
Allyl alcohol Struktur
Englisch Name:
Allyl alcohol
AA;prop-2-en-1-ol;2-PROPEN-1-OL;Allylic alcohol;Allylalkohol;Propenol;2-PROPENOL;Allyl alcohol, extra pure, 99%;allyalcohol;CH2=CHCH2OH

Allylalkoholl Eigenschaften

-129 °C
96-98 °C(lit.)
0.854 g/mL at 25 °C(lit.)
2 (vs air)
23.8 mm Hg ( 25 °C)
n20/D 1.412(lit.)
storage temp. 
Flammables area
Miscible with alcohol, chloroform, ether, and petroleum ether (Windholz et al., 1983)
15.5(at 25℃)
Geruch (Odor)
Characteristic, pungent; sharp; causes tears.
Henry's Law Constant
(x 10-6 atm?m3/mol): 5.00 at 25 °C (Hine and Mookerjee, 1975)
TLV-TWA 5 mg/m3 (2 ppm); STEL 10 mg/m3 (4 ppm) (ACGIH); IDLH 150 ppm.
Dielectric constant
Stability Flammable. Note low flash point and wide explosive limits. Forms explosive mixtures with air. Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents, strong acids, oleum, diallyl phosphite, metal halides, sodium hydroxide, tetrachloromethane, tri-N-bromoaniline, sodium, potassium, magnesium, aluminium. Polymerizes during prolonged storage.
0.17 at 25℃
CAS Datenbank
107-18-6(CAS DataBase Reference)
NIST chemische Informationen
EPA chemische Informationen
Allyl Alcohol (107-18-6)
  • Risiko- und Sicherheitserklärung
  • Gefahreninformationscode (GHS)
Kennzeichnung gefährlicher T,N
R-Sätze: 10-23/24/25-36/37/38-50
S-Sätze: 36/37/39-38-45-61
RIDADR  UN 1098 6.1/PG 1
OEL TWA: 2 ppm (5 mg/m3), STEL: 4 ppm (10 mg/m3) [skin]
WGK Germany  2
RTECS-Nr. BA5075000
Selbstentzündungstemperatur 712 °F
HazardClass  6.1
PackingGroup  I
HS Code  29052910
Giftige Stoffe Daten 107-18-6(Hazardous Substances Data)
Toxizität LD50 orally in rats: 64 mg/kg (Smyth, Carpenter)
IDLA 20 ppm
Bildanzeige (GHS) GHS hazard pictogramsGHS hazard pictogramsGHS hazard pictograms
Alarmwort Achtung
Code Gefahrenhinweise Gefahrenklasse Abteilung Alarmwort Symbol P-Code
H225 Flüssigkeit und Dampf leicht entzündbar. Entzündbare Flüssigkeiten Kategorie 2 Achtung GHS hazard pictogramssrc="/GHS02.jpg" width="20" height="20" /> P210,P233, P240, P241, P242, P243,P280, P303+ P361+P353, P370+P378,P403+P235, P501
H310 Lebensgefahr bei Hautkontakt. Acute toxicity,dermal Category 1, 2 Achtung GHS hazard pictogramssrc="/GHS06.jpg" width="20" height="20" /> P262, P264, P270, P280, P302+P350,P310, P322, P361, P363, P405, P501
H315 Verursacht Hautreizungen. Hautreizung Kategorie 2 Warnung GHS hazard pictogramssrc="/GHS07.jpg" width="20" height="20" /> P264, P280, P302+P352, P321,P332+P313, P362
H319 Verursacht schwere Augenreizung. Schwere Augenreizung Kategorie 2 Warnung GHS hazard pictogramssrc="/GHS07.jpg" width="20" height="20" /> P264, P280, P305+P351+P338,P337+P313P
H335 Kann die Atemwege reizen. Spezifische Zielorgan-Toxizität (einmalige Exposition) Kategorie 3 (Atemwegsreizung) Warnung GHS hazard pictogramssrc="/GHS07.jpg" width="20" height="20" />
H410 Sehr giftig für Wasserorganismen mit langfristiger Wirkung. Langfristig (chronisch) gewässergefährdend Kategorie 1 Warnung GHS hazard pictogramssrc="/GHS09.jpg" width="20" height="20" /> P273, P391, P501
P210 Von Hitze, heißen Oberflächen, Funken, offenen Flammen und anderen Zündquellenarten fernhalten. Nicht rauchen.
P273 Freisetzung in die Umwelt vermeiden.
P280 Schutzhandschuhe/Schutzkleidung/Augenschutz tragen.
P301+P310 BEI VERSCHLUCKEN: Sofort GIFTINFORMATIONSZENTRUM/Arzt/... (geeignete Stelle für medizinische Notfallversorgung vom Hersteller/Lieferanten anzugeben) anrufen.
P303+P361+P353 BEI BERÜHRUNG MIT DER HAUT (oder dem Haar): Alle kontaminierten Kleidungsstücke sofort ausziehen. Haut mit Wasser abwaschen oder duschen.

