PLK inhibitors

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Structure Chemical Name CAS MF
BI 2536 BI 2536 755038-02-9 C28H39N7O3
Volasertib (BI 6727) Volasertib (BI 6727) 755038-65-4 C34H50N8O3
HMN-214 HMN-214 173529-46-9 C22H20N2O5S
GSK461364 GSK461364 929095-18-1 C27H28F3N5O2S
MLN0905 MLN0905 1228960-69-7 C24H25F3N6S
RO3280 RO3280 1062243-51-9 C27H35F2N7O3
SBE 13 hydrochloride SBE 13 hydrochloride 1052532-15-6 C24H28Cl2N2O4
NMS-P937 (NMS1286937) NMS-P937 (NMS1286937) 1034616-18-6 C24H27F3N8O3
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