

Зидовудин структура
Химическое название:
английское имя:
AZT;1-(4-azido-5-(hydroxymethyl)tetrahydrofuran-2-yl)-5-methylpyrimidine-2,4(1H,3H)-dione;retrovir;AZIDOTHYMIDINE;1-((2R,4S,5S)-4-azido-5-(hydroxyMethyl)tetrahydrofuran-2-yl)-5-MethylpyriMidine-2,4(1H,3H)-dione;ZDV;AZT (pharmaceutical);ZVD;fuseng;bwa509u
молекулярный вес:
MOL File:

Зидовудин атрибут

Температура плавления: 113-115 °C (lit.)
альфа: D25 +99° (c = 0.5 in water)
Температура кипения: 410.43°C (rough estimate)
плотность: 1.3382 (rough estimate)
показатель преломления: 47 ° (C=1, H2O)
Fp: 9℃
температура хранения: 2-8°C
растворимость: H2O: 50 мг/мл
пка: pKa 9.53(H2O t = 25.0±0.1 I = 0.00) (Uncertain)
форма: пудра
цвет: От белого до не совсем белого
Растворимость в воде: 1-5 г/100 мл при 17 °C
Чувствительный: Light Sensitive & Hygroscopic
Мерк: 14,10123
БРН: 3595791
BCS Class: 1,3
Стабильность:: Растворы в ДМСО или этаноле можно хранить при температуре -20°С до 3 месяцев.
Справочник по базе данных CAS: 30516-87-1(CAS DataBase Reference)
Словарь онкологических терминов NCI: AZT; zidovudine
Словарь наркотиков NCI: Retrovir
Код УВД: J05AF01
Предложение 65 Список: Zidovudine (AZT)
МАИР: 2B (Vol. 76) 2000
Система регистрации веществ EPA: Thymidine, 3'-azido-3'-deoxy- (30516-87-1)
  • Заявления о рисках и безопасности
  • код информации об опасности(GHS)
Коды опасности Xn
Заявления о рисках 40-36/37/38-20/21/22
Заявления о безопасности 36/37/39-45-36-26
РИДАДР UN1230 - class 3 - PG 2 - Methanol, solution
WGK Германия 3
RTECS XP2072000
F 10
Примечание об опасности Harmful
кода HS 29349990
Банк данных об опасных веществах 30516-87-1(Hazardous Substances Data)
Токсичность LD50 in male, female mice, male, female rats (mg/kg): 3568, 3062, 3084, 3683 orally; >750 i.v. (all species) (Ayers)
символ(GHS) GHS hazard pictogramsGHS hazard pictogramsGHS hazard pictograms
сигнальное слово Danger
Заявление об опасности
пароль Заявление об опасности Класс опасности категория сигнальное слово пиктограмма предупреждение
H225 Легковоспламеняющаяся жидкость. Пары образуют с воздухом взрывоопасные смеси. Воспламеняющиеся жидкости Категория 2 Опасность GHS hazard pictograms P210,P233, P240, P241, P242, P243,P280, P303+ P361+P353, P370+P378,P403+P235, P501
H301+H311+H331 Токсично при проглатывании, при контакте с кожей или при вдыхании.
H351 Предполагается, что данное вещество вызывает раковые заболевания. Канцерогенность Категория 2 Предупреждение P201, P202, P281, P308+P313, P405,P501
H370 Поражает органы (Глаза) в результате однократного воздействия. Специфическая токсичность для органа-мишени, однократное воздействие Категория 1 Опасность GHS hazard pictograms P260, P264, P270, P307+P311, P321,P405, P501
P201 Беречь от тепла, горячих поверхностей, искр, открытого огня и других источников воспламенения. Не курить.
P202 Перед использованием ознакомиться с инструкциями по технике безопасности.
P210 Беречь от тепла, горячих поверхностей, искр, открытого огня и других источников воспламенения. Не курить.
P260 Не вдыхать газ/ пары/ пыль/ аэрозоли/ дым/ туман.
P280 Использовать перчатки/ средства защиты глаз/ лица.
P281 Пользоваться надлежащим индивидуальным защитным снаряжением.
P301+P310 ПРИ ПРОГЛАТЫВАНИИ: Немедленно обратиться за медицинской помощью. Прополоскать рот.
P308+P313 ПРИ подозрении на возможность воздействия обратиться за медицинской помощью.
P311 Обратиться за медицинской помощью.
P405 Хранить в недоступном для посторонних месте.
P501 Удалить содержимое/ контейнер на утвержденных станциях утилизации отходов.