Allylalkoholl Chemische Eigenschaften,Einsatz,Produktion Methoden




Reagiert mit Kohlenstofftetrachlorid, Salpetersäure, Chlorsulfonsäure. Feuer- und Explosionsgefahr.


TLV: 0,5 ppm (als TWA) Hautresorption Krebskategorie A4 (nicht klassifizierbar als krebserzeugend für den Menschen); (ACGIH 2005).
MAK: Hautresorption; Krebserzeugend Kategorie 3B; (DFG 2005).


Aufnahme in den Körper durch Inhalation der Dämpfe, über die Haut und durch Verschlucken.


Beim Verdampfen bei 20 °C kann sehr schnell eine gesundheitsschädliche Kontamination der Luft eintreten.


Tränenreizend. Die Substanz reizt die Augen, die Haut und die Atmungsorgane. Möglich sind Auswirkungen auf Muskeln mit nachfolgenden lokalen Krämpfen und Schmerzen. Die Auswirkungen treten u.U. verzögert ein. Möglich sind Auswirkungen auf Nierenund Leber.


Zündquellen entfernen. Ausgelaufene Flüssigkeit möglichst in abdichtbaren Behältern sammeln. Reste mit Sand oder inertem Absorptionsmittel aufnehmen und an einen sicheren Ort bringen. Persönliche Schutzausrüstung: Vollschutzanzug mit umgebungsluftunabhängigem Atemschutzgerät. NICHT in die Umwelt gelangen lassen.

R-Sätze Betriebsanweisung:

R23/24/25:Giftig beim Einatmen, Verschlucken und Berührung mit der Haut.
R36/37/38:Reizt die Augen, die Atmungsorgane und die Haut.
R50:Sehr giftig für Wasserorganismen.

S-Sätze Betriebsanweisung:

S36/37/39:Bei der Arbeit geeignete Schutzkleidung,Schutzhandschuhe und Schutzbrille/Gesichtsschutz tragen.
S38:Bei unzureichender Belüftung Atemschutzgerät anlegen.
S45:Bei Unfall oder Unwohlsein sofort Arzt zuziehen (wenn möglich, dieses Etikett vorzeigen).
S61:Freisetzung in die Umwelt vermeiden. Besondere Anweisungen einholen/Sicherheitsdatenblatt zu Rate ziehen.

Aussehen Eigenschaften

CH2=CHCH2OH; 2-Propen-1-ol; farblose, senfartig stechend riechende Flüssigkeit

Gefahren für Mensch und Umwelt

Leicht entzündlich. Kann gefährliche Reaktionen mit starken Oxidationsmitteln. Mit Schwefelsäure erfolgt Dehydration, mit Nariumhydroxid erfolgt Polymerisation. Dämpfe sind schwerer als Luft. Kann mit Luft explosionsfähige Gemische bilden.
Sehr giftig. Wirkt reizend auf Augen, Atmungstrakt und Haut. Die Wirkung kann mit bis zu 48-stündiger Verzögerung eintreten. Schädigt Leber und Niere. Wirkt in hohen Dosen narkotisch. Gute Hautresorption möglich! Nach Augenkontakt: Verätzung und Erblindungsgefahr.
Wassergefährdend (WGK 2).

