
アジリジン 化学構造式
AZIRIDINE;ETHYLENIMINE;vinylamine;EI;Ethylimine;Azacyclopropane;tl337;TL 337;Aziran;Azirane
MOL File:
MSDS File:

アジリジン 物理性質

融点 :
沸点 :
比重(密度) :
0,83 g/cm3
160 at 20 °C, 250 at 30 °C (quoted, Verschueren, 1983)
屈折率 :
nD25 1.412
闪点 :
外見 :
8.01(at 25℃)
臭い (Odor):
水溶解度 :
Henry's Law Constant:
1.33(x 10-7 atm?m3/mol) at 25 °C (quoted, Mercer et al., 1990)
Dielectric constant:
TLV-TWA (skin) 0.5 ppm (~1 mg/m3) (ACGIH, OSHA, and MSHA); Poten tial Human Carcinogen in the workplace (OSHA), Potential Carcinogen (NIOSH).
-2.68--0.28 at 25℃
CAS データベース:
151-56-4(CAS DataBase Reference)
2B (Vol. 9, Sup 7, 71) 1999
Aziridine (151-56-4)
  • リスクと安全性に関する声明
  • 危険有害性情報のコード(GHS)
主な危険性  F;T,T,F,N,T+
Rフレーズ  11-26/27/28-34-45-46-51/53
Sフレーズ  45-53-61
RIDADR  1185
国連危険物分類  6.1(a)
容器等級  I
有毒物質データの 151-56-4(Hazardous Substances Data)
毒性 LD50 orally in rats: 15 mg/kg (Smyth)
IDLA 100 ppm
化審法 一般化学物質
PRTR法 第1種指定化学物質
環境リスク評価 エチレンイミン(151-56-4)
絵表示(GHS) GHS hazard pictogramsGHS hazard pictogramsGHS hazard pictogramsGHS hazard pictogramsGHS hazard pictograms
コード 危険有害性情報 危険有害性クラス 区分 注意喚起語 シンボル P コード
H225 引火性の高い液体および蒸気 引火性液体 2 危険 GHS hazard pictograms P210,P233, P240, P241, P242, P243,P280, P303+ P361+P353, P370+P378,P403+P235, P501
H300 飲み込むと生命に危険 急性毒性、経口 1, 2 危険 GHS hazard pictograms P264, P270, P301+P310, P321, P330,P405, P501
H310 皮膚に接触すると生命に危険 急性毒性、経皮 1, 2 危険 GHS hazard pictograms P262, P264, P270, P280, P302+P350,P310, P322, P361, P363, P405, P501
H314 重篤な皮膚の薬傷?眼の損傷 皮膚腐食性/刺激性 1A, B, C 危険 GHS hazard pictograms P260,P264, P280, P301+P330+ P331,P303+P361+P353, P363, P304+P340,P310, P321, P305+ P351+P338, P405,P501
H330 吸入すると生命に危険 急性毒性、吸入 1, 2 危険 GHS hazard pictograms P260, P271, P284, P304+P340, P310,P320, P403+P233, P405, P501
H340 遺伝性疾患のおそれ 生殖細胞変異原性 1A, 1B 危険 GHS hazard pictograms
H350 発がんのおそれ 発がん性 1A, 1B 危険 GHS hazard pictograms
H411 長期的影響により水生生物に毒性 水生環境有害性、慢性毒性 2
P210 熱/火花/裸火/高温のもののような着火源から遠ざ けること。-禁煙。
P233 容器を密閉しておくこと。
P240 容器を接地すること/アースをとること。
P241 防爆型の電気機器/換気装置/照明機器/...機器を使 用すること。
P242 火花を発生させない工具を使用すること。
P243 静電気放電に対する予防措置を講ずること。
P264 取扱い後は皮膚をよく洗うこと。
P264 取扱い後は手や顔をよく洗うこと。
P270 この製品を使用する時に、飲食または喫煙をしないこ と。
P280 保護手袋/保護衣/保護眼鏡/保護面を着用するこ と。
P301+P310 飲み込んだ場合:直ちに医師に連絡すること。
P303+P361+P353 皮膚(または髪)に付着した場合:直ちに汚染された衣 類をすべて脱ぐこと/取り除くこと。皮膚を流水/シャワー で洗うこと。
P321 特別な処置が必要である(このラベルの... を見よ)。
P370+P378 火災の場合:消火に...を使用すること。
P403+P235 換気の良い場所で保管すること。涼しいところに 置くこと。
P501 内容物/容器を...に廃棄すること。