Зидовудин MSDS


Зидовудин химические свойства, назначение, производство


Zidovudine, also known as azidothymidine (AZT), is an antiviral agent acting via reverse transcnptase inhibition. It was first launched in the U.K. and subsequently introduced in over a dozen countries for the management of severe manifestations of HIV infection. In patients with AIDS and ARC, zidovudine reduces the risk of opportunistic infections and prolongs survival time. In symptom-free patients it shows promise in halting further immunological deterioration.

Химические свойства

Off White Crystalline Powder


Zidovudine is an antiretroviral drug that is clinically active against HIV-1 and is intended to treat HIV-infected patients. Zidovudine is an analog of thymidine that inhibits replication of the AIDS virus. It also turned into mono-, di-, and triphosphates by the same cellular enzymes that catalyze phosphorylation of thymidine and thymidine nucleosides. Zidovudine-triphosphate is then included in the terminal fragment of the growing chain of viral DNA by viral reverse transcriptase, thus causing the viral DNA chain to break apart in cells infected with the virus.
Zidovudine has been authorized for treating patients with AIDS. It significantly prolongs the life of the patient, although it has a number of toxic effects. Synonyms of this drug are azidothymidine and retrovir.


Zidovudine was the first agent to be used to prevent the transmission of HIV from a pregnant woman to her child. It was given to the mother at 14 to 34 weeks’ gestation and to the child for the first 6 weeks of life. Current combination therapies employ zidovudine with another NRTI and a protease inhibitor.


ChEBI: A pyrimidine 2',3'-dideoxyribonucleoside compound having a 3'-azido substituent and thymine as the nucleobase.

Антимикробная активность

Zidovudine is active against HIV-1, HIV-2 and HTLV-1.

Приобретенная устойчивость

As with stavudine, mutations at position 41, 67 and 70, and positions 210, 215 and 219 (the ‘thymidine analog mutations’) of the reverse transcriptase genes are associated with diminished antiretroviral efficacy.

Общее описание

Zidovudine, 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine or AZT, is ananalog of thymidine that possesses antiviral activityagainst HIV-1, HIV-2, HTLV-1, and several other retroviruses.This nucleoside was synthesized in 1978 by Linand Prusoff as an intermediate in the preparation ofamino acid analogs of thymidine. A screening program directedtoward the identification of agents potentially effectivefor the treatment of patients with AIDS led to the discoveryof its unique antiviral properties 7 years later.
Zidovudine is recommended for the management of adultpatients with symptomatic HIV infection (AIDS or ARC)who have a history of confirmed Pneumocystis carinii pneumoniaor an absolute CD4+(T4 or TH cell) lymphocytecount below 200/mm3 before therapy. The hematologicaltoxicity of the drug precludes its use in asymptomatic patients.Anemia and granulocytopenia are the most commontoxic effects associated with AZT.

Реакции воздуха и воды

Dust may form an explosive mixture in air. Water soluble. Hydrolysis occurs in strongly basic solutions .

Профиль реактивности

Zidovudine is a azido compound. Azo, diazo, azido compounds can detonate. This applies in particular to organic azides that have been sensitized by the addition of metal salts or strong acids. Toxic gases are formed by mixing materials of this class with acids, aldehydes, amides, carbamates, cyanides, inorganic fluorides, halogenated organics, isocyanates, ketones, metals, nitrides, peroxides, phenols, epoxides, acyl halides, and strong oxidizing or reducing agents. Flammable gases are formed by mixing materials in this group with alkali metals. Explosive combination can occur with strong oxidizing agents, metal salts, peroxides, and sulfides.


Flash point data for Zidovudine are not available; however, Zidovudine is probably combustible.