Schutzmaßnahmen und Verhaltensregeln

Nur unter dem Abzug arbeiten. Von offenen Flammen und anderen Zünquellen fernhalten.
Gummi-Handschuhe (nur kurzzeitiger Spritzschutz!)

Verhalten im Gefahrfall

Verschüttetes Material mit Universalbinder (Kieselgur) aufnehmen und der Entsorgung zuführen. Auftretende Dämpfe absaugen.
Wasser, Kohlendioxid, Schaum oder Pulver.
Bei Brand Entstehung giftiger Dämpfe möglich.

Erste Hilfe

Nach Hautkontakt: Mit reichlich Wasser und Seife abwaschen. Arzt aufsuchen.
Nach Augenkontakt: Mit reichlich Wasser bei geöffnetem Lidspalt ausspülen (min. 10 Min). Sofort Augenarzt hinzuziehen.
Nach Einatmen: Frischluft. Ggf. Atemspende oder Gerätebeatmung.
Nach Verschlucken: Gabe von Paraffin liq., Erbrechen vermeiden (Aspirationsgefahr !). Sofort Arzt hinzuziehen.
Nach Kleidungskontakt: Kontaminierte Kleidung sofort entfernen.
Bei Unwohlsein Arzt konsultieren.
Ersthelfer: siehe gesonderten Anschlag

Sachgerechte Entsorgung

Als Sondermüll entsorgen.

Chemische Eigenschaften

Allyl alcohol is a flammable, colorless liquid. It has a pungent, mustard-like odor. It is used in making drugs, organic chemicals, pesticides, in the manufacture of allyl esters, and as monomers and prepolymers for the manufacture of resins and plastics. It has a large use in the preparation of pharmaceutical products, in organic synthesis, and as a fungicide and herbicide. Occupational workers engaged in industries such as the manufacture of drugs, pesticides, allyl esters, organic chemicals, resins, war gas, and plasticizers, are often exposed to this alcohol.

Physikalische Eigenschaften

Colorless, mobile liquid with a pungent, mustard-like odor at high concentrations. At low concentrations, odor resembles that of ethyl alcohol. Katz and Talbert (1930) and Dravnieks (1974) reported experimental detection odor threshold concentrations of 3.3 mg/m3 (1.4 ppmv) and 5 mg/m3 (2.1 ppmv), respectively.


Allyl alcohol is used as an intermediate compound for synthesizing raw materials such as epichlorohydrin C3H5ClO and 1,4- butanediol C4H10O2, and this development is bringing about expansion of the range of uses of allyl alcohol. The term allyl of allyl compounds is derived from allium, the Latin word for garlic. It is also used to induce a mouse model of liver damage that has been used to study the mechanisms of hepatotoxicity and hepatic stem cell-mediated repair.


Allyl alcohol is used to produce glyceroland acrolein and other allylic compounds. It is also used in the manufacture of militarypoison gas. The ester derivatives are used inresins and plasticizers.Allyl alcohol is an intermediate in the production of polymerizable allyl ethers and esters, especially diallyl phthalate. The bulk of the allyl alcohol produced commercially is consumed in the production of glycerol. Polymeric allyl alcohol reacts with unsaturated fatty acids to give drying oils. Sulfur dioxide and allyl alcohol yield polymeric allylsulfonic acids, which have been proposed as intermediates for plasticizers and textile auxiliaries. Allyl alcohol can be copolymerized with other monomers and then used as an intermediate in the production of flame-resistant materials or as a nematocide, fungicide, or preservative.


ChEBI: Allyl alcohol is a propenol in which the C=C bond connects C-2 and C-3. It is has been found in garlic (Allium sativum). Formerly used as a herbicide for the control of various grass and weed seeds. It has a role as an insecticide, a herbicide, an antibacterial agent, a fungicide and a plant metabolite. It is a primary allylic alcohol and a propenol.

