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삼산화 망간 C화학적 특성, 용도, 생산
화학적 성질
Grass-green powder.
but converted to Mn
3O4 if heated in air. Soluble in
acids; insoluble in water. Noncombustible.
Textile printing, analytical chemistry, catalyst
in manufacture of allyl alcohol, ceramics, paints,
colored glass, bleaching tallow, animal feeds, fertilizers, food additive and dietary supplement.
일반 설명
Manganese(II,III) oxide is a transition metal oxide that is formed by annealing manganese oxide in the air above 1000°C. It can be used for a variety of applications such as catalysis, electrochromic devices, and other energy storage applications.
반응 프로필
Trimanganese tetraoxide is non-combustible but decomposes, generating toxic fumes when strongly heated strongly in the air. A good oxidizing agent. Reacts with hydrochloric acid to form gaseous chlorine and soluble manganese salts.
Chronic manganese poisoning and pulmonary effects.
Manganese tetroxide affects the
central nervous system, and toxicity occurs
mostly in chronic form (manganism).
Safety Profile
Experimental reproductive effects. Reacts violently @ <l00℃. See also MANGANESE COMPOUNDS.