アジリジン 化学特性,用途語,生産方法





ethyleneimine.C2H5N(43.07).エチレンイミンともいう.硫酸水素2-アミノエチルをアルカリと加熱するか,2-ハロエチルアミンにアルカリを作用させてつくる.工業的には,1,2-ジクロロエタンとアンモニアからもつくられる.アジリジン,アンモニア臭をもつ可燃性の液体.沸点56 ℃.d25250.833.n25D1.4123.水溶液にすると加水分解されやすい.第二級アミンとしての性質のほかに,不安定な三員環構造のために開環しやすく,チオール,フェノール,アミンなどと反応して2-アミノエチル誘導体を生じる.酸触媒で重合してポリアミンを生成する.繊維処理剤,接着剤,イオン交換樹脂の製造,エポキシ樹脂の硬化剤のほか,重合体は紙の湿潤強度を高めるのに用いられる.発がん性がある.LD50 15 mg/kg(ネズミ,経口).森北出版「化学辞典(第2版)






これらの化合物の結合は、バナナ型結合モデル (英: bent bond) を用いて説明できます。すなわち、バナナのような形をした共有結合のことです。





アミノ基が隣接したハロゲンの分子間求核置換反応によって、アジリジンをハロアミンから合成可能です。ヒドロキシ基を優れた脱離基に変換すれば、同様の反応はアミノアルコールでも進行します。ハロアミンの環化反応はガブリエルエチレンイミン法 (英: Gabriel Ethylenimine Method) と、アミノアルコールの環化反応はウェンケル合成 (英: Wenker synthesis) と呼ばれています。




Ethyleneimine is a colourless liquid with an ammonia-like smell or pungent odour. It is highly flammable and reacts with a wide variety of materials. Ethyleneimine is used in polymerisation products, as a monomer for polyethyleneimine and as a comonomer for polymers, for example, with ethylenediamine. Polymerised ethyleneimine is used in paper, textile chemicals, adhesive binders, petroleum, refining chemicals, fuels, lubricants, coating resins, varnishes, lacquers, agricultural chemicals, cosmetics, ion-exchange resins, photographic chemicals, colloid flocculants, and surfactants. Ethyleneimine readily polymerises, and it behaves like a secondary amine. Ethyleneimine is highly caustic, attacking materials such as cork, rubber, many plastics, metals, and glass except those without carbonate or borax. It polymerises explosively on contact with silver, aluminium, or acid. The activity of ethyleneimine is similar to that of nitrogen and sulphur mustards. Ethyleneimine is used as an intermediate in the production of triethylenemelamine.


Ethyleneimine is a colorless liquid with an ammonia-like smell or pungent odor. It is highly flammable and reacts with a wide variety of materials. Ethyleneimine is used in polymerization products, as a monomer for polyethyleneimin, and as a comonomer for polymers, e.g., with ethylenediamine. Polymerized ethylenimine is used in paper, textile chemicals, adhesive binders, petroleum, refi ning chemicals, fuels, lubricants, coating resins, varnishes, lacquers, agricultural chemicals, cosmetics, ion-exchange resins, photographic chemicals, colloid fl occulants, and surfactants. Ethyleneimine readily polymerizes, and it behaves like a secondary amine. Ethyleneimine is highly caustic, attacking materials such as cork, rubber, many plastics, metals, and glas except those without carbonate or borax. It polymerizes explosively on contact with silver, aluminum, or acid. The activity of ethyleneimine is similar to that of nitrogen and sulfur mustards. Ethyleneimine is used as an intermediate in the production of triethylenemelamine. Polymerized ethyleneimine is used in paper, textile chemicals, adhesive binders, petroleum, refi ning chemicals, fuels, lubricants, coating resins, varnishes, lacquers, agricultural chemicals, cosmetics, ion-exchange resins, photographic chemicals, colloid fl occulants, and surfactants


Clear, colorless, very flammable liquid with a very strong ammonia odor. Odor threshold concentration is 1.5 ppm (quoted, Amoore and Hautala, 1983).


