Натрия салицилат химические свойства, назначение, производство
Sodium salicylate is a sodium salt of salicylic acid. It can be prepared from sodium phenolate and carbon dioxide under higher temperature and pressure. Historically, it has been synthesized from methyl salicylate (found in wintergreen plants or the bark of sweet birch tree) by reacting it with an excess of sodium hydroxide and heating it under reflux.
Химические свойства
Sodium salicylate, HOC6H4COONa, is a shiny, white powder with sweetish taste and mild aromatic aroma that is soluble in water,glycerol, and alcohol.Used in medicine and as a preservative.
It is used in medicine as an analgesic and antipyretic. Sodium salicylate also acts as non - steroidal anti - inflammatory drug (NSAID), and induces apoptosis in cancer cells and also necrosis. It is also a potential replacement for aspirin for people sensitive to it. It may also be used as a phosphor for the detection of vacuum ultra violet radiation and electrons.
A salt or
ester of salicylic acid.
Общее описание
Sodium salicylate may be prepared by the reaction, in aqueoussolution, by adding equal molar ratio of salicylic acidand sodium bicarbonate; evaporating to dryness yields thewhite salt. In solution, particularly in the presence of sodiumbicarbonate, the salt will darken on standing. This is the saltof choice for salicylate medication and usually is administeredwith sodium bicarbonate to lessen gastric distress, or itis administered in enteric coated tablets. However, the useof sodium bicarbonate is ill advised, because it decreases theplasma levels of salicylate and increases the excretion offree salicylate in the urine.
Sodium salicylate, even though not as potent as aspirinfor pain relief, also has less GI irritation and is useful for patientswho are hypersensitive to aspirin.
Профиль безопасности
Experimental poison by subcutaneous route. Moderately toxic to humans by ingestion. Moderately toxic experimentally by ingestion, intraperitoneal, and intravenous routes. An experimental teratogen. Human systemic effects by multiple and unspecified routes: toxic psychosis, excitement, respiratory stimulation, nausea or vomiting, and sweating. Experimental reproductive effects. Mutation data reported. A powerful irritant which affects the central nervous system. Incompatible with ferric salts, mineral acids, iodme, lead acetate, silver nitrate, sodium phosphate powder. When heated to decomposition it emits toxic fumes of Na2O.
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