Фармацевтические приложения

An analog of thymidine formulated for oral or intravenous use.

Механизм действия

Zidovudine (AZT , ZDV) is an analogue of thymidine in which the azido group is substituted at the 3-carbon atom of the dideoxyribose moiety. It is active against RNA tumor viruses (retroviruses) that are the causative agents of AIDS and T-cell leukemia. Retroviruses, by virtue of RT, direct the synthesis of a provirus (DNA copy of a viral RNA genome). Proviral DNA integrates into the normal cell DNA, leading to the HIV infection. Zidovudine is converted to 5′-mono-, di-, and triphosphates by the cellular thymidine kinase. These phosphates are then incorporated into proviral DNA, because RT uses ZDV-triphosphate as a substrate. This process prevents normal 5′,3′-phosphodiester bonding, resulting in termination of DNA chain elongation because of the presence of an azido group in ZDV. The multiplication of HIV is halted by selective inhibition of RT and, thus, viral DNA polymerase by ZDV-triphosphate at the required dose concentration. Zidovudine is a potent inhibitor of HIV-1, but it also inhibits HIV-2 and EBV.


Oral absorption: 65%
Cmax 300 mg twice daily: 2.3 mg/L
Plasma half-life: 1.1 h
Volume of distribution: 1.6 L/kg
Plasma protein binding; 34–38%
Absorption and distribution
It is absorbed rapidly and almost completely following oral administration. Absorption is not significantly affected by food. It appears to undergo widespread body distribution. CNS penetration is fairly good. The semen:plasma ratio varies from 0.95 to 13.5 (mean 5.9). It is secreted into breast milk.
Metabolism and excretion
Following hepatic metabolism (glucuronidation), elimination is primarily renal. After oral administration, urinary recovery of zidovudine and its glucuronide metabolite accounted for 14% and 74% respectively of the dose, with a total urinary recovery of 90%.
In severe renal impairment, clearance was about half that reported in subjects with normal renal function Accumulation may occur in patients with hepatic impairment due to decreased glucuronidation.

Клиническое использование

Treatment of HIV infection in adults and children (in combination with other antiretroviral drugs)
Reduction of maternal transmission of HIV to the fetus

Побочные эффекты

In common with other drugs in this class, use has been associated with episodes of fatal and non-fatal lactic acidosis and hepatomegaly with steatosis. Careful clinical evaluation is needed in patients with evidence of hepatic abnormality. Myelosuppression may occur within the first 4–6 weeks of therapy. Hematological parameters should be monitored during this period, with prompt dose modification or switch if abnormalities are observed. Treatment with reduced doses may be attempted in some patients once bone marrow recovery has been observed. Myopathy is rarely seen with the use of the current dosing regimens.
Co-administration with drugs known to cause nephrotoxicity, cytotoxicity or which interfere with red or white blood cell number and function may increase the risk of toxicity. Probenecid and trimethoprim may reduce renal clearance of zidovudine, and other drugs that are metabolized by glucuronidation may interfere with its metabolism.

Профиль безопасности

Moderately toxic by intravenousroute. Human systemic effects by ingestion: aplasticanemia, changes in blood cell count, convulsions or effect on seizure threshold, headache, nails, retinal changes.Human mutation data reported.

Зидовудин препаратная продукция и сырье



Зидовудин поставщик

Global( 415)Suppliers
поставщик телефон страна номенклатура продукции благоприятные условия
Ouhuang Engineering Materials (Hubei) Co., Ltd
China 2952 58
Shaanxi TNJONE Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd
China 1142 58
Wuhan Quanjinci New Material Co.,Ltd.
China 1534 58
Henan Bao Enluo International TradeCo.,LTD
+86-17331933971 +86-17331933971
China 2503 58
Hebei Mojin Biotechnology Co., Ltd
+86 13288715578 +8613288715578
China 12459 58
Mainchem Co., Ltd.
China 6572 58
China 9365 58
Amadis Chemical Company Limited
China 131980 58
Xiamen Eagle Chemical Limited Corporation
+86-5925023701 +86-18900207489
China 6046 58
Suzhou ARTK Medchem Co., Ltd.
China 39009 58
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