Ethyleneimine is used to manufacture triethylenemelamine and is used in its polymeric form in paper and textile chemicals, adhesive binders, petroleum-refining chemicals, fuels and lubricants, coating resins, varnishes, lacquers, agricultural chemicals, cosmetics, ion-exchange resins, photographic chemicals, colloid flocculants, and surfactants.


Industrial quantities are made with monoethanolamine via a two-step chemical dehydration process using sulphuric acid and sodium hydroxide, or by reacting 1,2-dichloroethane with ammonia. The U.S. production in 1978 was over 1500 metric tons (Ham 1978).


Ethylenimine was first prepared in 1888 by GABRIEL, who mistakenly called it vinylamine. He prepared the ethylenimine by reacting 2-bromoethylamine hydrobromide with silver oxide or potassium hydroxide.


A clear colorless liquid with an ammonia-like odor. Flash point 12°F. Less dense than water. Flammable over a wide range of vapor-air concentrations. Vapors irritate the skin, eyes, nose, and throat. May be toxic by prolonged inhalation, skin absorption, or ingestion. Carcinogenic. Vapors heavier than air. May polymerize exothermically if heated or contaminated. If the polymerization takes place inside a container, the container may rupture violently.


Highly flammable. Soluble in water.


ETHYLENEIMINE vapors are not inhibited and may form polymers in vents or flame arresters, resulting in stopping of the vents. Produces toxic oxides of nitrogen during combustion. Reacts with sodium hypochlorite and other chlorinating agents to give the explosive compound 1-chloroazidine. Decomposes if heated under pressure. or else hazardous polymerization may occur. Incompatible with silver or aluminum, which induce polymerization May polymerize explosively upon contact with acids. Polymerization is catalyzed by carbon dioxide [EPA, 1998].


Corrosive, absorbed by skin, causes tumors; exposure should be minimized; a carcinogen. Dangerous fire and explosion hazard, flammable limits in air 3.6–46%. Toxic by skin absorption; possible carcinogen.


Ethyleneimine is classified as extremely toxic with a probable oral lethal dose of 5-50 mg/kg which is approximately 7 drops to 1 teaspoonful for a 70 kg (150 lb.) person. Ethyleneimine gives inadequate warning when over-exposure is by inhalation or skin absorption. It is a severe blistering agent, causing third degree chemical burns of the skin. Also, it has a corrosive effect on mucous membranes and may cause scarring of the esophagus. It is corrosive to eye tissue and may cause permanent corneal opacity and conjunctival scarring. Severe exposure may result in overwhelming pulmonary edema. Renal damage has been described. Hemorrhagic congestion of all internal organs has been observed.


Irritating vapors are generated when heated. Vapor is heavier than air and may travel a considerable distance to a source of ignition and flash back. May polymerize in fires with evolution of heat and container rupture. Runoff to sewer may create fire or explosion hazard. Ethyleneimine vapors are not inhibited and may form polymers in vents or flame arresters, resulting in stopping of the vents. Toxic oxides of nitrogen are produced during combustion. Upon treatment with sodium hypochlorite, Ethyleneimine gives off the explosive compound 1-chloroazidine. Avoid acids, sodium hypochlorite. If heated under pressure, instability may result. Hazardous polymerization may occur. Avoid contact with silver or aluminum. Explosive polymerization may occur upon contact with acids. Polymerization is catalyzed by carbon dioxide.





Reactivity with Water: Mild reaction, non-hazardous; Reactivity with Common Materials: Contact with silver or aluminum may cause polymerization; Stability During Transport: Stable unless heated under pressure; Neutralizing Agents for Acids and Caustics: Flush with water; Polymerization: Explosive polymerization can occur when in contact with acids; Inhibitor of Polymerization: None used.