Vorbereitung Methode

Allyl alcohol is prepared by several different processes, the original is alkaline hydrolysis of allyl chloride by steam injection at high temperatures. A more recent commercial process used oxidation of propylene to acrolein, which in turn reacts with a secondary alcohol to yield allyl alcohol and a ketone. In this process, allyl alcohol is not isolated, but its aqueous stream is converted directly to glycerol. The most recent commercial process is isomerization of propylene oxide over a lithium phosphate catalyst.


Allyl alcohol was first prepared in 1856 by A. CAHOURS and A. W. HOFMANN by saponification of allyl iodide.

Allgemeine Beschreibung

Allyl alcohol appears as a clear colorless liquid with a mustard-like odor. Flash point 70°F. Very toxic by inhalation and ingestion. Less dense than water (7.1 lb / gal). Vapors are heavier than air. Prolonged exposure to low concentrations or short exposure to high concentrations may have adverse health effects from inhalation.

Air & Water Reaktionen

Highly flammable. Water soluble.

Reaktivität anzeigen

Allyl alcohol presents a dangerous fire and explosion hazard when exposed to heat, flame, or oxidizing agents. Reacts violently or explosively with sulfuric acid, strong bases. Reacts violently with 2,4,6-trichloro-1,3,5-triazine and 2,4,6-tris(bromoamino)-1,3,5-triazine. Reacts with carbon tetrachloride to produce explosively unstable products [Lewis]. Mixing Allyl alcohol in equal molar portions with any of the following substances in a closed container caused the temperature and pressure to increase: chlorosulfonic acid, nitric acid, oleum, sulfuric acid [NFPA 491M. 1991].


Toxic by skin absorption. Eye and upper respiratory tract irritant. Questionable carcinogen.

Health Hazard

The toxicity of allyl alcohol is moderately high, affecting primarily the eyes. The other target organs are the skin and respiratory system. Inhalation causes eyeirritation and tissue damage. A 25-ppmexposure level is reported to produce asevere eye irritation. It may cause atemporary lacrimatory effect, manifested by photophobia and blurred vision, for some hours after exposure. Occasional exposure of a person to allyl alcohol does not indicate chronic or cumulative toxicity. Dogterom and associates (1988) investigated the toxicity of allyl alcohol in isolated rathepatocytes. The toxicity was independent of lipid peroxidation, and acrylate was found to be the toxic metabolite Ingestion of this compound may cause irritation of the intestinal tract. The oral LD50 value in rats is 64 mg/kg (NIOSH 1986).


Allyl alcohol vapor may explode if ignited in confined areas. Combustion products may be poisonous. The vapor is heavier than air and flashback along vapor trail may occur. Gives off toxic fumes when heated. May react vigorously with oxidizing materials, carbon tetrachloride, acids, oleum, sodium hydroxide, diallyl phosphite, potassium chloride, or tri-n-bromomelamine.


Suspected carcinogen. Poison by inhalation, ingestion, skin contact, subcutaneous, intraperitoneal, and possibly other routes. A slim, severe eye (human), and systemic irritant. Mutation data reported. Dangerous fire and explosion hazard when exposed to heat, flame, or oxidizers.

mögliche Exposition

Allyl alcohol is a colorless water soluble liquid. The melting point, boiling point, vapor pressure, and the octanol–water partition coefficient (log Kow) are 129°C, 97°°C, 26.1mmHg at 25°C, and 0.17, respectively. The Henry’s law constant is 4.99×10-6 atm-m3 mol-1. Allyl alcohol’s production, its use as an industrial solvent and as a raw material/intermediate in the preparation of pharmaceuticals, polymers, organic chemicals, in the manufacture of glycerol and acrolein, and in the production of insecticides and herbicides, may result in its release to the environment.


Male and female F344 rats were given allyl alcohol in the drinking water at a concentration of 0 or 300 mg/L for 106 weeks. The incidence of tumors was similar to that in controls . Male and female hamsters were administered 2 mg allyl alcohol by oral gavage once a week for 60 weeks. The incidence of tumors did not increase significantly compared to controls.


