
메클로레타민 구조식 이미지
카스 번호:
C07115;Mustine;Mustagen;chlormethine;Dichloramine;Chlorethazine;MECHLOROETHAMINE;Chlorethazine NFN;Chlormethine USP/EP/BP;DI(2-CHLOROETHYL)METHYLAMINE
포뮬러 무게:
MOL 파일:
MSDS 파일:

메클로레타민 속성

끓는 점
bp18 87°; bp10 75°; bp5 64°; bp2 59°
d425 1.118
증기 밀도
0.17 mm at 25°C
1.5500 (estimate)
산도 계수 (pKa)
물리적 상태
HN-2 has a soapy odor at low concentrations and a fruity odor at higher concentrations.
어두운 액체
2A (Vol. 9, Sup 7) 1987
Nitrogen mustard (HN-2) (51-75-2)


유엔번호(UN No.) 2810
위험 등급 6.1(a)
포장분류 II
유해 물질 데이터 51-75-2(Hazardous Substances Data)
독성 LD50 oral in rabbit: 5mg/kg
기존화학 물질 KE-05-0596
유해화학물질 필터링 97-1-70
중점관리물질 필터링 별표1-3
암, 돌연변이성물질 필터링 37
함량 및 규제정보 물질구분: 유독물질; 혼합물(제품)함량정보: 메클로르에타민과 그 염산염 및 그 중 하나를 0.1% 이상 함유한 혼합물

메클로레타민 C화학적 특성, 용도, 생산


Nitrogen mustards are very potential chemical substances of yesteryears and produced during the 1920s and 1930s as chemical warfare weapons. They are vesicants (or blister agents) similar to the sulphur mustards. They smell fishy, musty, soapy, or fruity and are either in the form of an oily textured liquid or a vapour (the gaseous form of a liquid) or a solid. It is in liquid form at normal room temperature (70 F) with a clear, pale amber, or yellow colour. HN-1, HN-2, and HN-3 are the military designations of nitrogen mustard (for more data, refer to Muatars gas). Nitrogen mustards (HN-1, HN-2, HN-3) are colourless to yellow, oily liquids that evaporate very slowly. HN-1 has a faint fishy or musty odour. HN-2 has a soapy odour at low concentrations and a fruity odour at higher concentrations. HN-3 may smell like butter almond. Use of nitrogen mustards is very much restricted other than for chemical warfare. In fact, presently, its use has no records. HN-1 has been used to remove warts in the past, and HN-2 has been used sparingly in chemotherapy.

화학적 성질

Nitrogen mustard is a pale yellow, oily, mobile liquid with a faint odor of herring. Nitrogen mustards are colorless when pure but are typically a yellow to brown oily substance. Odors are variably described as; sweet, agreeable, slightly garlic- or mustard-like. NIOSH reports HN-2 as having “a fruity odor at high concentrations, and a soapy or fishy odor at low concentrations.




A class of compounds with fishy odor and lachrymatory properties. They are named from their similarity in structure to mustard gas (dichlorodiethyl sulfide). The sulfur of the mustard gas is replaced by an amino nitrogen.Typical nitrogen mustards are halogenated alkylamines, such as methyl bis(2-chloroethyl)amine: (ClCH2CH2)2NCH3. Other examples are triethylene melamine, triethylene thiophosphoramide, and triethylene phosphoramide.

생산 방법

The nitrogen mustards are tertiary amines in which the halogen atom and the amine portion have reactivities similar to those of alkyl halides and alkyl amines. They are oily liquids that have limited water solubility but form readily soluble hydrochlorides. They are prepared by the action of thionyl chloride on the appropriate alkanolamine. Many of the actions of the nitrogen mustards resemble those of ethyleneimine derivatives because they are transformed in aqueous solutions into the highly reactive ethylenimonium intermediates: these ions can readily react with a variety of organic compounds in vitro, especially with amino, sulfhydro, and carboxyl groups of proteins and phosphate groups in nucleic acid, and therefore can alkylate biologically important macromolecules.

일반 설명

Mobile liquid; faint odor of herring. Used as a drug for the treatment of cancer. Formerly used as a gas warfare agent.