Approximately 50% of ethylenimine produced in the U.S. is polymerized to polyethyleneimine, used as a flocculant in water treatment, and as a wet-strength additive in the textile and paper industries. Polyethylenimine is also used in various adhesives and coatings and to laminate plastic films to paper, other cellulose materials, and metal foils for making cartons in the food industry. The adhesion properties of acrylic latex paints are improved by reaction of acid groups with ethylenimine. Ethylenimines are utilized in the textile industry to improve durability, crease resistance, flame resistance, and dyeing properties. Other uses are found in ion-exchange resin synthesis, in electroplating, as a rocket propellant binder, as a lubricating oil dispersant, and as a hardening agent in the preparation of photographic films. Ethylenimine is used in the manufacture of triethylene melamine, a cancer chemotherapy drug; various ethylenimines are used as insect chemosterilant agents for pest control (Ham 1978).


Confirmed carcinogen with experimental carcinogenic, neoplastigenic, tumorigenic, and teratogenic data. Other experimental reproductive effects. Poison by ingestion, skin contact, inhalation, and intraperitoneal routes. Human mutation data reported. A skin, mucous membrane, and severe eye irritant. An allergc sensitizer of skin. Causes opaque cornea, keratoconus, and necrosis of cornea (experimentally). Has been known to cause severe human eye injury. Drinking of carbonated beverages is recommended as an antidote to ths material in stomach. A very dangerous fire and explosion hazard when exposed to heat, flame, or oxidzers. Reacts violently with acids, aluminum chloride + substituted anilines, acetic acid, acetic anhydride, acrolein, acrylic acid, allyl chloride, CS2, Cl2, chlorosulfonic acid, epichlorohydrin, glyoxal, HCl, HF, HNO3, oleum, P-propiolactone, Ag, NaOCl, H2SO4, vinyl acetate. Reacts with chlorinating agents (e.g., sodum hypochlorite solution) to form the explosive 1 chloroaziridine. Reacts with silver or its alloys to form explosive silver derivatives. Dangerous; heat and/or the presence of catalytically active metals or chloride ions can cause a violent exothermic reaction. To fight fire, use alcohol foam, CO2, dry chemical. When heated to decomposition it emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes.


Ethyleneimine is used in production of binding agents; formation of plastics; and improving paper strength; in many organic syntheses; as an intermediate and monomer for fuel oil and lubricating refining. The polymerization products, polyethyleneimines, are used as auxiliaries in the paper industry and as flocculation aids in the clarification of effluents. It is also used in the textile industry for increasing wet strength, flame-, water-, shrinkproofing, and stiffening


The carcinogenicity of ethyleneimine was evaluated in two strains of mice, and both gave positive results. Groups of 18 male and 18 female mice of B6C3F1 or B6AKR strains were treated orally (initially by gavage, then in the diet) from age 7 days through 77–78 weeks. The time-weighted average (TWA) dose was about 1.8 mg/kg/day. The incidence of hepatomas and lung adenomas was significantly elevated in both strains and sexes. In B6C3F1 mice, the incidence of hepatomas and pulmonary adenomas was 15/17 and 15/17 in males and 11/15 and 15/15 females, respectively. In the B6AKR strain, hepatomas and adenomas occurred in 9/16 and 12/16 males and in 2/11 and 10/11 females, respectively. In the control groups, hepatomas were 8/79 and 0/87 in male and female B6C3F1 mice and 5/90 and 1/82 in male and female B6AKR mice. The respective incidence of pulmonary adenomas was 5/79, 3/87, 10/90, and 3/82. The incidence of hepatomas and pulmonary adenomas (reported as combined tumors) was significantly (p<0.01) elevated.


Photolytic. The vacuum UV photolysis (λ = 147 nm) and γ radiolysis of ethylenimine resulted in the formation of acetylene, methane, ethane, ethylene, hydrogen cyanide, methyl radicals, and hydrogen (Scala and Salomon, 1976). Photolysis of ethylenimine vapor at krypton and xenon lines yielded ethylene, ethane, methane, acetylene, propane, butane, hydrogen, ammonia, and ethyleneimino radicals (Iwasaki et al., 1973).
Chemical/Physical. Polymerizes easily (Windholz et al., 1983). Hydrolyzes in water forming ethanolamine (HSDB, 1989). The estimated hydrolysis half-life in water at 25 °C and pH 7 is 154 d (Mabey and Mill, 1978).


