
кода HS 29159000
Банк данных об опасных веществах 105-74-8(Hazardous Substances Data)
символ(GHS) GHS hazard pictograms
сигнальное слово Danger
Заявление об опасности
пароль Заявление об опасности Класс опасности категория сигнальное слово пиктограмма предупреждение
H242 При нагревании возможно возгорание. Самореактивные вещества и смеси; и органические пероксиды Тип C, D, Тип E, F
Тип G
GHS hazard pictograms P210, P220, P234, P280, P370+P378,P403+P235, P411, P420, P501
P210 Беречь от тепла, горячих поверхностей, искр, открытого огня и других источников воспламенения. Не курить.
P234 Хранить только в оригинальной упаковке.
P235 Держать в прохладном месте.
P280 Использовать перчатки/ средства защиты глаз/ лица.
P370+P378 При пожаре тушить сухим песком, сухим химическим порошком или спиртостойкой пеной.
P410 Беречь от солнечных лучей.

Дилаурил пероксид MSDS

Dilauroyl peroxide

Дилаурил пероксид химические свойства, назначение, производство

Химические свойства

Dilauroyl peroxide (Lauroyl peroxide) is a tasteless, coarse, white powder. Dilauroyl peroxide is not a deflagration hazard. However, it has been judged an intermediate fire hazard by Noller et al.  When all the physical tests available for this peroxide are evaluated collectively, it actually ranks as a low physical hazard .


Dilauroyl peroxide is produced by reaction of lauroyl chloride with sodium peroxide. Its major use is as an initiator for vinyl chloride. It is used as a polymerization agent in the plastics industry and as a curing agent for rubber. It has also been used as a burnout agent for acetate yarns. The pharmaceutical industry uses it in topical creams in combination with antibiotics for acne treatment .


Dilauroyl peroxide is the symmetrical peroxide of lauric acid. It is produced by treating lauroyl chloride with hydrogen peroxide in the presence of base:
2C11H23COCl + H2O2+ 2NaOH → (C11H23CO2)2 + 2HCl

Общее описание

Dilauroyl peroxide appears as a white solid with a faint soapy odor. Less dense than water and insoluble in water. Hence floats on water. Melting point 49 °C. Toxic by ingestion and inhalation. Strong skin irritant. Used as bleaching agent, drying agent for fats, oils and waxes, and as a polymerization catalyst.

Реакции воздуха и воды

Highly flammable. Insoluble in water.

Профиль реактивности

Dilauroyl peroxide is an oxidizing agent. Can ignite organic materials; hence a dangerous fire and explosion risk [Hawley]. Strongly reduced material such as sulfides, nitrides, and hydrides may react explosively. Vigorous reactions with other reducing agents. With charcoal sometimes ignites. [Bretherick, 5th ed., 1995, p. 1194].

Угроза здоровью

Contact with liquid irritates eyes and skin. Ingestion causes irritation of mouth and stomach.


Behavior in Fire: Can increase the severity of a fire. Becomes sensitive to shock when hot. Containers may explode in a fire. May ignite or explode spontaneously if mixed with flammable materials.


The International Agency for Research on Cancer has evaluated the carcinogenicity of lauroyl peroxide. They classified it as a Group 3 material, which means there is limited or inadequate evidence for animals and inadequate or absent information for humans . The carcinogenicity of this peroxide has primarily been studied using skin applications. After a single topical application of 10, 20, or 40 mg of lauroyl peroxide, the epidermal thickness increased markedly. This hyperplasia was characterized by a sustained production of dark basal keratinocytes. This peroxide is inactive as a tumor initiator or as a complete carcinogen. However, it is as effective as benzoyl peroxide as a skin tumor promoter.


Store in a well-ventilated, cool area, isolatedfrom other chemicals. It is shippedin fiber drums not exceeding 100 lb. Smallamounts may be shipped in 1-lb fiberboardboxes.

Методы очистки

Crystallise it from n-hexane or *benzene and store it below 0o. Potentially EXPLOSIVE. [cf Beilstein 2 IV 1102.]

Утилизация отходов

Although lauroyl peroxide is relatively lesshazardous, it is recommended that to handlespills and disposal, the same safety measuresbe followed as those for other hazardousorganic peroxides.

Дилаурил пероксид препаратная продукция и сырье



Дилаурил пероксид поставщик

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Taizhou Suze Chemical Materials Co.,Ltd.
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China 23 58
Sinomore New Material Company Limited
+86-15150124211 +86-15150124211
China 25 58
Hebei Chuanghai Biotechnology Co,.LTD
China 5867 58
Hebei Mojin Biotechnology Co., Ltd
+86 13288715578 +8613288715578
China 12449 58
Mainchem Co., Ltd.
China 6572 58
China 9365 58
Aladdin Scientific
United States 57511 58
Shanghai Acmec Biochemical Technology Co., Ltd.
China 33350 58
China 43348 58
Henan Allgreen Chemical Co.,LTD
+86-37155567971 +86-13633837469
China 5986 58
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