UN1098 Allyl alcohol Hazard class: 6.1; Labels: 6.1-Poison Inhalation Hazard, 3-Flammable liquids, Inhalation Hazard Zone B.

läuterung methode

It can be dried with K2CO3 or CaSO4, or by azeotropic distillation with *benzene followed by distillation under nitrogen. It is difficult to obtain it free of peroxide. It has also been refluxed with magnesium and fractionally distilled [Hands & Norman Ind Chem 21 307 1945]. [Beilstein 1 IV 2079.]

Environmental Fate

The vapor pressure of allyl alcohol, 26.1mmHg at 25°C, indicates that if released in the air, it will exist mainly as a vapor in the ambient atmosphere. If released to soil, allyl alcohol is expected to have very high mobility based upon an estimated Koc of 1.3 and will be distributed mainly in the water and soil. If released into water, allyl alcohol will stay in the water and is not expected to adsorb to suspended solids and sediments. Allyl alcohol is stable in water since it lacks functional groups that hydrolyze under environmental conditions and hence hydrolysis is not expected to be an important environmental fate process. In an aerobic biodegradation study, allyl alcohol was found to readily degradable (82–86%) in 14 days. The estimated bioconcentration factor of 3.2 based on the low log Kow indicates that the potential to bioaccumulate in aquatic organisms is expected to be low.


May form explosive mixture with air. Reacts explosively with carbon tetrachloride, strong bases. Also incompatible with strong acids. Incompatible with oxidizers (chlorates, nitrates, peroxides, permanganates, perchlorates, chlorine, bromine, fluorine, etc.); contact may cause fires or explosions. Keep away from alkaline materials, strong bases, strong acids, oxoacids, epoxides. Polymerization may be caused by heat above 99 C, peroxides, or oxidizers.

Waste disposal

Consult with environmental regulatory agencies for guidance on acceptable disposal practices. Generators of waste containing this contaminant (≥100 kg/mo) must conform with EPA regulations governing storage, transportation, treatment, and waste disposal. Incineration after dilution with a flammable solvent.


Occupational workers should be careful during handling and use of allyl alcohol and wear

Allylalkoholl Upstream-Materialien And Downstream Produkte


Downstream Produkte

107-18-6(Allylalkoholl)Verwandte Suche:

  • Allyl alcohol, extra pure, 99+%
  • 3-Hydroxypropene
  • Allyl alcohol, 98+%
  • allyl alcohol,2-propen-1-ol
  • Propene-3-ol
  • Allyl alcohol,99+%,extra pure
  • ALLYL ALCOHOL 98.5+%
  • AllylAlcohol(2-Propen-1-O1),>99%
  • Allyl alcohol, 99% (2-Propen-1-ol)
  • alcoolallilco
  • alcoolallylique
  • alcoolallylique(french)
  • Allilowy alkohol
  • allilowyalkohol
  • allilowyalkohol(polish)
  • Allyl al
  • allylal
  • allylalcohol00
  • weeddrench
  • --- D/C 09 --- Allyl alcohol 1g [107-18-6]
  • Polyporus umbellatus
  • 1-propene-3-ol
  • 1-propenol-[3]
  • 1-Propenol-3
  • 1-Propenol-3-ol
  • 2-propen-1-ol (allyl alcohol)
  • 2-Propenyl alcohol
  • 2-propenylalcohol
  • 3-Hydroxy-1-propene
  • 4-Quinolinecarboxylic acid, 2-phenyl-
  • Aaalcool allilco
  • Alcool allilco
  • Alcool allylique
  • allylicalcohol
  • Orvinylcarbinol
  • Propen-1-ol-3
  • Propene-1-ol
  • Propenol-3
  • Propenyl alcohol
  • propenylalcohol
  • Rcra waste number P005
  • rcrawastenumberp005
  • Shell unkrautted A
  • Shell Unkrauttod A
  • shellunkrautteda
  • shellunkrauttoda
  • Vinylcarbinol
  • Weed drench
  • Allyl alcohol Solution, 8000μg/mL
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