반응 프로필

Chlormethine is a chlorinated amine. Amines are chemical bases. They neutralize acids to form salts plus water. These acid-base reactions are exothermic. The amount of heat that is evolved per mole of amine in a neutralization is largely independent of the strength of the amine as a base. Amines may be incompatible with isocyanates, halogenated organics, peroxides, phenols (acidic), epoxides, anhydrides, and acid halides. Flammable gaseous hydrogen is generated by amines in combination with strong reducing agents, such as hydrides.


Strong irritant to tissues, lachrymatory. Probable carcinogen.


Toxic doses as low as 400 mg/kg have been reported in humans. Blood clots may occur at site of intravenous injection and tissue damage if outside vein. Powerful vesicant (causes blisters) when it contacts skin, mucous membranes, or eyes. Delayed toxicity -- missed menstrual periods, alopecia (hair loss), hearing loss, tinnitus (ringing in ears), jaundice, impaired spermatogenesis and germinal aplasia, swelling, and hypersensitivity. May damage fetus in pregnant women.


Undiluted liquid decomposes on standing.

Safety Profile

Confirmed human carcinogenproducing skin tumors by skin contact. Experimentalcarcinogenic, tumorigenic, and neoplastigenic data. Adeadly poison by inhalation, ingestion, skin contact, andmost other routes. Experimental teratogenic andreproductive eff

잠재적 노출

Drug used in treatment of cancer. Exposure to nitrogen mustard damages the eyes, skin, and respiratory tract and suppresses the immune system. Although the nitrogen mustards cause cellular changes within minutes of contact, the onset of pain and other symptoms is delayed. Exposure to large amounts can be fatal. Sulfur mustards were formerly used as a gas warfare agent. Nitrogen mustards have not previously been used in warfare

운송 방법

UN2810 Toxic liquids, organic, n.o.s., Hazard Class: 6.1; Labels: 6.1-Poisonous materials, Technical Name Required. Military driver shall be given full and complete information regarding shipment and conditions in case of emergency. AR 50-6 deals specifically with the shipment of chemical agents. Shipments of agent will be escorted in accordance with AR 740-32

비 호환성

HN-2 is not stable except as dry crystals. Polymerization of HN-2 results in components that present an explosion hazard in open air. Avoid contact or contamination with oxidizers e.g., nitrates, oxidizing acids; chlorine bleaches pool chlorine); which may result in ignition. Unstable in the presence of light and heat and forms dimers at temperatures above 50C. Corrosive to ferrous alloys beginning @ 65C. Polymerizes slowly, so munitions would be effective for several years. Heated to decomposition emits hydrogen chloride and nitrogen oxide. Contact with metals may evolve flammable hydrogen gas. Note: Chlorinating agents destroy nitrogen mustards. Dry chlorinated lime and chloramines with a high content of active chlorine vigorously chlorinate nitrogen mustards to the carbon chain, giving low toxicity products. In the presence of water this interaction proceeds less actively. They are rapidly oxidized by peracids in aqueous solution at weakly alkaline pH. In acid solution the oxidation is much slower.
An amine and a chemical base: will neutralize acids to form salts plus water with an exothermic reaction. May be incompatible with isocyanates, halogenated organics, peroxides, phenols (acidic), epoxides, anhydrides, and acid halides. Flammable gaseous hydrogen is generated by amines in combination with strong reducing agents such as hydrides, nitrides, alkali metals, and sulfides

폐기물 처리

It is inappropriate and possibly dangerous to the environment to dispose of expired or waste drugs and pharmaceuticals by flushing them down the toilet or discarding them to the trash. Household quantities of expired or waste pharmaceuticals may be mixed with wet cat litter or coffee grounds, double-bagged in plastic, discard in trash. Larger quantities shall carefully take into consideration applicable DEA, EPA, and FDA regulations. If possible return the pharmaceutical to the manufacturer for proper disposal being careful to properly label and securely package the material. Alternatively, the waste pharmaceutical shall be labeled, securely packaged, and transported by a state licensed medical waste contractor to dispose by burial in a licensed hazardous or toxic waste landfill or incinerator

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