When male Dow-Wistar rats were injected intraperitoneally with [14C]-ethylenimine (80mug), approximately half of the dose was excreted in the urine (Wright and Rowe 1967). The major portion of the radioactivity in the urine consisted of unidentified products, although a small amount was excreted unchanged. A small portion, 3-5%, was expired as 14C02, and 1-3% was expired as a volatile, basic material, probably ethylenimine, during 24 h. Significant amounts of radioactivity were accumulated in liver, intestines, cecum, spleen, and kidneys. After 24 h, tissue radioactivity became constant and essentially unavailable for further metabolism. The aziridine ring of drugs is readily cleaved by microsomal enzymes, possibly with intermediate formation of an N-oxide (Oelschlager and Al Shaik 1985).


UN1185 Ethyleneimine, stabilized, Hazard class: 6.1; Labels: 6.1-Poison Inhalation Hazard, 3-Flammable liquid, Inhalation Hazard Zone A. PGI


Redistil it in an Ar or N2 atmosphere in a fume hood, and store it over KOH in sealed bottles in a refrigerator. Commercial aziridine has been dried over sodium and distilled from the metal through an efficient column before use [Jackson & Edwards J Am Chem Soc 83 355 1961, Wenker J Am Chem Soc 57 2328 1935]. It is a weaker base than Me2NH (pK2 5 10.87) but is caustic to the skin. It should not be inhaled, causes inflammation of the eyes, nose and throat, and one may become sensitized to it. It is soluble in H2O, has an ammoniacal smell and reacts with CO2. Pure aziridine is comparatively stable but polymerises in the presence of traces of H2O and is occasionally explosive in the presence of acids. CO2 is sufficiently acidic to cause polymerisation (forms linear polymers) which is not free radical promoted. It is stable in the presence of bases. The violet 2:1 Cu complex crystallises from EtOH containing a few drops of aziridine and adding Et2O, and has m 142o(dec). The picrate has m 142o. [O'Rourke et al. J Am Chem Soc 78 2159 1956.] It has also been dried over BaO and has been distilled from sodium under nitrogen. [Allen et al. Org Synth Coll Vol IV 433 1963, Beilstein 20 III/IV 1.] TOXIC.


May form explosive mixture with air. Ethyleneimine is a medium strong base. Contact with acids, aqueous acid conditions, oxidizers, aluminum, or carbon dioxide may cause explosive polymerization. Explosive silver derivatives may be formed with silver alloys e.g., silver solder). Self-reactive with heat or atmospheric carbon dioxide. May accumulate static electrical charges, and may cause ignition of its vapors. Attacks rubber, coatings, plastics, and chemically active metals. Ethyleneimine vapors are not inhibited and may form polymers in vents or flame arresters, resulting in stopping of the vents.


Controlled incineration; incinerator equipped with a scrubber or thermal unit to reduce nitrogen oxides emissions


During use of ethyleninime, students and occupational workers should wear protective equipment, such as gloves, safety glasses, and should have good ventilation. Ethyleninime should be handled as a carcinogen. Ethyleninime vapor/air mixtures are explosive and pose a risk of fi re and explosion on contact with acid(s), oxidants.

アジリジン 上流と下流の製品情報



アジリジン  スペクトルデータ(1HNMR)


  • 151-56-4
  • Etilenimina
  • Rcra waste number P054
  • rcrawastenumberp054
  • TL 337
  • tl337
  • ethyleneimine aziridine
  • Aminethylene
  • EthyleneiMine or Aziridine
  • Aethylenimin
  • Aminoethylene
  • Aziran
  • Azirane
  • Aziridin
  • 1H-Azirine, dihydro-
  • Dimethyleneimine
  • Ethylen(e)imine,monomer
  • Ethylenimine, monomer
  • Aziridine(ethylenimine)
  • aziridine(ethyleneimine)
  • dihydro-1h-azirin
  • Dihydro-1H-azirine
  • Dihydroazirene
  • dihydroazirine
  • Dimethylenimine
  • ENT-50324
  • Ethirydine
  • ethvleneimine
  • アジラン
  • ジメチレンイミン
  • アミノエチレン
  • アジリジン
  • エチレンイミン
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